To Âll that sholl theeÄze storry read, The Truth must vor it chiefly plead; I gee not here a tale o' ort, Nor snip-snap wit, nor lidden smort. But Ôten, Ôten by thie river, Have I a pass'd; yet niver, niver, Athout a thought o' Doctor Cox— His dog—his death—his floatin locks! The mooÄst whun Brue war deep and clear, And Lammas d an harras near;— Whun zummer vleng'd his light abroad,— The zun in all his glory rawd; How beautiful mid be the d A zumthin ÂllÈs zim'd to zÂ, "Whar whing! the wÂter's deep an' clear, But death mid be a lurkin near!"