class="pginternal">262 Developing machines, film, 133, 273 Development, core rack method of, 271 DH-4 plane, 210, 217, 296 DH-9 plane, 296 Diaframs, to equalize illumination of plate, 78 Dilution coefficient of developer, 258 Dirigibles, 15, 16, 413 Distortion, absent with between-the-lens shutter, 74 - barrel, 51
- due to camera tilting, 206, 286, 305, 315
- in aerial maps, 317
- lens, 39, 44, 51, 54, 56, 62
- pin-cushion, 51
- produced by film shrinkage, 237
- produced by focal plane shutter, 74
- produced by glass plate in front of film, 131
- with wide angle lenses, 63
- “Dodging” in printing, 279, 315
- Doors in plane for camera to work through, 214
Drying of films, 267, 276 Earth, appearance of from plane, 30 Eastman apron film developing machine, 274 - twin reel film developing machine, 274
Efficiency, propeller, 155 English aerial photographic practice, 45, 15, 30, 223, 233, 239 Head resistance and weight, equivalent, 156 Heat, effect of on plate sensitiveness, 175, 232 Heater, electric, in camera, 142, 174, 232 Horizon, photography of to indicate - inclination, 174
- position of, 30
Hurter and Driffield sensitometric curve, 227 Illumination of field by lens, 50, 54, 56, 57 Image of point source, size of, 49, 54, 56 - size of in relation to focal length, 59
Incidence, angle of assumed by plane at high altitudes, 206 Inclinometer, 33, 35, 171, 173 Indicators, distance, 163, 295 Inertia, 229, 257 Installation, camera, 24, 208 Instructions, operating, to be placed on apparatus, 42 Instruments, airplane, 30 Instrument board, 30 Intensification of aerial negatives, 262 Intensity of daylight, 222 Interpretation of aerial photographs, 17, 40, 351 Interval between exposures, 40, 158, 305, 307 - for stereoscopic pictures, 334, 338
- methods of regulating, 124
Isochromatic plates, 233 Italian photographic practice, 122, 377 Jamming of cameras in operation, 119, 120 K1 and K2 filters, 239 Keeping power of developer, 259 Kites, 15, 16, 18 Laboratory, mobile photographic, 269 Landscape gardening, use of aerial photography in, 395 Latitude of plates, 229 Lens, 388 Velocity constant, 258 Veneer construction, 23, 209, 211 Venturi tube, 132, 142, 144 Vibration, 16, 18, 26, 40, 41, 58, 102, 179 Volcanoes, photography of, 15, 399 Water for mixing chemicals, 262 Watkins factor, 258 Weight and head resistance, equivalence, 156 - of film compared to plates, 101, 130
- of deRam camera, 123
- of hand cameras, 96
- of K type camera, 144
- of K film roll, 144
- of L type camera, 117
- of M type camera, 109
- of storage batteries, 157
Wind, flying against, 68, 308 Windows in side of plane, 214, 328 Wire, barbed, appearance of in aerial photograph, 360 |