THERE IS GLORIOUS NEWS FOR YOU. No matter how much you may suffer from that most distressing and inconvenient complaint, a speedy and effective release from your sufferings is now offered to you. THE J. B. L. CATARRH REMEDYIs one of those sterling specifics whose curative effects are quickly realized on the first trial. It is intended to be used in connection with the flushing treatment, and the two used in conjunction RARELY FAIL TO EFFECT A CURE. Catarrh is first caused by inflammation of the membrane of the nasal cavities and air passages, which is followed by ulceration, when nature, in order to shelter this delicate tissue, and protect the olfactory nerves, throws a tough membrane over the ulcerated condition. Flushing the Colon lays the foundation for recovery, but the membrane must be removed, and for that purpose the J.B.L. Catarrh Remedy IS WITHOUT AN EQUAL. It is composed of several kinds of oils, and gently, but effectually, removes the membrane that nature has built over the inflamed parts, while its emollient character soothes and allays the inflammation. These drugs are not absorbed into the system, but act only locally. THE MOST OBSTINATE CASE WILL READILY YIELD The price is One Dollar per bottle, which, in view of its marvellous curative power, is a veritable gift, and with each bottle we furnish an inhaler specially manufactured for the purpose. Two bottles will usually effect a cure—though one has been frequently known to do so in mild cases—but in the event of any one taking six bottles without being cured, we will forfeit ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, now deposited in the Lincoln Trust Co. of New York, if they can honestly make oath that they have faithfully used the remedy according to the directions, and have received no benefit from it. YOU CANNOT AFFORD to neglect this opportunity of ridding yourself of this most distressing complaint, which, if neglected too often LEADS TO CONSUMPTION. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. CHARLES A. TYRRELL, M.D.