- A Prize Bull,13
- The Well-fed Beasts,19
- An Ayrshire Bull,23
- A Short-horn Bull,33
- A North Devon Steer,41
- Draft Oxen,45
- Skeleton of the Ox,50
- Teeth at Birth,52
- Teeth at Second Week,52
- Teeth at Three Weeks,53
- Teeth at a Month,53
- Teeth at Five to Eight Months,53
- Ten Months Teeth,53
- Twelve Months Teeth,54
- Fifteen Months Teeth,54
- Eighteen Months Teeth,55
- Teeth at Two Years Past,55
- Teeth at Three Years Past,56
- Teeth at Four Years Past,56
- Teeth at Five Years Past,56
- Teeth at Ten Years Past,56
- A Good Milch Cow,58
- Milk-Mirror (A),62
- Milk-Mirror (B),63
- Milk-Mirror (C),63
- Milk-Mirror (D),64
- Milk-Mirror (E),65
- Milk-Mirror (F),66
- Milk-Mirror (G),69
- Milk-Mirror (H),70
- Milk-Mirror (K),72
- Milk-Mirror (L),74
- Cow and Calf,77
- Ready for Action,83
- A Sprightly Youth,89
- Feeding,97
- The Family Pets,102
- Buying Cattle,107
- Calling in the Cattle,112
- "On the Rampage",117
- Patiently Waiting,123
- A Chance for a Selection,129
- A West Highland Ox,139
- Barn for Thirty-four Cows and Three Yoke of Oxen,150