Aht Indians, The, 19
—— The various tribes of, 23
A-y-chart, Journey to, 193
—— Natives, conflict with, 194
Bear, Capture of the, 164
—— Management of the, 163
Boston, Arrival at, 244
—— Reception at, by friends, 245
Boston, The—
Burning of, 83
Capture of, 32, 64
List of crew of, 247
Murder of crew of, 68
Canoes, Description of, 124
Cayuquets, The, 136
China, Arrival at, 244
Celebration, A religious, 205
Climate, 221
Cook and Vancouver, 38
Cooptee, Town of, 145, 168
Death, Indian customs observed at, 173
Feast, An Indian, 80
Fruit, Various kinds of, 162
Geese, Mode of capture of, 208
Herring, Mode of capture of, 171
Hull, Leave-taking at, 51
Klaizzarts, The, 132
Kla-oo-quates, The, 134
Kletsup Root, Description of, 167
Ife-waw, Method of securing, 116
Birth of, 43
Domestic management, 204
Early life of, 44
Illness of, 212
Marriage of, 201
Parentage of, 43
Proposal to release, 232
Proposal to murder, 214
Reception of, by savages, 70
Received by Captain Hill, 235
Sufferings from cold, 211
Suspicions of, by Maquina, 228
Termination of captivity, 234
Journal, Jewitt's, Commencement of, 89
King, Privileges of the, 215
Language, Commencement to learn, 93
Lydia, The, Arrival of, 224
——Departure of, 241
——Letter to captain of, 227
Manchester, The, 154
Maquina—, 59, 188
Capture and Imprisonment of, 229
Council concerning, 236
Release of, 238
Visit of, to the Lydia, 243
Mooachats, The, 38
Moon, Eclipse of the, in 1805, 208
Newchemass, The, 136
Native, Indecent burial of a, 212
Natives, Intercourse with, 58
Nettinahts, The, 21
Nootka Sound, 28, 95
—— —— Return to, 72
—— —— Voyage to, 53
Nootkians, The—
Complexion and physique, 113
Diseases of, 220
Dress of, 105
Filthiness of, 187
Food of, 110
General conduct of, 225
Houses of, 97
Mode of living of, 108
Musical instruments of, 129
Ornaments and decorations of, 115, 117
Personal appearance of, 112
Religion of, 216
Slaves of, 130
Sports of, 120
Superstitions of, 217
War-song of, 248
Nootkian language, List of words, 249
Porpoises, Sea, Capture of, 56
Quahootze, The celebration of, 165
Salmon, Method of capture of the, 121, 148
Salter, Captain John, 48, 55
Savages, Treatment of, by English Commanders, 156, 161
Savagedom in Western Vancouver, 16
Sea-otter, Description of the, 120
Sundays at Nootka, 142
Tashees, 147
Escape by stratagem of, 74
Escape from death of, 90
Reception of, by crew of the Lydia, 232
Description of, 174
Death of, 181
Funeral of, 182
Singular Derangement of, 176
Toowinnakinnish, 235, 240
Trade, Articles of, 137
Tribes, Arrival of neighbouring, 77
Twins, Custom at birth of, 218
Ulatilla, 198
Upquesta, Town of, 168
—— Reception at, 169
War, Preparations for, with the A-y-charts, 192
Whale, Method of capture of, 122, 178
Whale-oil, Method of procuring, 179
Whaling, Observances preparatory to, 180
Wickinninish Native, Insult of, 191
Wife, Departure of Jewitt's, 213
Wooden-lips, The, 241
Yama fruit, Species of, 161
Yealthlower, Cruelty of, 207