9182 His hair was black, his eye was blue, His arm was stout, his word was true; I wish in my heart I was with you. Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun! * Shule, shule, shule agra! ** Only death can ease my woe, Since the lad of my heart from me did go, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun! 'Tis oft I sat on my true love's knee, Many a fond story he told to me, He told me things that ne'er shall be, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun. Shule, shule, shule agra! Only death can ease my woe, Since the lad of my heart from me did go, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun! * Farewell, my darling. ** Come, come, my love! I sold my rock, * I sold my reel; ** When my flax was spun, I sold my wheel, To buy my love a sword of steel, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun! Shule, shule, shule agra! Only death can ease my woe, Since the lad of my heart from me did go, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun. But when King James was forced to flee, The Wild Geesef spread their wings to sea, And bore mabouchal *** far from me, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun! Shule, shule, shule agra! Only death can ease my woe, Since the lad of my heart from me did go, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun! I saw them sail from Brandon Hill, Then down I sat and cried my fill, That every tear would turn a mill, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun! Shule, shule, shule agra! Only death can ease my woe, Since the lad of my heart from me did go, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun! * Two parts of Irish spinning wheel. ** Irish Jacobites who joined the French army when the cause of James II. was lost. *** My boy. I wish the King would return to reign, And bring my true love back again; I wish, and wish, but I wish in vain, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun! Shule, shule, shule agra! Only death can ease my woe, Since the lad of my heart from me did go, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun! Ill dye my petticoat, I'll dye it red, * And round the world I'll beg my bread, Till I find my love alive or dead, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun!, Shule, shule, shule agra! Only death can ease my woe, Since the lad of my heart from me did go, Go-thee-thu, mavourneen slaun! —-Anon. Adapted by A. P. Graves.