| FACING PAGE | Bird’s-eye View of Grounds and Buildings, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1892-93, | Frontispiece | Christopher Columbus, | 17 | Landing of Columbus, | 32 | Washington, | 49 | Residence of the President of the United States, 1798, | 64 | Abraham Lincoln, | 81 | World’s Fair, New York, 1853, | 96 | Main Building, International Centennial Exhibition, 1876, | 113 | Libby Prison, | 128 | Independence Hall, Philadelphia, | 145 | Chicago in 1856, | 160 | Chicago Street Life—Washington Street and Wabash Avenue, | 177 | U. S. Grant, | 192 | The Capitol, | 209 | Bear Pit (Lincoln Park), | 224 | The Auditorium Hotel, | 241 | Bird’s-eye View of the Proposed Buildings of the University of Chicago, | 256 | Tacoma Building, | 273 | Residence of Hon Potter Palmer, | 288 | Mines Building, | 305 | U. S. Man-of-War, | 320 | Agricultural Building, | 337 | Perspective View Looking South, Showing End of World’s Columbian Exposition, | 352 | Administration Building, | 369 | Electrical Building, | 384 | Gallery of Fine Arts, | 401 | Transportation Building, | 416 | Horticultural Hall, | 433 | Fisheries and Agricultural, | 448 | Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building, | 465 | Machinery Hall, | 480 | Woman’s Building, | 497 |