Public Domain. Encoding Revision History - 06-AUG-2004 Added TEI tagging and header.
- 2013-02-02 Updating for ePub generation.
Corrections The following corrections have been applied to the text: Page | Source | Correction | | Eighth | Eight | | Enhlish | English | | woords, | words | | not like | no equivalent | | resambling | resembling | | alway | always | | o | a | | elderst | eldest | | An | Ang | | clasification | classification | | Root | The root | | [Not in source] | . | | commandmen | commandment | | younh | young | | Nive | Nine | | bisaya | Bisaya | | spanish | the Spanish | | Setember | September | | It is used | [Deleted] | | quitÁ | QuitÁ | | [Not in source] | is used | | cristians | Christians | | [Not in source] | nga mga macasasala | | exprosed | exposed | | Who has | Where is | | frecuency | frequency | | ang | and | | Worshiful | Worshipful | | helgs | helps | | [Not in source] | Exercise | | accesory | accessory | | speach | speech | | elegantily | elegantly | | wovel | vowel | | bak | back | | weaks | weakens | | difficultest | most difficult | | subtantive | substantive | | pasive | passive | | fulfiled | fulfilled | | auxiliares | auxiliaries | | succeder | succeeder | | inocency | innocence | | tings | things | | kill | kills | | sheeps | sheep | | usualest | most usual | | awails | avails | | learnes | learners | | pacient | patient | | excercises | exercises | | addresing | addressing | | to | [Deleted] | | latin | Latin | | language | [Deleted] | | confort | comfort | | neigbour | neighbour | | refered | referred | | spended | spent | | extress | express | | yo | you | | necesary | necessary | | [Not in source] | it | | potencial | potential | | bellfry | belfry | | decived of | deceived by | | scolar | scholar | | decives | deceive | | approching | approaching | | neigbours | neighbours | | read | red | | Bacause | Because | | aquaintance | acquaintance | | by a vowell | with a vowel | | by | with | | reedemed | redeemed | | latters | latter | | desterously | dexterously | | wether | weather | | aquainted | acquainted | | sprins | jumps | | not | no | | the | [Deleted] | | grece | grace | | asistance | assistance | | cousing | cousin | | beheve | behave | | peaple | people | | is | has | | owerwhelms | overwhelms | | Charle | Charles | | jewell | jewel | | [Not in source] | mo | | : | , | | Tabla | Table | | Pariarch | Patriarch | | coment | comet | | Sutry | Sultry | | Christmass | Christmas | | brother-inlaw | brother-in-law | | aple | apple | | cheeck | cheek | | smal-pox | small-pox | | suspition | suspicion | | brazalet | bracelet | | par | part | | sentipede | centipede | | mush-rooms | mushroom | | rubder | rudder | | Paciencie | Patience | | crimen | crime | | Molicious | Malicious | | decietful | deceitful | | clear | clean | | Simpathetic | Sympathetic | | Corteous | Courteous | | traslate | translate | | proclain | proclaim | | cuestion | question | | hunger | hungry | | hav | have | | knoledge | knowledge | | disemble | dissemble | | acount | account | | postrate | prostrate | | Demostrative | Demonstrative | | Possesive | Possessive | | Sentenses | Sentences | | Tuentieth | Twentieth | |