Sir Eldric rode by field and fen To reach the haunts of heathen men. About the dusk he came unto A wood of birchen gray, And on the other side he knew The heathen country lay. "'Tis but a night," he sang, "to ride, And Christ shall reach the other side." The moon came peering through the trees, And found him undismayed; For still he sang his litanies, And as he rode he prayed. He looked as young and pure and glad As ever looked Sir Galahad. About the middle of the night He came upon the brink Of running waters clear and white, And lighted there to drink. And as he knelt a hidden foe Crept from behind and smote him so. He turned; he felt his heart's blood run; He sought his enemy: "And shall I leave my deeds undone, And die for such as thee?" 0137m |