4.htm.html#Page_314" class="pginternal">314. Corey, Mrs., 370. Cowl, Jane, 362, 365. Crabtree, Lotta, 228. Craig, Ailsa, 106. Craig, Gordon, 106, 121. Crehan, Kate, 205 and note. Crews, Laura Hope, 359, 360–1. Crosman, Henrietta, 362. Crosnier, Mme., 153. Cushman, Charlotte, iv, 235, 239 (note), 347. Daly, Arnold, 350. Daly, Augustin, 207, 208, 214–15 and note, 219–20, 222–27. Daly’s Theatre, London, 223. Damala, M., 31. d’Annunzio, Gabriel, 197, 276. d’Aurevilly, B., 150. D’Avenant, William, 370 and note, 371. Davenport, Mrs., 370. Davenport, E.L., 270. Davenport, Fanny, 208. Davey, Thomas, 267. David, FÉlicien, 132. Davies, Acton, 328, 336 (note). Dean, Frederic, 344 (note). de Banville, Theodore, 36. DefÈre, M., 150. de Lesseps, F., 20 (note). de Navarro, Antonio F., 260. de Reszke, Eduard, 89. de Reszke, Jan, 89. de Saint-Victor, Paul, 17. Deschanel, Paul, 49. DesclÉe, AimÉe Olympe, 137 and note, 222 (note). Devrient, Fritz, 58. Dillingham, C.B., 313. Doll’s House, A, 280. Doran, Dr. John, 368. Dornis, Jean, 174 (note). Doro, Marie, 351. Doucet, C., 9 (note). Dow, Ada (Mrs. Currier), 301, 302 and note, 306. Drew, John, 206, 214, 226, 332–4, 103. Irving, Henry, 105, 362. Starr, Frances, 362, 365. Stedman, E.C., 91, 92. Stevens, Emily, 362, 364. Stinson, Fred, 308, 312. Stoddard, Lorimer, 284. Sudermann, Hermann, 276. Symons, Arthur, 159, 194, 318. Synge, John M., iii. Taber, Robert, 308, 311–2, 313 (note). Tarasiewicz, Michael, 92. Taylor, Laurette, 362, 366. Tellegen, Lou, 350. Tempest, Marie, 366. Tennyson, Lord, 87, 223, 248, 256. Terry, Beatrice, 94 (note). Terry, Benjamin, 93, 94, 95, 96. Terry, Charles, 94 and note. Terry, Ellen, iii, 93–125; parentage, 93; family, 94–5; birth, 94; early training, 96, 99–100; first appearance, 96–8; a strolling player, 101; Atar-Gull, 102; at Bristol, 102–3; with the elder Sothern, 103; marriage and retirement, 103–4; returns to stage, 104; acts first with Irving, 105; second retirement, 106–8; returns to stage, 109; with S.B. Bancroft, 109–11; first plays Portia, 109; with John Hare, 111–12; Olivia, 111; becomes leading woman at the Lyceum, 112; the Irving rÉgime, 113; her personality, 114, 118, 121; Bernard Shaw’s estimate, 113, 115, |