


A fair lady once, with her young lover walked,

Gillyflower, gentle rosemary;

Through a garden, and sweetly they laughed

and they talked,

While the dews fell over the mulberry tree.

She gave him a rose—while he sighed for a kiss,

Gillyflower, gentle rosemary;

Quoth he, as he took it, "I kiss thee in this,"

While the dews fall over the mulberry tree.

She gave him a lily less white than her breast,

Gillyflower, gentle rosemary;

Quoth he, "'Twill remind me of one I love best,"

While the dews fall over the mulberry tree.


She gave him a two faces under a hood,

Gillyflower, gentle rosemary;

"How blest you could make me," quoth he,

"if you would,"

While the dews fall over the mulberry tree.

She saw a forget-me-not flower in the grass,

Gillyflower, gentle rosemary;

Ah! why did the lady that little flower pass?

While the dews fell over the mulberry tree.

The young lover saw that she passed it, and


Gillyflower, gentle rosemary;

They say his heart broke, and he certainly died,

While the dews fell over the mulberry tree.

Now all you fair ladies, take warning by this,

Gillyflower, gentle rosemary;

And never refuse your young lovers a kiss,

While the dews fall over the mulberry tree.

——Ed. Kenealy.




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