Patrons ordering goods will please be particular in giving explicit directions where they are to be sent, with name of town, county and State. The safest way to send money is by Post-office Order, Registered Letter or Draft. A deposit required on all orders exceeding $5 in value, and, for less amount, cash should accompany order. Books and Prints sent by mail, post-paid, unless otherwise desired. Boxing Gloves, Indian Clubs and all bulky goods, sent by express. When goods are sent C. O. D., the parties ordering must pay the charges on the same, and for returning money. In the Territories, where express charges are very heavy, or where there is no express communication, Gloves, etc., can be sent by mail, at the rate of one cent per ounce, which has to be prepaid. Live Stock cannot be sent C. O. D., as the express companies will not forward on such conditions. No extra charge for boxing and packing. All letters of enquiry will be cheerfully and promptly answered on receipt of a stamped envelope. No merchandise exceeding 4? in weight or 18 inches in length can be sent per mail. REFERENCES:
Respectfully, Ed. James. CLIPPER BUILDING, 88 and 90 CENTRE ST., N. Y. [In this line we challenge the world to produce a superior article to ours at the same price.] BOXING GLOVES.
DUMB BELLS. Iron, from 1 lb. to 100 lbs. each, per lb., 10cts.; Maple Wood, per lb. each, 25cts.; LignumvitÆ, per lb. each, 50cts.; Rosewood, per lb. each, 75cts. PATENT STRIKING BAG, For Pugilists and Athletes of Every Description. This bag is intended to strengthen the arms, wrists, shoulders, back, loins, and particularly the muscles of the abdomen, and will teach the striker how to deal a blow.
QUOITS. Nicely Modeled and Japanned.
Iron pins, pair 50 Rapiers, Foils, Single-sticks, Masks, Gloves, Etc.
THE NEW PATENT SEAMLESS BOXING GLOVES Without fingers or thumbs, being held on firmly by grasping a leather strip inside the glove (see cut). No ripping or bursting or falling off the hands; they are seamless and fit to perfection. The most durable article ever made, and the only glove which brings the art of boxing to as near the real thing as possible.
In ordering this glove please specify that you wish THE PATENT SEAMLESS GLOVES, in order not to cause any mistakes. ED. JAMES has the sole agency for New York State, and the Patent Seamless Glove can only be obtained by sending to headquarters. B. B. CATCHER’S MASKS AND CATCHER’S GLOVES. The gloves are made of Indian tanned buckskin, with padded palms, half fingers, and are as soft and pliable to the hands as kid. Price per pair, $2. BATTLEDORES AND SHUTTLECOCKS. BATTLEDORES, Address ED. JAMES, Clipper Building, 88 and 90 Centre st., N. Y. EUREKA ROWING MACHINE, This machine gives an excellent and exact representation of rowing. It has the sliding-seat movement, and its propelling action is with oars (as in a boat). It is simple in construction and durable, and it packs so small that it can be stowed away in almost any cupboard or closet, and can be put up and worked in any ordinary-sized bed room. Total weight, 27?. A beginner can learn on it to be a good sculler, as well as increase his muscular and physical development. By shifting the chain links attached to the lever it can be adapted to the strength of any person, or used and worked by a child 12 years of age. Price, complete and ready for use, $10. NEW ATHLETIC SUITS.
In ordering state width across chest, waist, and size of cap worn. RUNNING AND WALKING SHOES.
AMERICAN PEDOMETER, Easily adjusted to any length of step from 23 to 35 inches, measures accurately, is the size of an ordinary watch, in a nickel-plated case, and can be carried in the vest pocket. It will measure the exact distance you walk. It is a true indicator of the amount of exercise taken in and out of doors. Invalids will find it invaluable in regulating their exercise. Full directions, together with ready reference table, accompanies each one. Address ED. JAMES, Clipper Building, 88 and 99 Centre st., N. Y. Fishing Tackle REELS.
Also Hooks, Eagle Claws, Lines, Floats, Fly Books, Baits, Sinkers, etc. FIREMEN’S GOODS. HATS AND CAPS.—Enameled leather and front Hats, each $3; four cone Hats, each $6.50; eight cone Hats, each $7; enameled leather Helmet Caps, per doz., $18; New York Regulation Cap, cloth, very fine, per doz., $21. BELTS.—Patent leather, 10 different styles, per doz., from $9 to $24. SHIRTS.—Firemen’s Service Shirts, with figure or monogram, best flannel, per doz., $29. TRUMPETS.—Duty, Nickle plated, 20 inch, each $7; Parade, chased and plated, 20 inch, each $21. MISCELLANEOUS.—Buttons, with F. D. on, per doz., large $1.25, small 75c. Badges, with fine design and number and name of company, per doz., $10. Silk, Cord and Tassels, for trumpets, each $1.50. Address ED. JAMES, Clipper Building, 88 and 90 Centre st., N. Y. RIFLE AIR PISTOL As a parlor game for ladies and gentlemen, it has not an equal. It has not only the accuracy and distance requisite for the common pistol target practice, but is without the expense of ammunition, and also free from the annoyance of danger, smoke, smell, &c., that accompany the use of firearms. Each Rifle is put up in a neat box, with three darts and two targets. Price of Rifle, complete, $5. Darts, per dozen, $1. Targets, postage prepaid, 25 cents per dozen. W. CLARK’S This instrument will clip a horse in two hours, and when clipped the coat is equal to a natural Summer coat. Anyone can use it. Over 200 horses have been clipped by one single machine, without sharpening. Price $5. The Dexter Horse Clipper. Price $8. Addler’s Patent Clipping Machines, $8.50, $10.50, $12.50. SAWS, SPURS AND MUFFS. Muffs for Sparring Cocks, per set of four. $1.50. Steel Spurs.—Regulation, per pair, $5; Drop Socket, per pair, $6.50; Thimble Heels, per pair, $6.50; 3 Cornered, or Bayonet Blade, per pair, $6.50; Sword Blade, per pair, $6.50. In ordering spurs, it is necessary to name the length of blade and style required. Directions for Measuring Spurs.—The dotted line indicates the correct way of measuring. The socket does not count in measurement. Saws for sawing off the heels, finest quality, $2.50 without the knife; knife included, $3.50. TEN PINS AND BALLS.
TROTTING AND RUNNING HORSES. Size 14×18. Price 30 Cents Each. Judge Fullerton. Huntress. Commodore Vanderbilt, with running mate, and Dexter. Tom Bowling. Dexter against Ethan Allen. Bassett against Longfellow. Goldsmith Maid against Lucy, 2:17. Dexter against Butler, to wagons. See page 15 for other Horse Pictures, same size and price. LIFTING MACHINES AND LUNG TESTERS. Straight Gauge Lifter, $70. Dial Gauge, $90. The Lifter platform is 12×20 inches, while the gauges are silver plated. They lift from 1? to 800?. Straight Gauge Lung Tester, $45. Dial Gauge Lung Tester, $50. The Lung Tester comes in a nicely painted box, with legs to screw on, 13 inches square, 2½ feet high. GENUINE DIAMONDS. One Carat Stone, $100; Half Carat, $50; Quarter Carat, $25; an Eight Carat, $15. These may be had either spiral or with pin. Rings, same price as Shirt Pins. Diamond Clusters, from $50 to $150. IMITATION DIAMONDS. Pins or Spiral Studs, from $2 each, according to size. Rings, from $5 each. Clusters, from $5 each. IRA PAINE’S The best substitute ever invented. Safe, simple, durable; will not get out of order. Price Glass Balls, per 100, $3. H. and T. TRAPS. For Pigeon Shooting, $8. HAND BALLS. $3 per dozen, or 30 cents each. BASE BALLS. Professional, red or white dead ball, each $1.50. Professional Star, each $1. Professional Practice, each 50 cents. BALLOT BOXES. Black Walnut, with white and black balls complete, $5. Cheaper quality, complete, $3. Gavels from $1 to $4 each. FRENCH POOL WHEELS. For Trotting Courses, Fair Grounds and Saloons, 27in. in diameter, the best kind manufactured $50. Same size but cheaper design, $30. TARGETS. 20 inch square in fancy colors, lead bulls-eye, wood face for darts, and fancy figure to raise when bull’s-eye is hit, $5. 20 inch round target, with iron plate, bell and comic figure, $6. Rabbit Race Target, iron, nicely painted, Calling when bull’s-eye is hit. Size 10×24. Price $8. PLAYING CARDS. Dougherty’s Steamboat, assorted. Star and calico backs, per dozen, $2.25. Other patterns from $2.50 to $12 per dozen, according to the finish and quality. Triplicates, round cornered, per doz., $10. Goodall’s Superior English Linen Playing Cards, from $2.25 to $18 according to finish and quality. QUOITS. Nicely modelled Japanned Iron Quoits, per set of four, from $1 to $2.50. CARD of Actors, LA CROSSE. Bats, per pair (hickory handle), $3.50. RACKETS. English Rackets, $6. SPORTING American make, $3.50. English imported, $7. Welcher’s make, with steel spring shank, $8. Welcher’s Walking Shoe, with steel spring shank $8. Baseball Shoes, of heavy white canvas, with instep strap, $2.50. Boating and Gymnastic Slippers, of white canvas, $1.25. Racket Shoes, $8. COLT’S 7-shot CARTRIDGE REVOLVER sent by mail (postage paid) to any address, on receipt of $5. REMINGTON BOWIE KNIVES, DARK LANTERNS, MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. DOG COLLARS.
Brass Collars.
German Silver Collars.
Large Brass Chain Collar, from $2. DOG LEADERS.
SPRING PAD LOCKS. ? inch, Brass Spring, 30 cents. DOG MUZZLES. Hand made, wire frame and leather neck strap, 50c. Leather, small, closed or open snout, 50c. Wire, 40c. NEW SAFETY ROLLER SKATE. The front link prevents the operators from falling forward and enables them to spring from the toe, and can walk up a steep incline, turn round and run down. The back check is to prevent falling backward; also to enable the operator to stop at will in case of danger. Can be used any place. Enables learners to use them without danger of falling and hurting themselves, which is very common with other skates. The wheels being of iron, are warranted. Price per pair, all sizes, $2.25. LAWN TENNIS GOODS. Four English bats, four plain balls, two polished portable poles, in sections to pack in box; one net, 26×5ft.; two guy ropes and runners, four pegs, one mallet, book of rules, all complete, in box. WHIPS. Cowhides, Dog and Jockey Whips, from 50 cents to $1.50. POLICEMEN’S GOODS, Etc. POLICE CLUBS OR BILLETS. 22in. $1.75, 18in. $1.25, 14in. $1, 8in. 60c. THE SECRET BALLOT BOX. Made of Black Walnut, Fine French Polished and Lined. Can be used for Baseball, Cricket, Archery, Football, Boating, and all Sporting Clubs; also for Masonic and Odd Fellow Lodges, Temperance and all other societies. Size, 6½×5¼×6 inches. Each, $5. DRINKING FLASKS. With metal screw tops, covered with roan, hog-skin morocco and Russia leathers, in ¼, ½, ¾ and pints, from $1 to $4 each. SMITH & WESSON’S NEW MODEL. With Patent Automatic Ejector; five shot; weight, 16oz.; calibre, 38-100; length of barrel, 3¼in. Blue, each, $12.50. Nickel-plated, $14. ROUND POLICE OR DARK LANTERN. Made of tin and painted. 3in. bull’s-eye, $1.50. Flat Police or Dark Lanterns, 2in. bull’s-eye, $1.25. SHELL POWDER FLASKS.
WHISTLE. Polished metal, with rattle, 30c. NIPPERS AND CUFFS. Police Nippers, Chain, nickel-plated, per pair, $1.25. Police Nippers, patent spring, the best made, $2.00. Handcuffs, polished, $4.00. Handcuffs, polished, for conveying three prisoners together, $6.00. THE BOGARDUS PATENT These Traps and Balls, patented by Bogardus, and used by him many thousand times, prove to be just what is wanted by all sportsmen’s clubs and amateurs. $6 each. The Patent Rough Ball.—The only ball that will break sure when hit by shot. Every ball marked. Patent Rough Glass Balls, $2 per hundred; Patent Filled Ball, $2 per hundred; Smooth Glass Balls, $1.75 per hundred. The above balls are packed three hundred in a barrel, ready for shipping. Field, Cover and Trap Shooting, by Bogardus. Price, $2.50. SPOON OARS.
Readers or trick cards, as used by magicians and others, puzzling everybody not in the secret. Price, with full directions, per pack, $1. WINNING DICE. Of best ivory, three high, three low and three square. Price per set of nine, with directions for use, $5. Strippers or Magic Euchre Cards. By means of which the most celebrated card tricks known can be performed without practice. Per pack, $1.50. TOMMY DOD TOPS. Will spin high or low, as desired. Of best ivory, with explanation of the secret, $3.00. THE NEW Self charging, no crank, no lever, loads at breech by letting down the barrel, shoots either darts or bullets; a profitable acquisition to shooting galleries and saloon keepers. Weight, 6?. Full length, 36 inches. Also the New Air Gun, improved, same style as above, solid rifled barrel, with firing pin, will throw a No. 22 cartridge accurately 600 feet, and can also be used in a parlor or saloon as an Air Gun for darts and bullets. Extra finished stock, complete, with firing pin, $30. Either of the above, full nickel plated, $5 extra. Darts, by mail, $1.50 per dozen. 14 inch paper targets, 50 cents per dozen; 8 inch, 25 cents; fancy 20 inch target, with Comic Figure, to raise when bull’s eye is hit, $5 each; or iron face for bullets, $6. REVOLVERS. The Governor Pocket Revolver, for No. 22 cartridge, 7 shots, $6. Swamp Angel Revolver, 5 barrel Derringer $13. National Revolver, 6 barrels, nickel plated, $10. Derringers, per pair, $18. Colt’s Navy Revolver, with mould $15. Knuckle Revolver, 7 shot, $10.75. Ethan Allen Revolver, 7 shot, weight 6oz., $9. The Terror, 6 shot, weight 13oz., $12. Bull Dog, 5 shot, weight 14oz., $13. HORSE GOODS. Jockey Cap, silk, any color, to order, $3.50. Weight Boots, per pair, from 4 oz. to 1½?, §5.50. Boston Reins, $12. Holders for Reins, $3.50. Shin Boots, $6. Lolling Bit, $6. Derby Bandages, per set of four, $5. Knee Boots, for protecting above and below the knee, $10. Toe Boots, per pair, $6. Spurs, per pair, $1 00 to 6 00. Whips, Gutta Percha, 8 ft., $4.25; 4 ft., $2. MASONIC, ETC. Gold Enameled Slipper, $2. Gold Square and Compass, $3. Gold Three Links, $2. Gold Printers’ Composing Stick, $2.50. Trowel, with coral handle, $3. THEATRICAL GOODS, ETC. Red Clogs, all sizes, with jingles, from $3. per pair upwards. Directions for measurement:— No. 1, Measurement around foot at toe. Silver Clogs, $7. Ankle Boots, $8. Sandals, $8. Song and Dance Shoes, 15in. long. Spangles, silver or gold, from $2.50 per lb. upwards. Worsted Knee Tights, trimmed, scroll spangled, $14. Knee Tights, with velvet leaves, and flowers spangled, $17. Tamborine, large size, brass rim and screws, $3. Moccasins, per pair, $2.50. Helmets, each, from $8 to $15. Plain Steel Armor Cloth, per yard, $2. Shell Armor Cloth, per yard, $3. Harmonicon, with mouthpiece, $4.50. Bones, rosewood, 75 cents per set; ebony, $1.25. Burnt Cork, prepared and ready for use, 50 cents a box, or $2 per lb. Colored Fire, for tableaux and fairy scenes, $2 per lb. Mongolian, in a paste, for Indians, etc., per box, 60 cents. Prepared Whiting, for clowns, statuary, etc., not affected by perspiration, per box, 60 cents. Pencils, for eyebrows, 60 cents; Pencils, for veins, 60 cents. Lightning, per box, 60 cents. Moonlight light, for statuary, etc. 40 cents per package. AMERICAN RACE HORSES. STEEL ENGRAVINGS. Col. W. R. Johnson, of Virginia, the Napoleon of the Turf. Boston. Gray Eagle. Shark. Black Maria. John Bascombe. Monmouth Eclipse. Ripton and Confidence in their celebrated Two Mile and Repeat Match over the Centreville, L. I., Course, in 1842. Imported Leviathan. Wagner. Imported Monarch. Imported Hedgeford. Fashion. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. Fine Silk Umbrella, $5. Fine Silk Umbrella, with gold plated cup, $6. Double Nine Dominoes, $6 per set. Dice Boxes, leather, per pair, 50 cents. Large Ivory Dice, 20 cents each. Sporting Knife, with screw, saw, hoof digger, etc., $1.50. Hunting Knife, 10in. long, $2.50. Bowie Knife, 10in. long, $2.50. 14in. Leather Checker Board, $2.50. 15in. Leather Checker and Backgammon Board, $4. Rubber Suit (boots and pants), $15. Pewter Mugs (half pints), per dozen, $12. Dog Couplings, used in coursing, $3. Bezique Box, $2. Dark Lantern, $1.50. Signal Lamp, for Mast Head, $5. Side Light, for vessels, $7. Decoy Duck, with movable head, $2.25. Genuine Black Thorn Stick, $2. Cuckoo Clock, $20. Patent Stilts, per pair, 50 cents. Abdominal Supporters, $6. Shoulder Brace, $6. Stockings for Varicose Veins, per pair, $6. Ear Trumpets, $2.50, $6 and $10. Respirator, for consumptives, $2. Loaded Dice, three high, three low, and three square, $5 the set; Gymnastic Morocco Slippers, $2.25. Rattlesnake Game, or Going Around the Horn, 50 cents. Magic Tobacco Box, 50 cents. Magic Cigar Case, $1.50. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. Falling Birds and Stars, falling back when hit. Made for out-door shooting. Iron, for cap and shot, $5. Set by a rope from stand. MECHANICAL TARGETS. Plain Round 18-inch Target with 12-inch iron plate, for cap and shot, comic figure rising and ringing a gong when bull’s-eye is hit. Nicely painted, set by a rope from stand, $5. Rooster, small chick springing on his back when bull’s-eye is hit, iron, for cap and shot, 14 × 16in., $2.50. Eagle, opening his wings and ringing a bell when bull’s-eye is hit, iron covered, for cap and shot, 28×28in., $6. THE ABBOTT POCKET MICROSCOPE. It examines, in focus, whole insects, bugs or worms, alive or dead, transparent or opaque, feet up or down, confined in a cage—which is a part of the instrument—while in motion or in fixed position without harming the insect; also for examining seeds, flowers, plants, minerals, fabrics, engravings, bank notes, etc. Price $1. COMPASSES. Charm Compass, gold plated.—¾in. in diameter, 50 cts.; 13-16ths in. in diameter, fine, 75cts. Floating Dial Compass, for yachts and boating.—2½in., brass, each, $1.50. Hunting and Fishing Compass—1¾in., brass, each, $1.25. Hunting-case Compass, with stop—2in., $2.50. TURTLE SLEEVE BUTTONS. Nickle-plated, 50 cents. Magic Turtle, all alive, a great curiosity, at 30 cents. THE PARLOR KALEIDESCOPE. Elegantly mounted on walnut stand, and furnished with revolving brass Object Box, containing transparent tubes filled with liquids of the most brilliant colors. Price, complete, each, $3. MINSTREL AND THEATRICAL GOODS. NEGRO MINSTREL GOODS. BURLESQUE Song-and-Dance SHOES (buff), 15 inches long, per pair, $7. SONG-AND-DANCE CAPS, flannel, long peak, $1; fine opera flannel, $1.50; satin, $2; silk, $2.50. PREPARED BURNT CORK, per box, 50c. TIGHTS—As Shown in Cut. Full length cotton, flesh, white or black, per pair, $2.50; in fancy colors, same style, $3; fine worsted, black, white, or flesh color, $4; in fancy colors, $5. Measurements 1. Around waist. 2. Full length. 3. From crotch to heel; also, give the length of foot. STOCKINGS. In any color or colors, long lengths to come over the knee, all wool, per pair, $1.
BONES, per set, Rosewood, 50c., 75c., $1; Ebony, $1.25. For Musical Instruments, see another page. KNEE BREECHES. Worsted (various colors), trimmed with gold or silver lace, per pair, $10. Velvet (any color), trimmed, fancy scroll, spangled, per pair, $15. DANCING CLOGS. Red or blue, with jingles, per pair, $3.; black calfskin, per pair, $4; black Balmoral, per pair, $5; Silver or gold leather, $7; Dutch Clogs, all wood, per pair, $3. LEOTARD SHIRTS. Worsted Leotard Body and Body Shirt, $3.50 each. 1. Around chest under arms. 2. Around hips. 3. From crotch to neck. EQUESTRIAN SHIRTS. Theatrical Shirts, white, black, or flesh color, $2 each; in fancy colors, $2.75; fine worsted, black, white, or flesh color, $4; in fancy colors, $5. THEATRICAL WIGS. Measurements. No. 1. From forehead to nape of neck. No. 2. Around the head. No. 3. From ear to ear across the crown. No. 4. From ear to ear across forehead. Gentlemen’s Dress Wigs, with natural parting, $10 each; of ordinary color, extra red or light, $18 to $20; Bag Wig, continental style, $5; Bald Wigs, according to shade and quality, from $5 to $15; Yankee Wig, ordinary colored hair, $5; Yankee Wig, very light or extra red, $10 to $15; Irish Crop Wigs, ordinary color, $4.50; Irish Crop Wigs, white grey, $4.50; Dutch Character Wig (Gus Williams), $5; Indian Wigs, $5; Judge and Jury Wig, $10; Clown Wig, $5; Pantaloon Wig and Beard, $6. NEGRO WIGS. Plantation, or Short Crop, per doz., $12; Astrachan ditto, each, $4.50; Hat Plush ditto, each, $3; Middle-men or End-men, each, $2; Wench or Topsey, each, $5; Fright, each, $6; Bald Negro Wigs, with whiskers and eyebrows, $4.. MOUSTACHES. Full Beard with Moustaches, $2 to $5. Military Whiskers with Moustaches, $1.50. Moustaches or Imperials, 50c. Combination Beard, in four parts, which can be used for full Beard, Side Whiskers and Goatee, or Dundreary’s, with and without Moustache, from $3 to $6. COLORED FIRES.
BASEBALL, CRICKET, AND CROQUET GOODS. BASEBALL GOODS. CLUB OUTFITS. Outfit No. 1, embracing Shirt, Pants, Cap, Belt, Hose, Shoes and Spikes, complete, per man, $9. Outfit No. 2, same as No. 1, but of inferior goods, per man, $7. BASEBALLS. P. & S. New Treble Ball, red or white, per dozen, $15; each, $1.50. P. & S. Professional Ball, red or white, per dozen, $12; each, $1.25. P. & S. Amateur Ball, red or white, per dozen, $9; each, $1. BATS. Ash, Bass, Spruce or Willow, per dozen, $2.50; Light American Willow, half polished, per dozen, $5; Sapling Ash, wound and waxed handles, per dozen, $6; American Willow, loaded at handle with ash, per doz, $8. FLANNEL SHIRTS. First quality, any solid color with letter or number on shirt, $36 per doz.; $3.25 each. Second quality, $33 per doz.; $3 each. Third quality, cheaper style of flannel, $27 per doz.; $2.50 each. First quality opera-flannel, any color, stripe or check, $32 per doz.; $3.75 each. FLANNEL PANTS. First quality, of any solid color desired, $36 per doz.; $3.25 per pair. Second quality, $32 per doz.; $3 per pair. SHOES. Oxford or Low Cut, made of fine white canvas, with patent spikes, $34 per doz., $3 per pair. Ditto, without spikes, $24, $2.25 per pair. Balmoral or high cut, made of fine canvas, with leather, instep straps, etc., and with patent spikes inserted between the soles when made. The spikes can be taken out and put in the soles in two minutes’ time, and the shoes worn in the streets without injury, $36 per doz., $3.25 per pair. CAPS. Leading styles, flannel, any colors, $6, $8, $12, per doz.; Jockey Club shape, $9, $12, $15, per doz. STOCKINGS. First quality goods, long lengths, $10 per doz. pair, $1 per pair. Second quality goods, long lengths, $6 per doz. pair. Extra quality goods, all wool, and long lengths. $27 per doz. pair; $2.50 per pair. Extra quality goods, all wool and long lengths, cotton feet, $24 per doz. pair; $2.25 per pair. BELTS. American Union Web, different colors, 2½ inches wide, 24 to 36 inches long, black leather finish, double straps and buckles, $3.50 per doz. CRICKET GOODS.
ATHLETIC GOODS. SLEEVELESS SHIRTS. KNEE TIGHTS. Of cotton, solid colors, $27 per doz., $2.50 each. Extra fine quality, knit from worsted, in solid colors, $45 per doz., $4 each. Stripes knit in either of the above, extra, $3.50 per doz., 35 cents each. Also imported goods of cheaper qualities, furnished when desired at 20 per cent. less than the above prices. TRUNKS. Cotton, any colors, $12 per doz., $1.25 each; good quality, $18 per doz., $1.75 each; heavy worsted, $24 per doz., $2.25 each; extra fine worsted, $30 per doz., $2.75 each. SKULL CAPS. Cotton, any colors, $9 per doz., $1 each; heavy quality, $12 per doz., $1.25 each; fine worsted, $18 per doz., $1.50 each. ENGLISH BOATING SHOES. White canvas, leather soles, $2.50 per pair; white canvas, extra strong rubber soles, $4 per pair. WHITE CANVAS SLIPPERS. Low cut, with draw strings, $12 per doz. pairs; extra quality, with eyelets and laces, $15 per doz. prs. GYMNASIUM BELTS. English Web, $1; Union Web, fifty cents. RUNNING SHOES. American Spiked Running Shoes (buff), per pair, $3.50. Best imported Spiked Running Shoes (black), per pair, $7. Hydraulic Rowing Machine. Single machine, complete and ready for use, $30; two machines, one seat, two levers, $55; four machines, four seats, four levers, $110. HEALTH LIFT MACHINE. A complete gymnasium for men, women and children. Elastic, reactionary and cumulative. Price, complete, $30. Patent POCKET GYMNASIUM. Over fifty different Exercises can be performed with this apparatus. No. 1, for children from 4 to 6 years, $1; No. 2, for children from 6 to 8 years, $1.10; No. 3, for children from 8 to 10 years, $1.20; No. 4, for children from 10 to 14 years, $1.30; No. 5, for ladies and children 14 years and upward, $1.40; No. 6, for gentlemen of moderate strength, $1.50; No. 7, $2; complete set of seven, $9. No. 7. is fitted with a screw-eye and hook to attach to the wall or floor. Two of this size, properly arranged, make a complete gymnasium. Improved HORIZONTAL BARS. For Gymnasium, Stage or Parlor. It can be fixed easily in a few minutes in any room, and as quickly removed; and is adapted for both sexes and all ages. The fastenings are most ingeniously arranged to adjust the bar to any height. Height of upright, eight feet; it can be adjusted as low as four feet, and regulated to use from a four to a six foot bar. With two pairs of the Iron Stanchions, very strong and neat Parallel Bars can be made. Horizontal Bars made of the best young hickory wood, and finely finished. Price $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.75, and $3.25 each. Size, 3½, 4, 4½, 5, 5½, 6, and 6½ feet. Price, with everything complete, $25. PULLEY MACHINES. 10? to 100? each. No. 1, without weights, $20; No. 2, on platform, $25; weights for the above, per pound, 6c. FENCING STICKS.
BOOKS ON ATHLETICS. Prof. Wm. Wood’s “Manual of Physical Exercises,” $2. Dr. Dio Lewis’ “New Gymnastics for Men, Women, and Children,” 300 illustrations, $1.75. Ed. E. Price’s “Treatise on Sparring and Wrestling,” 75c. Kehoe’s “Work on Indian Club Exercises,” $1.25. Ed. James’ “Treatise on Practical Training for Running, Walking, Rowing Boxing, Wrestling, Jumping,” etc., etc., 50c. Ed. James’ “Manual of Sporting Rules,” governing in and outdoor pastimes, 50c. AMERICAN BAR TENDER, HOW TO MIX DRINKS. ROLLER SKATES. Sixes, 7, 8¼, 9¼, 10¼, 11¼in. foot-plate. This skate is neater, lighter, and more durable than any skate yet offered. The foot-plate is of sheet-iron, with mountings (well secured) which will not cause pain or injury to the feet. The axle runs through a steel collar upon which the wheel revolves, thereby preventing friction. The roller is made of solid vulcanized rubber, and will not become soft or peel off when in use.
CLUB SKATES. STRAPPED, with heel button. Sizes, 8, 8½, 9, 9½, 10, 10½, 11, 11½in. Japanned sheet-iron foot-plates, converted steel runners, steel heel button, strapped with broad toe straps. Per pair MEDIUM QUALITY. Sizes, 8, 8½ 9, 9½, 10, 10½ 11, 11½in. Stamped Eagle, No. 3, well finished, blued foot-plate, right and left screw, improved guides, per pair HALF-ROCKER. Sizes, 9, 9½, 10, 10½ 11 inches. Half-rocker welded steel and iron runners hardened, French polished beech woods, mounted with heavy brass heel and toe plates, very highly finished, pierced for 1¾ inches, broad toe straps, per pair NEW YORK CLUB. Sizes, 8, 8½, 9, 9½, 10, 10½, 11, 11½in. Blue finished, steel foot-plate, polished runners, same quality and style as nickel plated, per pair ALL CLAMP STEEL. (See cut above.) Sizes, 8, 8½, 9, 9½, 10, 10½, 11, 11½in. In constructing this skate, no new or untried mechanical principle for obtaining the desired motions and power is employed. The transverse sliding clamp for grasping the sole, operated and held by means of pins and slots, is a mechanical device long and successfully employed on skates; which, with the single and directly acting heel clamp and longitudinal screw, make this the most desirable of all clamp skate in the market. All of the important parts of these skates are made of steel; and the runners are manufactured of the best welded steel and iron, carefully tempered.
LADIES’ SKATES. Sizes, 7, 7½, 8, 8½, 9, 9½, 10 inches. Monitor pattern, solid post frame skate, tempered runners, polished beech woods, trimmed with black leather, broad toe and heel straps, roller buckles, brass plates, per pair. Address ED. JAMES, 88 and 90 CENTRE STREET, New York City. RARE ENGLISH SPORTING PRINTS. Westminster Dog Pit, representing a dog fight in this famous pit in the last century. Size 16×22. Price $1.50. Crib and Rosa, two high bred bull dogs. Size 16×20. Price $1.50. Bubble and Squeak, terrier and rat. Size 18×20. Price $1.50. Rat Catcher, dog killing rats. Size 12×15. Price $1.50. Cocker and Woodcock. Size 16×13. Price $1. Spaniel and Wild Duck. Size 16×13. Price $1. Setter and Grouse. Size 16×13. Price $1. Pluck, small black and tan dog, with large rat. Size 19×24. Price $1.50. Bull Broke Loose, bull baiting with dogs in the olden time. Size 16×22. Price $1.50. Pot and Kettle Race, two dogs with pot and kettle tied to their tails. Size 16×21. Price $1.50. Pugilist, monkeys as pugilists, with seconds, etc. Size 15×16. Price $1.50. Duelist, monkeys fighting a duel. Size 15×16. price $1.50 Lurcher and Rabbit. Size 16×13. Price $1. Retriever and Pheasant. Size 16×13. Price $1. Pointer and Partridge. Size 16×13. Price $1. Derby Day. Size 27×50. Price $20. English Race Horses, winners of the Derby and Ascot, beautifully colored. Size 18×22. Price $5. THE SET-TO. Two Game Fowl in the act of fighting, beautifully colored lithograph. Size 14×18. Price 50 cents. DR. COOPER’S GREAT WORK Over 300 pages, with two elegant chromos. Price $5. PIGEON SHOOTING PLATE. The Great Championship Pigeon Shooting Match between John Taylor and William Seeds, the “Jersey Boy,” giving portraits of over 50 celebrated shots. Tinted lithograph. Size 28×48. Price $2.50. Beautifully colored, price $3.50. SPORTING WORKS. American Racing Calendar, $1. Racing Rules, 50 cents. Trotting Rules, 50 cents. Frank Forrester’s Horse of America, 2 vols., $15. Pigeons: their Variety, Management, Breeding and Disease. By Hugh Piper. 75 cents. Sweet’s Elements of Draughts, for beginners. 60 cents. Sweet’s Ready Reckoner. 50 cents. LIVE STOCK. Below are given prices of birds, animals, etc. (express charges not included), which invariably have to be prepaid by express and money forwarded in advance. No live stock sent C. O. D.
DOBSON’S Patented February, 1873.
The patent consists mainly in the application of an entirely new style of screw and clamp, the latter catching upon the metal hoop, and the screw passing through it and into a solid ash rim, forming for itself a thread almost as durable as one of metal, and producing an equal and powerful pressure upon the flesh hoop. The advantages of this banjo over all former patents are many, and comprise, mainly, a power of tone never before attained in a low-priced banjo; extreme lightness, durability, and an attractive appearance, which assures the dealer of a ready sale. On ALL these Banjos we use the best quality French calf head, Italian strings, and thoroughly seasoned wood for the necks and rims. TAMBOURINES.
ED. JAMES’ STANDARD SPORTING SERIES. HOW TO ACQUIRE HEALTH, STRENGTH, AND MUSCLE, with Cures for various Diseases, Proportions of a perfect Human Figure, Measurements of Noted Athletes, Remarkable Feats of Muscular Strength, Description of the Muscular System, Nutrition and Digestion, Food, Air, Exercise, Stimulants, etc., etc. Sent prepaid by mail for fifty cents. THE Containing all the Movements and What Muscles they Develop, with upwards of thirty-six illustrative figures and portraits, original and engraved expressly for this work. Sent by mail on receipt of thirty cents. Practical Training for Running, Walking, Rowing, Wrestling, Boxing, Jumping, and all kinds of Athletic Feats, Banting’s System of Reducing Corpulency, Record of best Athletic Performances, Proportional Measurements according to Height and Weight, etc. Price, by mail, prepaid, fifty cents. THE COMPLETE HANDBOOK with full and simple Directions on Acquiring these Useful, Invigorating, and Health-giving Arts. Illustrated with fifty original Engravings and Portraits. Price Fifty Cents, prepaid by mail. THE GAME COCK. How to Breed, Feed, Train, Handle, Heel and Trim; Treatment and Cure of Diseases, Cockers’ Tricks Exposed, and all the Cocking Rules, etc. By Ed. James Illustrated, cloth, by mail, $1.25. TERRIER DOGS, ETC. How to Breed, Crop, Physic, etc., with Points and Properties; Rats and Rat Killing, Ratting, Badger Baiting and Dog Fighting Rules, How to Train for the Pit, Dog Fighters’ Tricks Exposed, with a chapter Teaching Dogs Tricks. By Ed. James. Cloth, illustrated, price $1. MANUAL OF SPORTING RULES, Trap Shooting, Canine, Ratting, Badger Baiting, Cock Fighting, the Prize Ring, Wrestling, Running, Walking, Jumping, Knurr and Spell, La Crosse, Boating, Bagatelle, Archery, Rifle and Pistol Shooting, Shuffle Board, Shinny, Quoits, Skittles, Hand Ball, Rackets, Fly Casting, Swimming, Foot Ball, Pin Pool, Fifteen Ball Pool, Scottish Games, Ten Pins, Skating, Curling, etc. For the United States, Canadas and Great Britain. By Ed. James. Illustrated. Paper, by mail, prepaid, 50 cents. The Modern Oarsman;
PUBLISHED BY ED. JAMES’ PUGILISTIC SERIES Illustrated Life and Battles of JACK RANDALL, known as The Prime Irish Lad, with full account of his battles with Leonard, Jack Payne, Walton, Dodd, Ugly Boruk, Dick West, Harry Holt, Aby Belasco, Burke, Joe Parish, Dan McCarthy, Ned Turner and Jack Martin, containing portraits from steel plates. Price, 25c. Illustrated Life and Battles of DAN DONNELLY, Champion of Ireland, who defeated Tom Hall, George Cooper and Tom Oliver, being knighted for his bravery, with portraits from original steel plates. Price, 25c. Illustrated Life and Battles of JOHN MORRISSEY, Conqueror of Heenan, Sullivan and Thompson; his turn-up with Bill Poole; Senator and Member of Congress, with portraits. Price, 25c. Illustrated Life and Battles of JOHN C. HEENAN, containing full accounts of his International fights between Tom Sayers and Tom King, etc., with portraits. Price, 25c. Illustrated Life and Battles of TOM HYER. All about his great $10,000 championship battle with Yankee Sullivan; contest with Country McCluskey, etc. Four cuts. Price, 25c. CHAMPIONS OF ENGLAND, from the year 1700 to the present time, containing Authentic Records, Anecdotes, Personal Recollections, etc., etc., with 30 engravings, from original portraits by Ed. James. Price, 50 cents. Illustrated Life and Battles of YANKEE SULLIVAN, including his Convict Life and Prize Fights in Australia, fights with Hammer Lane, Vince Hammond, Tom Secor, Billy Bell, Bob Caunt, Tom Hyer and John Morrissey, down to his assassination in California. Price, 25 cents. The Life and Adventures of BEN HOGAN, who delights in being looked upon as the Wickedest Man in the World. Containing a full account of his thrilling and remarkable experience, together with a complete report of his triumphs in the Prize Ring, and his career in the Oil Regions, in the Far West, and on the sea. Illustrated profusely; 300 pages. Price, 50 cents. HEENAN AND SAYERS FIGHT, for £200 a side and the Championship of the World. Containing 250 portraits from life of the pugilistic celebrities and sporting men of the day. Framing size, 22×28. Price, with key-plate included (unframed), $3 When sent by mail 50c. additional required for postage, etc. Photographs of Pugilists, Etc. Imperial size, taken from life. Price, 35 cents each. Joe Goss, No other photographs of pugilists for sale.
PUGILISTICA, or the History of British Boxing for 144 years. Published in monthly parts. This work, illustrated, was commenced in March, 1880, and is issued every month. Price, per part, 50c. GAME FOWLS. Their Origin and History, with a Description of the Breeds, Strains and Crosses; The American and English Modes of Feeding, Training and Heeling; How to Breed and Cross, Improving Qualities and Preserving Feather, together with a Description and Treatment of all Diseases incident to Game Fowls. Illustrated with two beautiful chromos of a cut out Game Cock and Game Cock in full feather. Over 300 pages. By Dr. J. W. Cooler. Elegantly bound in cloth and gilt. Price, per copy, $5 00. THE AMATEUR Containing full instructions for everything appertaining to the business, with specimen programmes, stump speeches, end-men’s gags, etc., etc. Illustrated with characters, scenes and portraits. Price, 25 cents. Address: ED. JAMES, Clipper Building, 88 and 90 Centre st., New York. ED. JAMES’ PRICE LIST. YACHTS, Etc. SIZE, 14×18. PRICE 25 CTS. EACH. Sappho, Yacht Race for the Queen’s Cup, 1870. Sappho and Livonia Yacht Race Cup of 1870. Little Ship Red, White and Blue. Ship Great Republic. Steamship Great Eastern. The R. E. Lee and Natchez Race. Race on the Mississippi. Ice Boat Race on the Hudson. Boat Race—Rowing. New York Ferry Boat. HORSE PICTURES. PRICE 20 CENTS EACH, OR 6 FOR $1. Lucille Golddust, PUGILISTIC CELEBRITIES. SIZE, 17×21, COLORED, PRICE $1 EACH. JOHN C. HEENAN, The BULL TERRIER SIZE, 25×31, COLORED, Price $1.25. each. ?? AMERICAN FISTIANA. Containing rounds, etc., of principal Prize Fights from 1816 to date. 160 pages. By mail, 50 cts. PIG PAPE AND DOG CRIB, As they appeared in their celebrated fight in New York in March, 1849, with portraits of handlers and celebrities. Size, 17×21. Price 50 cts. MISCELLANEOUS. SIZE, 14×18. PRICE 25 CTS. EACH. Burning of Chicago. BOAT RACING CHROMOS. Walter Brown and James Hamill’s Great Sculling Match, 25×33. Price, $3. A Modern College Scull, 17×21. Price, 50 cents. Amateur Muscle in the Shell, 17×21. Price, 50 cents. PORTRAITS OF THE GREAT TROTTERS Size, 25×23. Price, $3. Goldsmith Maid, to sulky, 2.14. Lula, to sulky, 2.15. Smuggler, to sulky, 2.15¼. American Girl, to sulky, 2.16½. Occident, to sulky, 2.16¾. Hopeful, to sulky, driven by Mace, 2.17¼. Judge Fullerton, to sulky, 2.19. Red Cloud, to sulky, 2.18. Lucy, to sulky, 2.18¼. Lady Thorn, to wagon, 2.24; to sulky, 2.18¼. Music, to sulky, 2.21¼. Thos. Jefferson, to sulky, 2.23. George Wilkes, to sulky, 2.22. Joe Elliott, to sulky, 2.15½. Tom Moore, to sulky, 2.31. Dan Rice, better known as Rhode Isl’d, to wagon, 2.81½; s’ky, 2.23½. Trustee, to sulky, twenty miles in 59min. 35½sec. Rarus, to sulky. Rarus to sulky, and Great Eastern to saddle. Size, 22×28. Price, $1.50. Com. Vanderbilt, to wagon. Jack Rossiter, to sulky. RUNNING HORSES. Harry Bassett, with jockey waiting for the signal; size 25×33. Price, $3. Petonia and Fashion running their great race May 13, 1845; size, 25×33. Price, $3. Flying Dutchman and Voltigeur, running race; size, 22×28. Price, $2. Road and Track Scenes. Size 26×36, each $4.00. A Stopping Place on the Road. Trotting Cracks at Home—A Model Stable. Trotting Cracks at the Forge. Going to the Trot—A Good Day and Good Track. Coming from the Trot—“Sports” on “Homestretch.” Fast Trotters on “Harlem Lane.” Speeding on the Avenue. A Brush for the Lead, New York “Flyers” on Snow. First Trot of the Season—To go as they please. Size 25×33, each $3.00. Scoring—Coming up for the Work. A Brush on the Homestretch. Won by a Neck. Trotting Cracks on the Snow. Famous Trotting Horses. Size 25×33, each $3.00. The King of the Road, Dexter and Bonner. American Girl, and Lady Thorn. Goldsmith Maid, and American Girl. Billy Boyce—Pacer, To Saddle, 2:14¼. Dexter—To Sulky, 2:17¼.
Faro and Keno Goods Etc. Ivory Faro Checks. FIRST QUALITY.
Coppers, Splits and Markers included. Broken Sets of Checks filled up at short notice. Welling’s Patent Compressed Ivory Faro Checks.
Poker Chips. IVORY.
Welling’s Patent Compressed Ivory Poker Chips.
Parties sending for Poker Chips will please specify the number wanted of each color. Faro Boxes and Tools.
Transcriber’s Note: Obvious printer errors corrected silently. Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation are as in the original. |