FOURTEEN REASONS Why We Should Bathe Internally as Well as Externally


1. Because very few persons are free from chronic inflammation of the anus, rectum, and sigmoid flexure, which causes contraction of the caliber of the organs.

2. None escape self-poisoning from the gastro-intestinal canal. Many are constantly being poisoned from the entrance of bacterial and other toxic substances into the system.

3. Nine-tenths of the ills that afflict mankind have their origin in a foul digestive apparatus and a consequently poisoned body.

4. Disease of the anus, rectum, and sigmoid flexure results in from two-thirds to three-fourths of the feces being daily absorbed into the system.

5. Feces unduly retained become very foul or malodorous. If the feces of birds and domestic fowls and animals were as obnoxious as that usually ejected by man their discharges would require immediate removal from human neighborhoods.

6. Man is the only creature that has formed the habit of making a fecal cesspool of his large intestine; hence his diseases of many varieties. There is nothing wholesome about him and he is quite destitute of vim, vigor, and push. The fecal poisoning of his parents is stamped upon him, and the unhygienic condition of his bowels makes matters worse.

7. Man needs to form the habit of stooling as frequently as birds, fowls, and quadrupeds—at least as many times in twenty-four hours as he partakes of food.

8. Making a reservoir of the lower bowels is not a time-saving habit, but, on the contrary, a breeder of many poisons, causing all sorts of acute and chronic diseases, which demand much time and attention, as countless numbers know to their sorrow.

9. You are a factor in the social and business world; then why not look, feel, and be your best by simply adopting internal hygienic measures?

10. By the use of the Internal J.B.L. Cascade Bath you can secure two or three stools a day, as desired; and while you are preventing self-poisoning you are regaining a normal habit and natural health, which for so many years and generations have been denied you. Do not longer perpetuate the dire results of a foul alimentary canal and consequently diseased body.

11. All desire to be strong and healthy, and many would add beauty of form and complexion, which is also commendable. This can be attained by preventing disease through hygienic attention and the proper use of water.

12. The gastro-intestinal canal is a physiological, moving food supply for the body, and, like any other vessel that has contained fermenting substances, it should be emptied and cleaned before a fresh supply is put into it. This is only a sensible, reasonable, and cleanly duty to one's self.

13. Who can fear being made sick by adopting cleanly habits? You have perhaps tried all other means to keep well, and have failed; now try intestinal cleanliness—a method you should have thought of long ago.

14. Every one desires to avoid surgery, the taking of numerous medicines, and the spending of money in that way—and they can be avoided if you keep clean, both internally and externally.


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