As in the good ship Annabel We coasted off Corfu, A sudden storm upon us fell, And tore our timbers true And rent our sails in two. Our top-mast tumbled by the board, Our mizeh-mast as well; Through flapping canvas, scourging cord, Above like our death-bell— We hear the thunder knell. "Now cut away!" our Captain cries, "And like a cork she floats;" But axe in hand, with scowling eyes, Set teeth and cursing throats, The Lascars loose the boats. When Johnny Cox, who lay below, From off his fever-bed, Comes staggering up, a ghastly show As if from out the dead, And drives them back in dread. "What! quit your posts, ye cowards all? Here's ballast then for you!" With that he heaves a cannon-ball Full crash the cutler through, And saves the ship and crew. But he, our hero, ere the rocks We rounded, drooped and died; And we should lower you, Johnny Cox, Lamenting o'er the side— Into the moaning tide. ——A. P. Graves.