Heavenly Homebaked Breads
Perfectly Marvelous Pies
Fabulous Festive Desserts
Collector's Corner
Transcriber's Notes
Adventuring with new recipes is part of what makes homemaking enjoyable. Each discovery helps to add your special touch to the foods you serve to family and friends.
With foods like sparkling-bright canned fruit pie fillings available to you, it’s easy and fun to create new dishes. These fresh-fruit pie fillings can be used in a myriad of ways right from the can ... as toppings for cheese cakes, sauces for sundaes or ham slices or as rich fillings for quick-to-fix pies. You’ll want to try them, too, as the master ingredients in breads and cakes, cookies and pretty party desserts. Sample the offerings here and then go adventuring on your own; canned fruit pie fillings can add the magic that will set your meals apart from the rest.
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