- Abraham, 4, 17, 19, 24, 34.
- Abu Habba, 81.
- Abyssinia, 53.
- Adoption, 10.
- Akkad, 18.
- Akkadian language, 1.
- Alexander the Great, 20.
- Alfred’s laws, iii, n. 1.
- Amenophis, 9.
- Amhara, 53.
- Amnesty, 57.
- Amorite, 7, 8, 22, 36, 51, 53.
- Amraphel, 3, 17, 18.
- Amurru, 18.
- Anticipation of Code, 65.
- Appeal, 37.
- Arabs, 9.
- Arioch, 3, 19.
- Aristocrat, 32, 36.
- Armenstiftler, 9.
- Arrangement, xv.
- Artisan, 5.
- Ashurbanipal’s Library, 2, 65, 70.
- Assyriologist’s opinions, 20.
- Asylum, 35.
- Aztecs, 54.
- Babel und Bibel, 65.
- Babylon, 82, 86.
- Babylonia, 2, 62.
- Babylonian influence, 24.
- Bedawin, vi, 32.
- Berlin copy of Code, 2.
- Bogos Laws, 53.
- Book of the Covenant, 21, 25.
- Borsippa, 86.
- Boundary stones, 83.
- British Museum, 1, 2.
- BÜrgerliche Gesetzbuch, 14.
- BÜrgerliche Recht, 65.
- Burglary, 36.
- Canaan, 17, 22.
- Canaanite law, 22, 59.
- Cappadocia, 88.
- Chaldees, 4.
- Chedorlaomer, 19.
- Chronology, 17.
- Cities of refuge, 35.
- Class legislation, 18.
- Sippara, 81, 86.
- Slave, 10, 39, 40, 73.
- Social grades, 32.
- Solomon, 28, 29.
- State dues and liabilities, 5.
- State of society, 5.
- Status, 7.
- Structure of Code, 71.
- Sumer, 18.
- Sumerian influence, 69.
- Sumerian law, vii, 52, 56, 75, 76.
- Susa, iv, 1, 2.
- Syntax of Code, 69.
- Talmud, 15, 61.
- Tattoos, 12.
- Tavern, 60, 61.
- Tell el Amarna tablets, 9, 18, 22, 61, xi, xiii.
- Telloh, 76, 77, 78.
- Temple accounts, 76.
- Tenure, 5.
- Theft, 36.
- Theocratic Law, 47.
- The Priestly Code, 21.
- The will, 6.
- Tidal, 3, 19.
- Transcriptions and translations, 65.
- Translations only, 68.
- Trust, 38.
- Twelve Tables, 36, 53, 56, iii, x.
- Ur, 4, 53.
- Urkundenbuch, 67.
- Urukagina’s law, 76.
- Vestals, 60, 61, 72.
- Votary, 60, 61, 72.
- Vowed women, 6, 60, 61.
- Warka, 80.
- West Goths, 53.
- William the Conqueror, 32.
- Wineshops,