s="pginternal">114; relations with “the spy, Harvey Birch,” otherwise Enoch Crosby, 115; instructions from Colonel Sackett, 115; engagement of Benajah Tubbs, 116; gives letter to Enoch Crosby, 132; services in border warfare, 134; road-building for forage parties, 135; captures Nickerson’s party, 138; in Westchester County, 142; gives “character” to a Tory, 144; arrests Elijah Taylor, 145; address to Council of Safety, 147; letter to Clinton about Col. John Holmes, 148; captures Holmes, 150; hated by the Tories, 156; prize offered for his capture, 157; feud with Dr. Prosser, 158; letter to Clinton, 159; humanity toward Tories, 162; embarrassed with depreciated currency, 166; William Ellery and Francis Dana at his house, 166; letter to Clinton about militia, 177; challenged to fight a duel, 179; retained on duty in Westchester County, 180; letter to Clinton with petition of deserters, 183; letters to Clinton on burdens of militia, 185, 186; abstract of pay-roll, 187; affidavit on accounts, 188; purchase of bounty lands, 189; end of military service, 190; deputy sheriff and justice of the peace, 191; text of commission as justice of the peace, 194; service in New York Legislature, 198; Federalist and friend of Hamilton, 199; petition for relief in case of missing certificates, 199; votes against independence of Vermont, 202; builder of improved road, 202; retires from colonelcy, 203; buys and sells land at Frederickstown, 206; interest in church and school, 208; personal traits, 208; death and burial, 208; simple epitaph, 209; Blake’s tribute, 209; text of his will, 209 Ludington, Henry, Jr., 45, 204 Ludington, Horace, M.D., 216 Ludington, James, 227 Ludington, Lewis, 45, 217, 218; his career, 224; death, 226 Ludington
; their hatred of Colonel Ludington, 156; his humanity toward them, 162; severe decree against them, 164 Tryon, William, last British governor of New York, 31; raids Danbury, 88; lands at Tarrytown, 103 Tubbs, Benajah, employed as a spy, 116 Van Bunschoten, Col. E., letter to Clinton, 180 Vaughan, General, burns Kingston, 106 Washington, George, has Colonel Ludington for aide at White Plains, 82; marches across New Jersey, 83; urges defense of Highlands, 92; gives warning of Howe’s designs, 94; guest at Colonel Ludington’s, 165; headquarters at Colonel Ludington’s, 169 Westchester County, N. Y., militia in, 76; Colonel Ludington’s services in, 96, 142 Wheaton, Jehoidah, affidavit of, 33 White Plains, Battle of, 76, 80; Colonel Ludington at, 81 Whiting, Col. Nathan, 26, 28 Williams, Daniel, letter to Clinton, 182 Williams, Col. Ephraim, 28 Worcester, Ludington memorial at, 3 Wyman’s Records of Charlestown and Malden, 14