Table of Transliteration.
Jah?ng?r's Memoirs.
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Clement.
Chapter I.
Feast of the Second New Year.
The Third New Year's Feast from my Accession.
The Fourth New Year's Feast after the Auspicious Accession.
The Fifth New Year's Feast from the Auspicious Accession.
The Sixth New Year's Feast after my auspicious Accession.
The Seventh New Year's Festival after the auspicious Accession.
The Eighth New Year after the auspicious Accession.
The Ninth New Year's Feast after my auspicious Accession.
The Tenth New Year's Festival after my auspicious Accession.
The Eleventh New Year's Feast after the auspicious Accession.
The Twelfth New Year's Feast after my auspicious accession.
Errata and Addenda.
Colophon Availability
Reproduced from a Miniature in the British Museum (MS. Add. 22.282. fol. 2)