The complete list is as follows: Use | Instead of | abridgment | abridgement | accouter | accoutre | accurst | accursed | acknowledgment | acknowledgement | addrest | addressed | adz | adze | affixt | affixed | altho | although | anapest | anapaest | anemia | anaemia | anesthesia | anaesthesia | anesthetic | anaesthetic | antipyrin | antipyrine | antitoxin | antitoxine | apothem | apothegm | apprize | apprise | arbor | arbour | archeology | archaeology | ardor | ardour | armor | armour | artizan | artisan | assize | assise | ax | axe | bans | banns | bark | barque | behavior | behaviour | blest | blessed | blusht | blushed | brazen | brasen | brazier | brasier | bun | bunn | bur | burr | caliber | calibre | caliper | calliper | candor | candour | carest | caressed | catalog | catalogue | catechize | catechise | center | centre | chapt | chapped | check | cheque | checker | chequer | chimera | chimaera | civilize | civilise | clamor | clamour | clangor | clangour | clapt | clapped | claspt | clasped | clipt | clipped | clue | clew | coeval | coaeval | color | colour | colter | coulter | commixt | commixed | comprest | compressed | comprize | comprise | confest | confessed | controller | comptroller | coquet | coquette | criticize | criticise | cropt | cropped | crost | crossed | crusht | crushed | cue | queue | curst | cursed | cutlas | cutlass | cyclopedia | cyclopaedia | dactyl | dactyle | dasht | dashed | decalog | decalogue | defense | defence | demagog | demagogue | demeanor | demeanour | deposit | deposite | deprest | depressed | develop | develope | dieresis | diaeresis | dike | dyke | dipt | dipped | discust | discussed | dispatch | despatch | distil | distill | distrest | distressed | dolor | dolour | domicil | domicile | draft | draught | dram | drachm | drest | dressed | dript | dripped | droopt | drooped | dropt | dropped | dulness | dullness | ecumenical | oecumenical | edile | aedile | egis | aegis | enamor | enamour | encyclopedia | encyclopaedia | endeavor | endeavour | envelop | envelope | Eolian | Aeolian | eon | aeon | epaulet | epaulette | eponym | eponyme | era | aera | esophagus | oesophagus | esthetic | aesthetic | esthetics | aesthetics | estivate | aestivate | ether | aether | etiology | aetiology | exorcize | exorcise | exprest | expressed | fagot | faggot | fantasm | phantasm | fantasy | phantasy | fantom | phantom | favor | favour | favorite | favourite | fervor | fervour | fiber | fibre | fixt | fixed | flavor | flavour | fulfil | fulfill | fulness | fullness | gage | gauge | gazel | gazelle | gelatin | gelatine | gild | guild | gipsy | gypsy | gloze | glose | glycerin | glycerine | good-by | good-bye | gram | gramme | gript | gripped | harbor | harbour | harken | hearken | heapt | heaped | hematin | haematin | hiccup | hiccough | hock | hough | homeopathy | homoeopathy | homonym | homonyme | honor | honour | humor | humour | husht | hushed | hypotenuse | hypothenuse | idolize | idolise | imprest | impressed | instil | instill | jail | gaol | judgment | judgement | kist | kissed | labor | labour | lacrimal | lachrymal | lapt | lapped | lasht | lashed | leapt | leaped | legalize | legalise | license | licence | licorice | liquorice | liter | litre | lodgment | lodgement | lookt | looked | lopt | lopped | luster | lustre | mama | mamma | maneuver | manoeuver | materialize | materialise | meager | meagre | medieval | mediaeval | meter | metre | mist | missed | miter | mitre | mixt | mixed | mold | mould | molder | moulder | molding | moulding | moldy | mouldy | molt | moult | mullen | mullein | naturalize | naturalise | neighbor | neighbour | niter | nitre | nipt | nipped | ocher | ochre | odor | odour | offense | offence | omelet | omelette | opprest | oppressed | orthopedic | orthopaedic | paleography | palaeography | paleolithic | palaeolithic | paleontology | palaeontology | paleozoic | palaeozoic | paraffin | paraffine | parlor | parlour | partizan | partisan | past | passed | patronize | patronise | pedagog | pedagogue | pedobaptist | paedobaptist | phenix | phoenix | phenomenon | phaenomenon | pigmy | pygmy | plow | plough | polyp | polype | possest | possessed | practise (v. and n.) | practice | prefixt | prefixed | prenomen | praenomen | prest | pressed | pretense | pretence | preterit | preterite | pretermit | praetermit | primeval | primaeval | profest | professed | program | programme | prolog | prologue | propt | propped | pur | purr | quartet | quartette | questor | quaestor | quintet | quintette | rancor | rancour | rapt | rapped | raze | rase | recognize | recognise | reconnoiter | reconnoitre | rigor | rigour | rime | rhyme | ript | ripped | rumor | rumour | saber | sabre | saltpeter | saltpetre | savior | saviour | savor | savour | scepter | sceptre | septet | septette | sepulcher | sepulchre | sextet | sextette | silvan | sylvan | simitar | cimeter | sipt | sipped | skilful | skillful | sithe | scythe | skipt | skipped | slipt | slipped | smolder | smoulder | snapt | snapped | somber | sombre | specter | spectre | splendor | splendour | stedfast | steadfast | stept | stepped | stopt | stopped | strest | stressed | stript | stripped | subpena | subpoena | succor | succour | suffixt | suffixed | sulfate | sulphate | sulfur | sulphur | sumac | sumach | supprest | suppressed | surprize | surprise | synonym | synonyme | tabor | tabour | tapt | tapped | teazel | teasel | tenor | tenour | theater | theatre | tho | though | thoro | thorough | thorofare | thoroughfare | thoroly | thoroughly | thru | through | thruout | throughout | tipt | tipped | topt | topped | tost | tossed | transgrest | transgressed | trapt | trapped | tript | tripped | tumor | tumour | valor | valour | vapor | vapour | vext | vexed | vigor | vigour | vizor | visor | wagon | waggon | washt | washed | whipt | whipped | whisky | whiskey | wilful | willful | winkt | winked | wisht | wished | wo | woe | woful | woeful | woolen | woollen | wrapt | wrapped |