
The use of larger or small capitals for “P.M.” and “A.M.” varies and have been left intact. Several apparent errors were noted, but have been allowed to stand, and are included in this list. The spelling of ‘Pittsburgh’ frequently omits the final ‘h’. Both variants are retained. Variants in other place names are retained as well.

An apparent confusion on p. 279: “Fonda, N. Y., June 5.—The people of Johnstown, N. Y....” is retained. Fonda and Johnstown N.Y. were and are neighboring communities.

In lists of contributions, missing or incorrect punctuation has been rendered consistent.

The following corrections were made where the errors are clearly inadvertent. Several instances of possibly nonstandard spelling have been noted with ‘sic’, which have been retained.

Page Correction Explanation
viii [108/106] Corrected page for Chapter VIII.
13[7] Completed page for Chapter X.
17 Franks[]town Turnpike Missing hyphen at page break.
43 here and there[.] Each Added stop.
97 [‘]To the hills Added single quote.
101 as soon as [we] were in it Added ‘we’.
129 The Pitt[t]sburg lady Removed extra ‘t’.
135 so we [we] did not pay much Removed redundant ‘we’.
149 especially the [woman], fainted. sic
151 that were intrusted to us.[”] Closing quote added.
177 and Mary, nineteen years.” Added missing quote.
182 SITE OF THE HU[R]LBURT Elsewhere spelled Hurlburt.
204 the Hotel Hurlbu[r]t Elsewhere spelled Hurlburt.
224 train was on a sid[]ing Missing hyphen on line break.
225 to[-]day Missing hyphen added.
287 amounted to $687,872[,/.]68 Comma replaced with decimal.
294 Thomas Garner & Co[.] Period added.
297 Saugerties[,] N. Y., $850; Comma added.
301 dÉbris / debris Both the accented and unaccented spellings are retained, here and elsewhere.
306 nine hundred men [a]t work Added missing ‘a’.
317 was discovered w[h]ere anybody Added missing ‘h’.
319 there was ample water t[e/o] cover Corrected typo.
amount of water i[n/t] contained Corrected typo.
320 ninety million cubic feet[.] Added missing ‘.’.
321 Ho[u/a]ng-ho Changed to agree with other instances.
322 But the b[r]each grew Corrected typo.
327 A large rock was split assunder sic
328 and caused great dam[s/a]ge Corrected typo.
329 the Danube again o[u/v]erflowed Corrected typo.
its turbulent waters i[u/n]to Corrected typo.
332 At Whitehall, [N.G/N.Y.] Corrected typo.
one hundred and nin[e]ty feet Corrected typo.
358 Baltimore and Ohio Rail[a/r]oad Corrected typo.
377 turned in[]to them by people sic
407 Allegehenies sic
414 draughty as a seive sic
434 ever beat our time[.]” Added ‘.’.
458 [Caniesto/Canisteo] river Corrected typo.


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