
Put on extra clothing over those parts more particularly which are loaded with fat. Thus, if the legs are very fat, two or three pair of trowsers should be drawn on; if the abdomen is full, then a double apron of flannel should be suspended from the neck under the trowsers; and if the arms and neck are loaded, two or three thick undershirts may be worn, and a woolen shawl wrapped round the neck. When thus clothed, a brisk walk or a slow run of two or three miles brings on a profuse perspiration, which may be kept up for an hour or so by being covered with blankets, or by lying in front of a good fire; the clothes should be then stripped off, beginning with the upper part of the body, and sponging each with hot salt water, before drying it with a coarse towel, after which horse-hair gloves should be used freely. The dressing may be as usual, taking care to expose each limb as short a time as possible.


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