Unless otherwise designated the citations are to paragraphs. - Abbreviations in general, 13 to 26
- Abbreviations of names of states, 29
- Address, forms of, 83
- Ages of persons, 19
- A.M., and like references, 18
- Anno Domini, 13
- Apostrophes to be omitted, when, 15
- Apostrophe in possessives, 16
- Apostrophe wrong for plurals, 14
- Arabic numerals, 17
- Authors are supreme, 12
- Authority, sources of, 1
- Cantos, how cited, 37
- Capital letters, when needed, 33, 34
- Chemical terms, 35
- Co. and Company, 21
- Company, singular verb, (d) 74
- Collective nouns, 74
- Compounds in detail, 10, 27, 41, 42, 43 to 47
- Commas essential, (18) under 27
- Copymaking is an art, 6
- Credits, how printed, 52
- Dashes, when omitted, 48
- Dates, 23, 24
- Dep’t and similar abbreviations, (2) under 27
- De Vinne’s System, 1
- De Vinne violated, 49
- Dictionary of capital letters in detail, being alphabetically arranged, 33
- Dictionary should govern, 10
- Division of words, 50
- Farther and further, 55
- Figures, how used in dates, 24
- Follows and as follow, Page 52
- Following named, Page 53
- Foreign words and phrases, 56
- Headquarters is or are, Page 52
- Hours, how written, 25
- Interrupted compounds, 45
- Last held meeting, Page 52
- Law books, how cited, 36
- Magazines, how named, 54
- Medieval, etc., 63
- Month, how written, 26
- Money, ten dollars was paid, 74
- MS. and MSS., (4) under 27
- Names not abbreviated, 28
- Names, plural of, 65
- Newspapers and magazines, 54
- Night of Horrors, 34
- Numbers, spell out, 24
- O, Oh, Oh!, 64
- On yesterday or yesterday, Page 53
- Operas and plays, 52 and 58
- Pages, how cited, 38
- Paper, size for printers, 8
- Paragraphs, how cited, 37
- Parentheses and punctuation, 62
- Parentheses for states, (10) under 27
- Pet names, how used, (11) under 27
- Plays and operas, how cited, 52
- Plurals, Page 53
- Plurals of names, 65
- Preferred words, Page 53
- Printers blamed, 5
- Printers to edit reprint, 11
- PS., (17) under 27
- Publications, how cited, 39
- Punctuation, some forms of, 61, 62
- Salutations, how written, 59, 60
- Saviour and savior, 70
- Scriptural citations, 40
- Self-confessed, Page 54
- Ships and vessels, 53
- Simplified spelling, 82
- Singulars and plurals, 74
- Single quote-marks, 68
- Singulars again, (c) under 74
- Smaller type, 67
- Specials, 71
- Spellings preferred, 72
- Spoonfuls, Page 53
- States, names of abbreviated, 29
- Stenographers need the code, 80
- Streets, how printed, (13) under 27
- Style-codes to be mastered, 9
- Style-codes needed, 2
- Sums-two and two is four, (a) under 74
- Unfamiliar words, 57
- United States is or are, 73
- Verbs, singular or plural, 74
- Wave-lines, 78
- Welsh rabbit, Page 53
- Whereabouts is, 75
- Women and husband’s titles, 76
- Words, division of, 50
- Words in legal papers, (16) under 27
... THE ... Mysell-Rollins Bank Note Company MANUFACTURERS OF NEW YORK No. 1 Reporter’s Note Book the approved reporter’s note book, used by official stenographers and reporters that know BANK STOCK Reporter’s Note Book made from our celebrated Bank Stock Paper—Saves and relieves the sight Fine for pen or pencil 22 Clay Street San Francisco California Transcriber's Note: Punctuation has been standardised. Variations in hyphenation and obsolete or variant spelling have all been preserved. The following changes have been made: Page 20: twelvemo => 12mo Page 45: standstone => sandstone Index: Abbreviations of names of states, 28 => 29 Index: States, names of abbreviated, 28 => 29 Index: Ethics and similar words, (9) under 74 => (g) under 74 Index: Headquarters is or are, 52 => Page 52 Index: Last held meeting, 52 => Page 52 |