Abdul Kerim, Queen Victoria’s Munshi, 194-195, 213
Abingdon, Earl of, 35
Abu Simbal, 360, 361
Adderley, Sir Charles, and Hon. Lady, nÉe Leigh, 21
Adderley Cousins at Hams Hall, 21, 64
Adyar, Theosophist Headquarters, 167, 168
Aga Khan, H.H., the, 152-154
Akbar, his Tomb, 193;
why he built Futtehpore-Sekree, 194
Albert Edward, H.R.H. Prince of Wales (Edward VII), gives cigar to Mr. Dibbs, 251, 252
Alcester, Admiral Lord, 115
Alexandra, H.R.H., Princess of Wales (afterwards Queen), gown woven for, 23;
fÊte given for her marriage at Mentone, 25, 26;
Prince William at her wedding, 26;
at Marlborough House, 36, 366
Alexandra, Princess, of Greece, 209-210
Ali Beg, 159
Ampthill, Dowager Lady, 111
Ancram, Earl of, A.D.C., accidentally killed, 285
Andrew, Prince, of Greece, 130
Antwerp, 60
Apia, capital of Samoa, 291
Arcadia, s.s., 145, 247
Ardagh, Col. Sir John, 182
Ardgowan, 16
Argyll, 8th Duke of, 80, 81
Armand BÉhic, Messageries s.s., 277
Arnold, Sir Edwin, 88, 89
Arran, Isle of, 35, 36
Ashley, Hon. Lionel, 125, 126, 127
Assiout and its Mudir, 216-217
Assouan, 214, 358, 359, 363
Athens, 127
Auckland, 275
Augusta, Empress, 100-101
Australia, voyage to, 247, 248
Avon, River, at Stoneleigh, 17
Avon, River, at Christchurch, N.Z., 273
Baker, Sir Samuel and Lady, 148, 149
Baker, Shirley, Wesleyan Missionary, 287, 288
BakmÉteff, Russian diplomat, 132, 135, 137, 138, 140
Bathurst, William, 5th Earl, 78, 79
Bazaine, Marshal, his escape from Ste. Marguerite, 96
Beaconsfield, Lord, 71, 79
Beckford, William, of Fonthill Abbey, 58, 59
Bedford, Hastings, Duke of, 109
Benadadda, Scotch giant, 48, 49
Benson, Mr. E. F. and Miss, Excavations in Egypt, 358
Beresford, Lord William, 182
Berlin, visit to, 100-110
Bernhardt, Sarah, 95
Bernstorff, Madame, her ghost story, 122, 123
Bhownuggar, Maharajah of, his aims and difficulties, 198, 199
Biarritz, 95
Bilgrami, Syed Hossain, C.S.I., 158
Bismarck, Prince, 105-110
Bismarck, Princess, 105
Bismarck, Count Herbert, 105
Blyth, Dr., Anglican Bishop at Jerusalem, 220
Bombay, 150
Bourke, Rev. Cecil, 76
Brahmo-Somaj, 182-184
Brandling, Mr. Charles, 69
Brisbane, 324
Brough (Irish Guide), 41-42
Brougham, 1st Lord, Lord Chancellor, 24
Broughton Castle, 76
Browne, Thomas (Rolf Boldrewood), 252
Browning, Robert, 76
Buckingham, Duchess of, 254
Buller, Mr. Charles, 145
Buller, F.M. Sir Redvers, 374
Burley-on-the-Hill, 79
Bute, Dowager Marchioness of, nÉe Howard, 57
Cairns, 1st Earl, Lord Chancellor, his ghost story, 122
Cairo, 357
Calcutta, 182-184
Campbell, Lady Agnes: see Frank
Campbell, Sir Archibald, 27
Campbell, Sir Colin, 188, 189
Canadian Pacific Railway, 347-348
Cannes, 24, 68, 372
Canton, Viceroy of, 333, 334
Carnegie, Ladies Helena and Dora, 276
Carpenter, Miss, philanthropist, 186, 187
Caulcot Infant School, 66, 67
Caversfield, The Angelic Choir, 75
Cazenove, Canon, 231
Cecil, Lady Gwendolen, 114
Cecil, Lord Robert, 142
Cedercrantz, Swedish Chief Justice in Samoa, 292
Cephalonia and its brigands, 139, 140
Ceylon, 247
Chamberlain, Miss Beatrice, 144
Chamberlain, Mrs., nÉe Endicott, 144, 372
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, first acquaintance with, 140;
his political creed, 143, 372;
at Osterley, 143, 144, 371;
in Egypt, 214, 215;
letter concerning Victoria League, 352, 383
Chandar Ras Behadur Khanha, 165
Chicago, 348-354
Cholmondeley, Captain Harry, A.D.C., 242, 249
Cholmondeley, Rev. Lionel, 345
Cholmondeley, Hon. Mrs., nÉe Leigh, 21
Christchurch, N.Z., 272
Christian, H.R.H., Princess, 39
Christmas at Stoneleigh Abbey, 20, 21
Chunder Sen Babu, 183
Clarence, H.R.H., Duke of, 242;
death of, 268
Clarke, Mr. Frederick, 216, 217
Clarke, Mr. Rochfort and pictures, 73, 74
Cleveland, Caroline, Duchess of, 82
Clinton, Lord Edward, 212
Colombo, 247
Columbus, Christopher, how he discovered America, 348, 349
Connaught, T.R.H. Duke and Duchess, 151, 152
Connemara, Lord, 145, 162, 166, 167, 180
Consort, H.R.H. Prince, 11, 12, 13
Constantine, Duke of Sparta (“Tino”), 209
Constantine, Grand Duke (Romanoff), 6
Constantinople, 232, 233
Cook, Sir Edward, 382
Cook, Sir Francis, collection at Richmond, 238
Crawford, Emily, Countess of, 238
Crimean War, 4
Cromer, Earl and Countess of, 357
Crystal Palace, 2, 3
Curzon, Hon. George, afterwards Marquis, 127
Cusack-Smith, Mr. (afterwards Sir Thomas) and Mrs., 296
Custarde, Miss, Governess, 6-8
Damascus, 226-230
Darley, Sir Frederick, Chief Justice, N.S.W., and Lady, 251-253
Dartrey, Countess of, 64
Dashwood, Sir George, 72
Dashwood, Sir Henry and Lady, 72
Davis, Jefferson, ex-President, 36
de Bunsen, Sir Maurice, 336
Deichmann, Baron and Baroness, 107, 108
De La Warr, Earl and Countess of, 117-119
Derby, Edward, 15th Earl of, at the Spithead Naval Review, 115, 117-119;
letters from, 245-247, 257-264;
poem composed in sleep, 264-265;
death of, 264
Derby, Mary, Countess of, 119, 120
de Ros, Lord, 80
Des Voeux, Sir William, 118-119
Devereux, General and Hon. Mrs., 72
Devonshire, Duchess of, 182
Dewar, Mr. and Mrs., 77
Dibbs, Sir George, First Australian-born Premier, 251, 252
Dickson, Mr., Consul, at Damascus, 227, 228
Dieppe, 5
Dragoumis, Greek Foreign Minister, 132, 133
Draper, Rev. W. H. and Mrs., 76, 77
Drayton, Miss, O.B.E., 381
Duff, Sir Robert, 324
Dufferin, Marquis of, Viceroy, 171
Dunedin, N.Z., 268, 269
Dunlop-Smith, Sir James, 382
Dynevor, Lord (Hon. W. Rice), 374
East, Sir James, 35
Eaton Hall, 33
Edgcumbe, Col. Hon. Charles, 127
Edgehill, “The Sunrising,”, 56
Edinburgh, H.R.H. Duke of, 289;
at Melbourne, 247
Edward, Prince of Wales, his first public appearance, 372, 373
Elephanta, Caves of, 150
Ellenborough, Lady, her romantic life, 227, 228
Endicott, Miss: see Chamberlain
Epidaurus Amphitheatre, 133
Esterhazy, Prince Louis, 143
Esterhazy, Prince Nicholas, 78
EugÉnie, Empress, 245
Eulalia, Infanta, 350-354
Eulenberg, Count, 101
Faudel-Phillips, Sir George, Lord Mayor at Temple Bar, 373
Fawcett, Mr., Judge at Tanjore, 170
Fearn, Clarice, 208
Fearn, Mr., American diplomat, 208
Ferdinand of Bulgaria, 236
Ferris, Captain, British Agent at Bhownuggar, 199
Fiji, High Commissioner, 288
Fin, McCoul (Fingal), Irish Giant, 48
Fonthill Abbey, 57, 58, 64
Frank, Dr., 28
Frank, Lady Agnes, 27, 28, 70
Frederick, Crown Prince, afterwards Emperor, 102, 103, 110
Frederick, Crown Princess, afterwards Empress, 102, 103, 104
Free Kirk Settlers in New Zealand, 269
Freeman, family butler, 141, 142
Frere, Miss Georgina, 381
Froude, J. A., 81;
epigram on him and Kingsley, 82
Futtehpore-Sekree, 193
Gailey, Mrs., nurse at Stoneleigh, 9, 10
Galloway, Mary, Countess of, first acquaintance with, 79, 82;
letter from, 87;
with her in Italy, 99;
in Berlin, 100-109;
at the Naval Review, 115-119;
in Greece, 127-140;
meeting at Cairo and return to Greece, 207;
journey with her through Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Constantinople and Vienna, to Scotland, 14, 15;
to France and Italy, 23-29, 36;
to Ireland, 40-50;
with Rev. J. and Mrs. Leigh to Holland and Belgium, 60;
marriage, 61-64;
country neighbours, 72-77;
other friends, 81-93;
after marriage, travels in France, 68, 95, 96;
in Italy, 94, 96, 97, 356, 375;
in Switzerland, 94;
in Germany, 100-109;
at the Naval Review, 116-119;
travels in India, 146-205, 376-379;
at Windsor, 212, 213;
travels in Greece, 127-140, 208-211;
in Egypt, 206-7, 214-218, 356-364;
Palestine, 219-225;
Syria, 225-230;
Constantinople, 232-235;
in Australia, 249-257, 267, 268;
visits New Zealand, 268-276, 319-323;
New Caledonia, 276-284;
Tonga, 287-291;
Samoa, 291-318;
President Victoria League, 381
Jersey, Sarah, Countess of, nÉe Fane, 65-67, 78
Jeypore, City of Victory, 196
Johnston, Mr. and Mrs., and the Heart of Montrose, 172-175
Jung, Sir Salar, and his sisters, 159-161
Jusserand, Monsieur, 366-367
Karnak, 358
Katoomba, 253
Kemble, Mrs. Fanny, 53, 62
Killarney Lakes, 43-45
Kingsley, Charles: see Froude, J. A.
Kintore, Earl, 248
Kipling, Rudyard, “rising celebrity,” 262;
quoted, 19, 276, 347;
his “Recessional,” 356
Kitchener, Earl, in Egypt, 207, 214, 358;
visits to Osterley, 214, 365-367, 368;
letters from, 362, 363, 364-365, 366;
at Delhi, 367-368
Knowles, Sir James and Nineteenth Century, 124, 125
Kobe, 335
Kotab Minar, the, 191
Kowloon, 330
Krishna, Brahmin worship of, his birthplace, 195
Kuch Behar, Maharajah of, 183, 184
Lachman Das, Seth, 195-196
Laffon, Monsieur, Governor of New Caledonia, 279, 281
Lahore, 378, 379
Lansdowne, Marquis and Marchioness of, 182
Lathom, Earl and Countess of, 113, 144
Laurium Mines, 135, 136
Lecky, Mr. and Mrs., 119
Leigh, Hon. Agnes, 4, 12, 13, 14, 34, 40
Leigh, Hon. Augusta, 17
Leigh, Caroline, Lady, nÉe Grosvenor, 2;
devotion of children, 8, 9;
advice on daughter’s marriage, 64;
letters of daughter to, 209, 210, 133-134, 336-339;
poems by, 15, 16, 98, 99, 111-113;
at Child’s Bank, 373
Leigh, Chandos, 1st Lord, 2
Leigh, Hon. Sir Chandos, K.C., 22, 52, 53
Leigh, Hon. Lady Chandos, nÉe Rigby, 52, 53
Leigh, Hon. Mary Cordelia, 30, 40, 62, 127
Leigh, Hon. Dudley, afterwards 3rd Lord Leigh, 12, 13, 14, 40, 63, 145, 244
Leigh, Hon. Mrs. Dudley, nÉe Beckwith, 244, 245
Leigh, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard, 146, 147
Leigh, Hon. Gilbert, M.P., 4, 12, 13, 14, 54;
death of, 97-99
Leigh, Hon. Mrs. James, nÉe Butler, 53, 54, 60, 62;
letter from, 64
Leigh, Margarette, Lady, nÉe Willes, 16, 78
Leigh, Hon. Rowland, 40, 375
Leigh, Hon. Mrs. Rowland, nÉe Gordon, 349, 375
Leigh, Major Hon. Rupert, 12, 40;
A.D.C., 242;
accompanies Lady Jersey on s.s. LÜbeck, 287;
in Tonga, 288, 289;
in Samoa, 298;
writes in An Object of Pity, 315;
joins Staff of Sir Robert Duff, 324;
marriage, 383
Leigh, Hon. Mrs. Rupert, nÉe Dudley Smith, 383
Leigh, Hon. and Rev. J. W. (Dean of Hereford), 20, 21, 53
Leigh, William Henry, 2nd Lord, entertains North Warwickshire Hunt, 1;
marriage, 2;
travels with his children, 4, 5, 14, 15, 23-29, 36;
receives Queen Victoria at Stoneleigh, 11-13;
takes moors in Scotland, 14, 15;
talks with Nelson’s servant, 29;
visits Ireland, 41-50;
at Child’s Bank, 373
Leveson-Gower, Hon. Mrs., nÉe Leigh, 22
Littledale, Mrs., School for Indian ladies, 158
Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs., 31, 32
Loch, 1st Lord, 334
Longford, Colonel, Earl of, 374, 375
Lowe, Robert, afterwards Lord Sherbrooke, and Mrs., 119
Lowell, Mr. J. R., letters from, 83, 86;
poems by, 84, 86
Lucknow, 188
Lugard, Sir Frederick and Lady, 323, 324
Lyons Silk Manufactory, 23
Lyttelton, Hon. Mrs. Alfred, 381
Lyttelton, Lord, and the Canterbury Association, 282
Lytton, Countess of, and Lady Betty, 127
Macclesfield, Mary, Countess of, nÉe Grosvenor, her story of ex-Kaiser, 26, 27;
mentioned, 31, 36
McDonnell, Sir Schomberg, 370
MacMahon, Marshal, 96
Macmillan, Mrs. Maurice, 381
Madras, 162 et seq.;
Harbour, 180
Mahableshwar, 151
Malet, Sir Edward, 100, 101, 109
Malet, Lady Ermyntrude, 100, 101, 105, 109
Malietoa Laupepa, King of Samoa, 292;
dinner with, 296-297
Marathon and its brigands, 31, 32;
visited, 129
Marie, Princess, of Greece, 130
Margaret, Queen of Italy, 356
Marsham, Charles, 74
Mary, H.M. Queen, interest in “Children’s Happy Evenings Association,” 369
Mason, Miss (Lady Allen), 247
Mataafa, rival King of Samoa, 292, 297-304
Max MÜller, Professor, 147, 340
Maxwell, Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart., 237
ay, Colonel, at Lucknow, 189
Mehdi Ali, Mrs., 159
Mentone, 5;
marriage celebrations at for Prince of Wales, 25, 26
Meshaka, Mr., Vice-Consul at Damascus, 226-229
Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. John, 96, 97
Middleton Park, 65, 66, 71, 72
Milford Sound, 270
Miyanoshita, hot baths, 345
Molyneux, Hon. Mrs. Caryl, nÉe Lawley, 56
Morrison, Mr. Alfred, 58, 59
Mount Abu, Jain temples on, 197, 198
Mount Stephen, Lord, 374
“Mrs. Malaprop,” a modern, 210, 211
Muncaster, Lady, nÉe Grosvenor, 31;
marries Hon. H. Lindsay, 32
Muncaster, Lord and Lady, 31, 32, 120
Nabeshima, Marquis, 345
Napier of Merchiston, Lord, 172
Nauplia, 132, 133
Nazli, Princess, 217, 218
Nekualofa in Tonga, 287
Newdegate, Sir Frank, 17
Newdigate, Hon. Mrs., nÉe Leigh, 16, 17
New Caledonia, voyage to, 276, 277
Newcastle in Australia, 319
Newman, Cardinal, 92, 93
New York, 354, 355
New Zealand, 268-276
Niagara, 354
Nikko, 336
Nile, the, 215, 216, 356-364
Nizam, H.H. the late, 155-157, 376, 377
Nizam, His Exalted Highness the present, 377
Norfolk, Duchess of, nÉe Lyons, 9
Norfolk, Henry, Duke of, as Lord Maltravers, 9;
at Norfolk House, 92
Norfolk Island, 217
North, Lord, 75
Northcote, Lady, 244, 355, 356, 370, 374, 192
Tumut, N.S.W., reception at, 268
Turner, Mr., Collector of Madura, 172
Tutuila, Samoan Island, 291, 292
Tweedmouth, Fanny, Lady, 381
Tyler, Sir John, of Agra, 192, 194
Ulwar, 196
Upton House, 56
Upolu, chief Samoan island, 292
Vailima, R. L. Stevenson’s home, 315
Valentia, Viscount and Viscountess, 72, 73
Vancouver, arrival at, 346, 347
Vetyk Ahmed Pasha, his reminiscences, 234
Victoria, H.M. Queen, at Stoneleigh Abbey, 12, 13;
anecdote of her childhood, 13, 14;
in Ireland, 50;
devotion to Prince Consort’s memory, 39;
first Jubilee, 110-113, 120, 121;
reverence for in India, 179, 201-203;
receives Lord and Lady Jersey at Windsor, 212, 213;
Diamond Jubilee, 372-374;
her death, 379, 380
Victoria League founded, 380-382
Villiers, Hon. Arthur, birth, 82
Villiers, Lady Beatrice, 82;
in Italy, 373;
in India, 376, 377;
marries Lord Dunsany, 383
Villiers, Lady Clementina, 67, 68, 79
Villiers, Lady Margaret, 77, 98;
in Switzerland and Italy, 94, 95;
in Tonga and in Samoa, 287, 291, 298, 299;
leaves Australia with parents, 324;
at Hong-Kong, 330;
at Canton, 333;
in Japan, 337, 338, 343;
in London, 355;
in Egypt, 356;
marries Hon. Walter Rice, 374
Villiers, Lady Mary, 82, 97, 356;
marries Earl of Longford, 374
Villiers, Hon. Reginald, 127
Villiers, Viscount (now 8th Earl of Jersey), birth, 68, 69;
at Castlemount School, Dover, 82;
story written for by Tom Hughes, 89-91;
in Switzerland, at Biarritz and in Italy, 94, 95;
in India and Greece, 184-209;
wins Junior Oppidan Scholarship at Eton, 214;
remains in England when Lady Jersey at Apia, his experience with American reporter, 316;
marriage with Lady Cynthia Needham, 383
Vincent, Sir Edgar, afterwards Lord d’Abernon, at Constantinople, 232;
on the Orient Express, 235-237
Viti, Samoan lady, her dress, 304-305
Wady Haifa, 361, 362
Wakatipu Lake, 272
Wallace, Mrs., housekeeper, 10, 11
Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie, 182
Watters, Mr., Acting Consul at Canton, 332, 333
Whakarewarewa hot springs, 273
Wenlock, Elizabeth, Lady, nÉe Grosvenor, 31, 56
Wellington, Arthur, Duke of, 3
Wellington in New Zealand, 273
Westfahlen, Count, 216
Westminster, Constance, Duchess of, 92
Westminster, 1st Duke of, 33
Westminster, Marchioness of, 19, 33
Westminster, Marquis of, 5, 32, 33
White, Miss, lady doctor at Hyderabad, 161
White, Sir William and Lady, 233, 234
William I, Emperor, 101, 102;
his picture in Tonga, 288
William, Prince, afterwards William II, 26, 27, 104
Willes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, their New Year’s Party, 54-56
Wister, Owen, American author, 53
Wolmer, Lord and Lady, afterwards Earl and Countess of Selborne, 114
Wolseley, F.M. Viscount, 115, 118
Wombwell, George, death of, 172
Wombwell, Lady Julia, 63
Xavier, St. Francis, in Japan, 341
Yandall, Samoan interpreter, 313
Yarrangobilly Caves, 266-268
Yokohama, 346
Zante, island of, 139, 140
[1] I learn that since our time a hut has been erected between Sutherland Falls and Milford Sound called Sandfly Hut. The guide-book says with consoling candour that it “is well named, but this pest is no less noticeable at any of the other stopping-places.”
[2] Haggard, who had described to us the loud voices of himself and his brothers.
[3] Margaret Villiers.
[4] Captain Rupert Leigh.
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