- Abyssinian medal, 155
- Airey's Balaklava notes, 232-3
- American War, use of rifles in, 97
- Armour, 321
- Armour, decline of, 56
- Armour, drawbacks in collecting, 72
- Armour, effects of, on swords, 100
- Armour, forged, 72-3
- Armour, glossary of terms, 82-7
- Armour, periods in, 74
- Army List, 309
- Army Post Office Corps, 247, 248-51
- Autographs of noted soldiers, 235
- Autographs, the care of, 234
- Autographs, the price of, 236-9
- Autographs, the value of, 224
- Ashantis, King of, execution bowl, 311-12
- Assignats, 264
- Badges, 19-20
- Badges, mottoes on, 48-51
- Badges, mounting and preserving, 45
- Badges, special distinctions borne by, 46-7
- Balaklava notes, 232-3
- Baltic medal, 154
- Bargains advertised in newspapers, 21
- Bargains in armour, 71
- Battlefield souvenirs, 25, 301-4
- Battle honours, 45
- Battle of Boyne, medallion, 187
- Bayeux tapestry, 98
- Bayonet, 19
- Beeston siege money, 270
- Bengasi stamps, 256
- "Best-shot" medal, 175
- "Black Marias," 301
- Black Prince, statue of, 322
- Blenheim, medallion, 188
- BlÜcher, saddle used by, 307
- Blue uniforms, 65
- Bone objects made by prisoners, 290-3
- Books containing fine military prints, 201-3
- Book which saved soldier's life, 303
- Brass, oldest English, 215
- British Museum, 26, 185, 198, 322
- Bunbury, 203-4
- Burmah medal, 140
- Buttons, 19
- Camail armour, 80
- Camoys, Thomas and Elizabeth, brass to the memory of, 219
- Carlisle siege money, 268
- Cavalier's dress, 60
- Ceylon medal, 122
- Chain-mail period, 76
- Chain-mail reinforced, 76
- Cheynie, Humfrie, brass to the memory of, 219
- China medal, 140
- Chocolate box,
- Royal United Service Museum, 25, Transcriber's Notes:
1. Page numbers for blank pages have been removed. 2. Illustrations have been moved to end of paragraphs. |