ml#Page_140" class="pginternal">140, 147, 150
photographs nebulÆ, 32
"Keyhole" nebula, 205
Lambert, determines longitude of Washington, 168
Laplace, discusses Saturn's rings, 146
nebular hypothesis, 33
stability of solar system, 210
Latitude, changes of, 133, 138
definition of, 134
determining the, 6
Leverrier, predicts discovery of Neptune, 61, 142
Lick Observatory, Keeler's observations, 140
Light, undulatory theory of, 19, 148
Light-waves, measuring length of, 20, 149
Logogriph, by Huygens, 143
Long-exposure photography, 85
Longitude, counted East and West, 125
determining, 6
determining by occultations, 167
effect on time differences, 123
explained, 123
of Washington, first determined, 168
Maclear, observes Eta Argus, 205
Magnitudes, stellar, 91
Manila, its time, 127
Maps, astronomical side of, 112
Meridian circle, explained, 189
Milky-way, poor in nebulÆ, 33
Minor Planets, see Asteroids.
Moon, Hoax, 199
motion among stars, 163
mountains discovered by Galileo, 49
size of, measured, 166
Motion of moon, 163
Motions of the Earth's Pole, 131
Mounting Great Telescopes, 170
Naked-eye nebulÆ, 28
Naples, Royal Observatory, latitude observations, 139
Naval Observatory, Washington, noon signal, 120
Navigation, 1
before chronometers, 3
use of astronomy in, 11339
Semi-lenses of heliometer, 155
Sextant, how used, 4
Sicily, latitude station in, 139
Sidereus Nuncius, published by Galileo, 52
Simplicio, character in Galileo's Dialogue, 55
Sirius, brightest star, 205
Size of Moon, measured, 166
SociÉtÉ de l'Optique, 177
Solar parallax, see Sun's distance.
physics, by photography, 109
system, stability of, 210
Spectroscope, its use explained, 147
used on pole-star, 19
to observe Saturn's rings, 147
Spiral nebulÆ, 31
Stability, of Saturn's rings, 145
of Solar System, 210
Standards, time, of the world, 111
table of, 130
"Standard" time, explained, 127
Star-catalogue, general photographic, 102
Star-clusters, photography of, 98
Star-distances 94, 106
measured with heliometer, 158
Rutherfurd, 94
Star magnitudes, 91
Star-motion, toward us, 21
Star-tables, astronomical, 118
Stars, variable, 42
St Gothard railway, tunnels, 220
Sun, newspaper, the moon hoax, 201
Sun-Dial, How to Make a, 69
Sun's, Destination, 210
distance, compared with star distance, 97
measured with Eros, 67, 106
motion, apex of, 221
Sun-spots, discovered by Galileo, 49
Systema Saturnium, Huygens, 143
Telescope, clock, 175
at Paris Exposition, 176, 180
double, for photography, 86
equatorial, explained, 170
first used by Galileo, 49
motion o


Fractions in the two tables on pg 74 and pg 78 are in the form "a b-c" in the original text, for example "2 7-16", and this form is retained in the etext. A few other basic fractions in the text such as ½ and ? are displayed in this same form in the etext.

There is only one Footnote in this book, with its anchor on pg 69. It has been placed at the end of the chapter containing the anchor.

Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, time zone, time-zone; Le Verrier, Leverrier; light wave, light-wave; intrust; wabbling; unexcelled; crape; monumented.

Pg 146, 'James Clark-Maxwell' replaced by 'James Clerk Maxwell'.
Pg 189, 'impossible to measure' replaced by 'possible to measure'.


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