Accawmack, 19
Allen, Arthur, 24;
John, 30
Allerton, Mr., 70
America, 20
Anne and Mary, 41
Apooke (tobacco), 5
Appomattox River, 19
Archer's Hope, 22
Armor, 16, 64
Arms, 16, 33, 38, 55, 64;
see also Firearms
Artisans, 29, 30, 50, 51
Assembly 1619, 61
Atkins, John, 55
Aubrey, Richard, 68
Back River, 19;
Northwest Branch of, 19
Bacon, Nathaniel, 65, 69, 74
"Bacon's Castle," 24
Bacon's Rebellion, 24, 35, 46, 60, 69, 70, 75
Bandoleers, 17, 64
Barker, William, 20
Bates, John, 28
Bathing facilities, 55
Bayly, Mary, 48
Beds and bedding, 27, 33, 37, 40, 53, 54
Beheathland, Dorothy, 9;
Mary, 9;
Robert, 9, 67
see also "E D Plantation"
Bennett, Edward, 48;
Richard, 23, 82
Berkeley, Governor Sir William, 11, 23, 35, 46, 58, 60, 69
Berkeley Hundred, 11;
settlement of, 12-14
Bermuda Islands, 4, 6, 30
Bernard, Mistress Beheathland, 67;
Mrs. Mary, 67;
Captain Thomas, 22
Biggs, Richard, 8
Blakeney, Norfolk, England, 31
Bland, Giles, 46;
John, 46;
Mrs. Sarah, 45, 46;
Theodorick, 46, 82
Blaney's, Mr., 16
Blessing, 6
Blount, Humphrey, 26
Blount Point, 23
Boats: barks, shallops, skiffs, sloops, 17, 36, 59, 79
"Bolthrope," 42, 81
Boyse, Alice, 61
Bradshaw, John, 76
Branch, Benjamin, 24
Bray, Arthur of London, 43
"Bremo," 77, 78
Brew houses, 73
Brick, earliest mention of, 7, 21
Bridger, Elizabeth, 41;
Hester (Pitt), 35, 45;
Colonel Joseph, 34-41, 45, 55, 60, 68, 73;
Joseph Jr., 35;
Martha, 41;
Mary, 41
British Public Record Office, 15
Brocas, Captain, 23
Bruton Parish Church, 78, 82
Buck, Rev. Richard, 4, 20, 49
"Buckland," 59
Bullock, James, 71
Burden, Mary, 43
Burras, Ann, 1
Burwell, Lewis, 82
Bush, John, 16, 21
Butler, Mrs. Amory, 52, 53, 67;
see also Underwood, Elizabeth
Byrd, William I, 34, 36
Cahan, John, 36
Calthrope, Anne, 32;
Christopher, 19, 31-34, 57;
Elinor, 32;
James, 33
Candia, 18
Carter, Giles, 77
Carter family, 79
Cary, Major Miles I, 82
Cattle, trade jewels for, 66
Cavaliers, 58
Chamberlaine, Major Thomas, 24
Champion, John, 37
Charles I, King, 2, 17, 58, 62
Charles II, King, 63
Charles City:
Corporation, 8, 10, 16;
County, 34, 45, 47, 59, 79
Charles River Parish, 31, 43
Charlton, Stephen, 58
Chesapeake Bay, 15, 18, 19, 31
Chew, John, 20, 42
Chicheley, Sir Henry, 58
Chickahominy Indians, 26
Chickahominy River, 21
Chiskiacke Indians, 26
Chisman, Edward, 16;
Lieutenant John, 16
Chisman's Creek, 32
Christ Church (Yorktown), 81
Christmas 1608, 68, 69
Chuckatuck, 28, 29
Chuckatuck Creek, 19
Claiborne, William, 20
Cocke, Richard, 76, 78;
Thomas, 29, 60;
Thomas Jr., 77
Cockerham, William, 45
Cole, Colonel William II, 23, 81
College projected, 7
Collins, John, 8;
Susan, 8
Colonization, reasons for, 1
Commonwealth (England), 62, 66
Constable, Mrs. Rachel, 42
Coopey, Anthony, 14;
Elizabeth, 14;
Joane, 14
Copeland, Joseph, 29
Corbin, Mr., 70
Costumes, 61-65
Crete, oil from, 18
Crewes, James, 65
Criollo, 25
Croshaw, Major Joseph, 44, 64
Crowder's, Mr., 16
Culpeper, Frances, 42
"Curowoak," 36
Cutlery, 53
Dade, Captain Francis, 34
Dale, Sir Thomas, 7
Davis, Captain James, 8;
Rachel, 8;
Thomas, 8
Davison, Christopher, 55
De La Warr, Lord, 6, 13, 54
De Vries, Peter, 22, 57
Deliverance, 6
"Denbigh," 14, 23, 28, 58
Digges, Edward, 82;
Mrs. Elizabeth, 50, 53, 55, 60, 67, 75
Divorce, 46
Dods, William, 50
Draper, Mrs. Elizabeth, 66
Drinking Habits, 72-76
Ducking stool, 47
Dunthorne, Thomas, 4, 20
Dutch foray, 82
Dutch Gap canal, 7
Dutch traders, 15
Eastern Shore, 12, 15, 19, 29, 43
"E D Plantation," 75, 82
Edwards, John, 49;
Margaret, 49
Elizabeth City:
Church, 18;
Corporation, 3, 8, 10, 15, 16, 26, 31;
County, 32
English, Richard, 48
Epes, Mrs. Elizabeth (Worsham), 79;
Francis, 79
Essex County, 68
Evans, Peter, 77
Fairfax, William, 20
"Fairfield," Gloucester County, 82
Falcon, 4
Farrar, William, 4, 44, 45
Farrar's Island, 7
Fashions, 61-65
Felgate, Philip, 63
Felgate's Creek, 30
Festivities, 68-72
Finch, Frances, 14;
William, 14
Firearms, 69, 79;
see also Arms
Fisher, John, 29, 73;
Philip, 29;
Thomas, 29
Fishing, 71
Fitzhugh, Sarah, 67;
William, 60, 64, 67
Fleete, Mrs. Sarah, 43
Flint, Mary, 8;
Captain Thomas, 8
Flinton, Pharoah, 16
Flood, Captain John, 14
Flowerdieu, Temperance, 4
Flowerdew Hundred, 22
Food, preparation of, 55, 56
Forest, Mrs. Lucy, 1, 3;
Thomas, 1
Forest Primeval, 10
Jones, Morgan, 29
Joones, Elizabeth, 4
Jordan, Mrs. Alice, 81
Jordan, Sisley (Ciceley), 4, 44;
George, 81;
Samuel, 44
Kecoughtan, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 25, 68, 77
Kemp, Richard, 21
Key, Martha, 8;
Thomas, 8
"Kingsland," 25
Kingsmill, Richard, 22
Kitchens, 55, 56
Kneaton, Augustine, 30
Land, private ownership of, 8
Lane, Thomas, 36, 37
Langley Air Force Base, 19
Laundering, 56, 57
Laydon, John, 3
Lear, Elizabeth (Bridger), 41;
Thomas, 41
Lee, Mr., 70
Lighting facilities, 51, 52
Ligon, Richard, 60, 71
"Littletown," 23, 57
Llewellyn, Daniel, 34, 45, 65
Lockey, Edward, 44
London, 11, 18, 22, 37, 43, 45, 55, 64, 66
London Merchant, 10
Louis XIV, 63
Louisiana, 25
Lower Norfolk County, 21, 35, 47, 52, 55, 63-65, 76, 82
Lukin arms, 82
Lunsford, Sir Thomas, 58
Lupo, Lieutenant Albiano, 8;
Elizabeth, 8
Lynnhaven, 21, 47, 66, 81;
Bay, 81;
Church, 81
Magazine Ships, 14, 15
Maids for wives, 10, 11
Malt-mill, 38, 73
"Malvern Hill," 29, 71
"Marie's Mount," 22
Mariners Museum, 31
Marmaduke, 11
Marriage, contracts in, 42, 43;
first, 3
Martiau, Nicholas, 50, 81
Martin, Andrew, 71
Martin's Hundred, 11, 16
Maryland, 35
Massacre 1622, 7, 13
Matches, slow, 16, 64
Materials, 33, 38, 39
Mathews, Captain Samuel, 14, 16, 23, 48, 58
Menefie, George, 9, 19, 20, 22, 57
Middle Plantation, 69;
see also Williamsburg
Mihill, Edward, 43;
Mrs. Elizabeth, 43
Mint julep, 75, 76
ModÉ, Josias, 72
Monmouth caps, 9, 12, 64
Morris, Samuel, 71
Moryson, Major Francis, 58
Moseley, Arthur, 65;
Mrs. Susan, 65, 66;
William, 65
Mulberry Island, 22, 23
Musical Instruments, 72
Muster 1625, 15
Nansemond County, 28, 29, 35, 41;
see also Upper Norfolk County
Nansemond River, 19, 22, 23
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 19
Negroes, 19, 26, 37, 50
New Poquoson:
area, 26;
parish, 31, 33, 43
New Poquoson River, 31
New Town, 20
Newport News, 11, 16, 19, 22, 57, 58
Nickolson, Robert, 64, 67
Ninepins, 76, 77
Norfolk, 20, 25
North Carolina, 32
Northampton County, 49
Northern Neck, 70
Northumberland County, 30
Nottoway region, 32
Norwood, Colonel Henry, 58
Offley, Sarah, 65
"Okenneck," 29
Old, Susan, 8
Old Brick Church (St. Luke's), 34
Old Christmas, 68
Old Point, 5
Orchards, 22, 23
Orient, importations from, 40
Pace, Izabella, 9;
Richard, 9
Page, Alice (Lukin), 82;
Frances, 13;
Francis, 78;
Colonel John, 78
Palisades, 16
Palmer, Thomas, 47
Pamunkey (York) River, 68
Particular Plantations, 11, 12;
Supplies for, 12, 13
Patience, 4, 6
Pease Hill Creek Mill, 28
Peirce, Joane, 6;
Mrs. Joane, 6, 22;
Captain William, 6, 22
Peirsey, Abraham, 14, 20, 23, 66, 77;
Elizabeth, 66;
Mary, 66
Peirsey's Hundred, 16
Perry, Henry, 59;
Micajah, 36, 37;
William, 9
Perry and Lane, 55
Peru, 1
Pettigrew, Andrew, 30
"Pickthorn Farm," 29
Pitt, Colonel Thomas, 37, 67
Plantagenet, Beauchamp, 58
Plantation Life:
Calthrope, 31-34;
Bridger, 34-41
Planters, independence of, 27-30
Pleasants, John, 37
Pocahontas, 22
Pollentine, Mrs. Rachel, 21
Pooley, Rev. Greville, 44, 45
Population 1625, 15
Poquoson, 28;
see also New Poquoson
Poquoson River, 31;
New, 19;
Old, 19
Pott, Doctor John, 20, 48
Pottery kiln, 29
Povey, Thomas, 46
Powell, Colonel, 40;
Captain Nathaniel, 13
Powhatan, 68
Purefoy, Lieutenant Thomas, 31
Ragg, Thomas, 32
Church, 71;
County, 46;
River, 58
Rathbone, Richard, 77
Raymer, Adam, 14
Read, Elizabeth (Martiau), 81;
George, 81
Recreation, 68-72
Reynolds, Christopher, 48
Richmond County, 77
Roanoke Island, 1
Robins, Mary, 43
Rolfe, John, 22;
Thomas, 22
Rolfe House, 21
Rookings, William, 24
Rowles, Jane, 14;
Richard, 14
Royalists, 2, 34, 58
Royall, Joseph, 61
St. Luke's Church, 34
Salford, Joane, 8;
Robert, 8;
Sarah, 8
Sandys, Sir Edwin, 10;
George, 16, 17, 57
Savage, John, 43
Scales, 18, 55
Seaventure, 4, 6, 30
Servants, 18, 19, 47-51, 80
Sharpe, Robert, 77
Sheild, Robert, 43
Sheppard, Mrs. Elizabeth, 43, 45
"Shirley," 79
Silk culture, 17
Skimeno, 28
Slader, Mr. Mathew, 71
Slaughter, Elizabeth, 46;
Francis, 46
Smalcomb, John, 79
Smith, Arthur, 45;
Arthur I, 67, 77;
Major John, 34;
John of Nibley, 12;
Captain Roger, 16;
Thomas, 67
Smith's Fort Plantation, 21
Smith's (Southampton) Hundred, 11
Smyth, Richard, 76
Snoden, Ann, 50
Somers, Sir George, 6, 73
Southampton Hundred, 11
Southey, Thomas, Mrs. Sarah, 66, 81;
see also Offley
County, 28, 30, 32, 33, 42, 44, 47, 50, 71, 72, 74, 75, 79, 80;
River, 31, 69;
see also Pamunkey River
Yorktown, 81
Young, Richard, 23
The following changes have been made to the text:
Page 27: "racoon" changed to "raccoon".
Page 41: "no title whatsover" changed to "no title whatsoever".
Page 45: "Nothwithstanding the limitations" changed to "Notwithstanding the limitations".
Page 50: "usually a barrell" changed to "usually a barrel".
Page 52 (in this version of the text): In caption "archeological" changed to "archaeological".
Page 73: "made from molassas" changed to "made from molasses".
Page 75: "poultice, soothed inflamation" changed to "poultice, soothed inflammation".
Page 81: "Bolthorpe" changed to "Bolthrope".
Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed.