Food for the Mind: Or, A New Riddle-book |
PREFACE. A New RIDDLE BOOK. Illustrated Shilling Series OF Forgotten Children's Books.
FOOD for the MIND: OR, A NEW RIDDLE-BOOK. Compiled for the Use of The Great and the Little GOOD BOYS and GIRLS In England, Scotland, and Ireland. By John-the-Giant-Killer, Esq; Who Riddles tells, and merry Tale,
O'er nut-brown Cakes and Mugs of Ale.
Come riddle me riddle me riddle me Ree,
None are so blind as they that wont see.
Printed for the Booksellers of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America; and sold by T. Carnan and F. Newbery, Jun. at Number 65, St. Paul's Church Yard. 1778.
The Public are desired to observe, that F. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard and Ludgate Street, has not the least Concern in any of the late Mr. John Newbery's Entertaining Books for Children; and, to prevent having paltry Compilation obtruded on them instead of Mr. John Newbery's useful Publications, they are desired to be particularly careful to apply for them to T. Carnan and F. Newbery, Jun. (Successors to the late Mr. John Newbery) at Number 65, near the Bar in St. Paul's Church-Yard.