Motorist Guide Map of Yellowstone National Park. Shows roads, campgrounds, lodges, and hotels, and gives condensed information about Yellowstone National Park. Distributed in the park only. Free. Recreational Map. Shows Federal and State recreational areas throughout the United States and gives brief descriptions of principal ones. Address Director, National Park Service, Washington, D. C. Free. Glimpses of Our National Parks. Brief descriptions of the national parks. Address Director, National Park Service, Washington, D. C. Free. National Parks Portfolio. By Robert Sterling Yard. Cloth bound and illustrated with more than 300 pictures of places of outstanding scenic interest. Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. $1.50. Fauna of the National Parks, Series No. 1. By G. M. Wright, J. S. Dixon, and B. H. Thompson. A survey of wildlife with recommendations for adequate protection. 157 pages, illustrated. Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price, 20 cents. Fauna of the National Parks, Series No. 2. By G. M. Wright and B. H. Thompson. Wildlife management in the national parks. 142 pages, illustrated. Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. 20 cents. Illustrated booklets about the following national parks may be obtained free of charge by writing to the National Park Service:
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