“ECLIPSE” PAINT REMOVER. Saving of 50 per Cent. in Time and Labour.No Lime or Potash. To Railway and Gas Companies, Shipowners, Builders, Decorators, Coachbuilders, Painters, Ship and Yacht Builders, etc. No 1. The “Eclipse” Paint Remover. This Powerful Paste is invaluable for Removing Old Hard Paint (any thickness), Enamel, Varnish, and Wall Paper from Wood, Stone, or Iron. It is a Disinfectant, and will not injure the Surface nor the Paint or Varnish afterwards applied, and is pronounced by first-class Firms to be the Cheapest and most Effectual in the Market. It is much liked for taking paint from Baths for repainting, and is invaluable as applied to old wood carvings and all fine-art work. Will thoroughly clean and renew Marble, etc. ? Send for Circular and Testimonials to JOHN M. GIBSON, 21, HOPE STREET, GLASGOW. [IN PRESS.] WALL PAPER AND PAPERHANGING. By ARTHUR S. JENNINGS. A Handbook on Decoration in paper and other materials, with Illustrated by many half-tone and other engravings, showing the latest designs in Wall Hangings. Price 5s. Post free, 5s. 3d. May be had of the Author, A. S. JENNINGS, 62, Barry Road, Advertisement as illustration. THERIPON&CLAROVARNISHCO. Works: RIPON. Manufacturers of High-class Varnishes, Japans, Paints, Colours, etc., FOR EVERY PURPOSE. Specialities: QUICK DRYING READY BOUND COLOURS IN TURPS., REQUIRE NO GOLD SIZE OR MIXING. Drop Ivory Black, Chromes, Greens, Blues, Reds, etc. SMITH’S PATENT. A New Tool for Painters, Paint Manufacturers, and others for Cleaning Out Paint Cans, Drums, Kegs, and the like. Will last for years, and is a useful addition to a Painter’s Outfit. A Good Mixer. Handy for Cleaning Gutters, Scraping Ironwork, Burning Off, and lots of other purposes. POST FREE, 1s. 9d. H. SMITH, HALE ROAD BRIDGE, ALTRINCHAM, CHESHIRE. THE “LITTLE GIANT” PAINT MIXER. The wood-cut on page 9 of this work shows a useful Paint Mixer for hand power, called the “Little Giant.” The advantage of this Machine is that it can be taken to the spot where the Paint is required, and any quantity up to five gallons mixed in a few minutes. The drum can be removed for distributing the Paint by pulling down the lever. The size of the container is 15-in. × 10-in., and is interchangeable. The weight of the “Little Giant” is 31/2-cwts. when complete. The machine should be of great use to those having to mix Paint where work is being done, and should appeal specially to Builders, Shipbuilders, and Engineers. TORRANCE &SONS, LIMITED, BITTON, NEAR BRISTOL. The Illustrated Carpenter & Builder THE BEST JOURNAL FOR ARCHITECTS, DECORATORS, PAINTERS, PLUMBERS, ? Indispensable to Every Workman, and Interesting to Every Amateur. OnePennyWeekly.MonthlyParts,6d. THE CARPENTER AND BUILDER TECHNICAL.. ....SERIES. Now Ready: BRICKLAYING, PAINTING AND VARNISHING, In Preparation: ARTIFICIAL STONE, JOINERY, Edited by JOHN BLACK, Editor of the I. C. and B. PRICE SIXPENCE. Each Volume Well Printed and Profusely Illustrated. Off all Newsagents, Stationers, Booksellers, and Bookstalls, and (71/2d. Post Free) JOHNDICKS,313,STRAND,LONDON,E.C. Advertisement as illustration. Telegraphic Address: Chas. H. Blume, Western Road, HIGH-CLASS Surrey. Ornament VARNISHES, JAPANS ENAMELS and COLOURS. Ornament SPECIALITIES: Blume’s Secoline Driers. Less acute than Terebine; the use of Secoline in Paints warrants their absolute hardening in as short a time as possible without injury to the elasticity and wear of the paint. ‘Ambra’ Oil Varnish Stain. Durability incomparably greater than that of Spirit Varnish Stain. The ‘Aristo’ White African Copal Varnish. Paler than French Oil. The whitest, choicest Copal Oil Varnish made. Warranted free from Damar, yet water white in colour. For inside and outside use. Price 30/- per gall. Special quotations for quantities. Blume’s Special Liquid Woodfiller, Write for Catalogue, Price List and Samples. Advertisement as illustration. ? YOU SHOULD TRY BALL’S Instantaneous Varnish (By Royal Letters Patent). IT SAVES TIME! IT SAVES MONEY! For first-class work it gives best results, and for cheap work it is really a money-saver. It does its work in a manner that no other material known to painters can do. Work done with Ball’s I.V.R. is ready for re-coating at once, with a beautiful smooth surface. No Washing Down with Water Required. This material is SOLD under the ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE that it will LEAVE NO BAD AFTER-EFFECTS, nor—MOST IMPORTANT POINT OF ALL—will it ever work through any of the succeeding coats. To Decorators, Coach Painters and Hardwood workers this material is simply indispensable. Send for Circular to PATENTEE and MANUFACTURER, WM.MITCHELL, 39, Nairn Street, KIRKCALDY, N.B. Sample Gallon, 12/- Carriage Paid. Advertisement as illustration. ELLAM,JONES&CO.,LTD.,.. Varnish, Paint and Colour Manufacturers, MARKEATON MILLS, DERBY. ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY. SPECIALITIES: MARKEATONRED. A perfect substitute for Vermilion, used exclusively by the Midland, Great Central, Hull and Barnsley Railway Companies for their signal arms, and by nearly all the Corporations in the United Kingdom for their Fire Appliances. In Washington Bags of 30lbs. at 1/6 per lb. The most reliable Permanent “ ELLAMITE. ” A PAINT ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE. It is of the appearance of silver, may be applied to the roughest iron or to any surface—covers splendidly—goes far. It is quite durable both inside and OUTSIDE, and costs only 20/- a gallon nett., in 1/2 gallon tins, free; and also in 1/- and 2/- tins, subject. This preparation is made by a process of electrolysis. Railings, iron gates, &c., look splendid when painted with it. Painters and decorators all over the country are taking it up. Specified for many important works, including Great Yarmouth New Britannia Pier, Yarmouth Aquarium, &c. CHROMATE OF ZINC, STEEL BLUE, etc. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF OXIDE OF IRON. SAMPLES ON APPLICATION TO ELLAM, JONES & CO., Ltd., ..Paint, Colour and Varnish Manufacturers,.. MARKEATON MILLS, DERBY. Advertisement as illustration. ZINGESSOL, Orr’s New Washable Distemper. Fast Colours, SUPERSEDING Artistic, WARRANTED FREE Economical. Durable as Oil Paint for Inside or Outside Work, and It is a happy combination of the old Italian Gesso ground with a zinc preparation, and not only non-poisonous, but a valuable Sanitary Agent. A well-chosen Wall Decoration in Zingessol is an art education to those accustomed only to coloured washes or tawdry papers. ? Price List, Patterns of Stock Colours, &c., will be sent on application to the Manufacturers: ORR’S ZINC WHITE LTD. Widnes, Lancashire. Telegrams: “ORR, WIDNES.” Advertisement as illustration. G·B·KENT·&·SONS ESTABLISHED IN 1760. |