| PAGE | LECTURE I. THE DOCTRINE. | The Method of the Argument—Importance of a Ministry—Scriptural aspect of the subject—Apostolical language concerning it—Compared with the Modern—What the safe inference—The original Ministry possibly still exists—And if so, what constitutes a Ministry—Scripture Language—Compared with Popular and Modern notions—Theory of the Inward Call—Erastian theory—The Common principle of all such Theories—Illustrated—The Catholic Doctrine of the Ministry—Compared with the Modern, and with Scripture—The Continuance of the Ministry—Doctrine of the Succession stated and explained—Reasons for the present Inquiry | 1 | LECTURE II. THE EVIDENCE. | Importance of not hastily prejudging—Argued from the parallel case of the Jewish Church—Necessity of considering the Evidence for the Succession—Evidence of Scripture, how far Important—Historical Evidence—Popular Difficulties—A General reply.—On Evidence—Popular Notions—The expected Evidence of the Succession—Illustrated by a parallel case—Impossible—And even if attainable, not satisfactory—What kind and amount of Evidence should be looked for—Parallels of Evidence—For the Scriptures—The Sacraments, and the Ministry of the Church—On what Evidence the Common People must of necessity receive the Bible—And the Apostolic Church—Literary Evidence of the Bible, difficult—And of the Succession—Analysis of it, Theoretical and Historical—Accumulation of the Evidence—Moral Certainty—Conclusion | 41 | LECTURE III. THE OBJECTIONS. | Necessity of considering Objections—Classification of them—(1.) As connected with the Fact of the Succession, and its Consequences.—(2.) And the Doctrine, and its Consequences. (1.) General Corruption—Idolatry—Schism—Infringement of Private Judgment—Popery and Superstition. (2.) Judaistic Doctrine—Carnality—Technicality—Scriptural Uncertainty—Exclusiveness—Uncharitableness—Unchurching other Protestants—among whom may be seen many Evidences of God’s Blessing and Religious Success—Explanation. Catholic Charity—Theoretical and Practical—Review | 69 | LECTURE IV. THE SUMMARY. | The Summary—Mistakes of the Ideality of Christianity—Erroneous popular Notions and Arguments—Contrast of Rationalist and Catholic theories—Comparison—And with Scripture—Analytical Review of the Catholic Religion, illustrating the Doctrine of the Ministry—Synthetical View of the same—Conclusion | 109 | Notes | 145 |