ref="@public@vhost@g@html@files@34279@34279-h@34279-h-2.htm.html#Page_33" class="pginternal">33, 94, 274
ic@vhost@g@html@files@34279@34279-h@34279-h-10.htm.html#Page_206" class="pginternal">206Dipterous LarvÆ, 135 Dipylidium, 175, 221 Dipylidium caninum, 4, 175-176 Dog flea, 172 Dracunculus, 257 Dracunculus medinensis, 182 Drosophila, 296 Dum-dum fever, 220 Dysentery, 154 Ear-flies, 110 Earwig, 177 Echidnophaga, 317 Echinorhynchus, 185 Elephantiasis, 178-179 Empoasca mali, 33 Empretia, 46 English Plague Commission, 171 Epeira diadema, 18 Epizootic, 170 Eristalis, 137, 295 Essential hosts, 4, 165 Eumusca, 307 European Relapsing Fever, 233 Euproctis chrysorrhoea, 48 Eusimulium, 286 Facultative parasites, 131 Fannia, 136, 138, 145, 300 Federal Health Service, 169 Fever, lenticular, 237 African Relapsing, 230, 234 Carrion's, 253 dum-dum, 154 European Relapsing, 233 pappatici, 96 red water, 220 Rocky Mt. Spotted, 226 three day, 96 Typhus, 237 Filaria, 178, 221 immitis, 182 Filariasis, 178 Flannel-moth larvÆ, 44 Fleas, 119, 166, 213 cat, 172 dog, 172 human, 172, 176 rodent, 123, 172 rat, 171 Flesope, 125 Formaldehyde, 91 Fomites, 199, 204 FulgoridÆ, 28 Fumigation, 32 Mena-vodi, 14 Mercurialis, 1 Merozoites, 190 Metamorphosis, 80 Miana bug, 63 Microgametoblast, 192 Midges, 107 Migratory ookinete, 192 Millipedes, 25, 257 Mites, 23, 58 Monieziella, 269 Mosquitoes, 33, 97, 178, 196, 250 treatment for bites of, 34, 36, 102 Musca, 137, 307 domestica, 139, 145, 146, 157, 162 MuscidÆ, 117 Muscina, 137, 146, 307 stabulans, Stomoxys, 137, 305 calcitrans, 117, 146, 160, 161, 165, 242 Straw-worm, 69 Stygeromyia, 305 Sucking stomach, 35 Sulphur ointment, 77 Surra, 165 Symbiosis, 57 Symphoromyia, 112, 295 TabanidÆ, 110 Tabanus, 110, 166, 294 striatus, 165 Taenia, 175 Tapeworm, 4, 176 Tarantella, 8 Tarantism, 8 Tarantula, 10 TarsonemidÆ, 69 Tarsonemus, 267 Tenebrionid beetles, 127 Tersesthes, 110, 288 Tetanus, 129 Tetranychus, 273 Texas fever, 220-223 Three-day fever, 96 Tick, 23, 226 bites, Treatment of, 68 fever, 230 paralysis, 67 Treatment, Bee stings, 36, 41 Bites of, Bed-bugs, 90, 93 Blackflies, 107 Buffalo flies, 107 Bugs, 31, 33 Centipedes, 26, 27 Chiggers, 127 Chigoes, 127 Fleas, 127 Harvest mites, 61 Jiggers, 129 Lice, 83, 85 Mosquitoes, 34, 36, 102 Phlebotomus flies, 97 Sand flies, 96, 107, 109 Scorpions, 22, 23 Spiders, 19 Ticks, 61, 68, 72 Ticks, The following discrepancies in the text are as in the original:
toxine, insiduous, efficaceous, cyanid are spelt as in the original In the first paragraph of chapter XII, "the student might not be lead" is as in the original. Lead perhaps should be led There is no Figure 147 in the original In the bibliography, the entry for Vaughan without a text specified is as in the original |