Annals of American Academy of Political And Social Science, January, 1921. Present Day Immigration with Special Reference to the Japanese. Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science, September, 1909. Chinese and Japanese in America. Gulick, Sydney L. American Democracy and Asiatic Citizenship. Scribners, New York, 1918. The American-Japanese Problem. Scribners, New York, 1914. Ichihashi, Y. Japanese Immigration. Marshall Press, San Francisco, 1915. Kawakami, K. K. American-Japanese Relations. Revell, New York, 1912. Asia at the Door. Revell, New York, 1914. Japan in the World Politics. Revell, New York, 1917. Masaoka, N. (Editor). Japan to America. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1915. Millis, H. A. The Japanese Problem in the United States. McMillan, New York, 1915. Pitkin, Walter B. Must We Fight Japan? The Century Co., New York, 1921. Russell, Lindsay (Editor). America to Japan. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1915. Scherer, J. A. A. The Japanese Crisis. Stokes, 1915. The Japanese-American News. The Japanese-American Year Book, 1910 and 1918. San Francisco.
Annual Reports of the United States Commissioner-General of Immigration. Bureau of Labor (California). Biennial Reports, and especially, “Report on the Japanese in California.” California and the Oriental. Report of California State Board of Control, with Governor Wm. D. Stephens’s letter addressed to Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby. California State Printing Office, Sacramento, 1920. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census. Chinese and Japanese in the United States, 1910. Bulletin 127, Washington Printing Office, 1914. Immigration Commission. Changes in Bodily Form of Descendants of Immigrant. Senate Document, No. 208, 61st Congress, 2nd Session. Washington Government Printing Office, 1910. Immigration Laws of the United States. (Revised Federal Statutes). Kahn, Congressman. Japanese-California Problem. Congressional Record, 60, 4: 78-82, December 9, 1920. Metcalf, Secretary. Report on the Japanese School Question. Naturalization Laws of the United States. (Revised Federal Statutes.) Reports of the Immigration Commission. Immigrants in the Industries, Vols. 23, 24, 25, Senate Document, No. 633, 61st Congress. Roosevelt, Theodore. Presidential Message to Congress, 1907. House of Representatives; Message of the President of the United States, and Accompanying Documents. Part I; pp. 492-846. Ex. Doc. No. 1.
California Farmers’ Co-operative Association. Japanese Immigration and the Japanese in California, 1919. Clement, E. W. Expatriation of Japanese Abroad. Japanese Association of America, San Francisco, 1916. Eliot, Chas. W. Friendship between the United States and Japan. Japanese Merchants’ Association, Portland, Oregon. Gadsby, John. Foreign Land-Ownership and Leasing in Japan, 1920. Japanese Association of America, San Francisco, 1914. Gulick, Sydney L. How Shall Immigration be Regulated? 1920. Japan and the Gentlemen’s Agreement. 1920. The New Anti-Japanese Agitation. 1920. Ichihashi, Y. Japanese Immigration, Its Status in California. 1913. Irish, John P. Campaign of Lies, Stolen Letters of Senator Phelan. 1920. Shall Japanese-Americans in Idaho be Treated with Fairness and Justice or Not? 1921. Kawakami, K. K. Senator Phelan, Dr. Gulick and I. Bureau of Literary Service, San Francisco, 1920. Lamont, Thomas, and Others. Japan. 1920. People’s League of Justice. Petition by People’s League of Justice, Los Angeles, California, 1920. Rea, George Bronson. Japan’s Right to Exist. Far Eastern Review, Shanghai, China, 1920. Roosevelt, T. America and Japan. Reprint from the New York Times. Shima, George. An Appeal To Justice. 1920. Taft, Henry W. Our Relations with Japan. Japan Society, New York, 1920. The American Committee of Justice. California and the Japanese. Oakland, California, December, 1920. Tyndall, Philip. Proposed Initiative Measure to be Presented to the Legislature of 1921, Seattle, Washington. Vanderlip, Frank. Mr. Vanderlip’s Message. Wallace, J. B. Waving the Yellow Flag in California. Reprinted from the Dearborn Independent. Williams, B. H. The Case against the Japanese. 1920.
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