- Alchemy, 18, 171;
- problems of, 19;
- modern forms of, 20;
- type of occultism represented by, 20.
- Analogy, as applied in pseudo-science, 23, 43, 44, 267, 268;
- as a logical process, 237, 267, 272;
- the natural history view of, 236 sqq., 271;
- as characteristic of primitive thought-habits, 239, 241, 247;
- in children, 251;
- see also, Metaphor, Myth, Numbers, Superstition, Symbolism, Unusual.
- Animal Magnetism; see Mesmer.
- Apperception, illustrated by diagrams, 283-295.
- Astrology, 18, 171, 266-269;
- interest in, 23;
- logic underlying, 23.
- Attention, misdirection of, 121, 124;
- Automatic writing, 333.
- Automatograph, 309.
- Beard, Dr. G. M., 229.
- Belief, fixation of, 40, 104, 105;
- occult, see Occult;
- psychology of, 38, 60.
- Bernheim, ——, 230.
- Bertrand, ——, 201.
- Besant, Mrs., 10.
- Binet, ——, 157.
- Blavatsky, Mme., 7, 8, 9, 10.
- Blindness, 340;
- total, 341;
- partial, 343, 344;
- in dream-life, 361-363, 367, 368;
- age of onset and dream-vision, 341-344, 369, 370;
- and the imagination, 363, 364;
- and special sensibilities, 365-367.
- Braid, James, 205;
Transcriber's Note Size references, in captions, to original figures no longer apply to processed illustrations. Obvious typographical errors were repaired, but period spellings and hyphenation inconsistencies were retained. |