@files@48057@48057-h@48057-h-11.htm.html#Page_257" class="pginternal">257; attitude towards Anne Boleyn, 255 Frobisher, 378, 379 Froude, J. A., cited, 53, 59, 329 G Gardiner, Bishop, introduces Cranmer to Henry VIII., 242; Henry’s attitude towards, 185; on the divorce, 127, 247, 252; excluded from Council of Executors, 198, 209, 218, 258; imprisoned, 219, 221; deprived of his see, 231, 268; attitude towards Cranmer, 247, 261; otherwise mentioned, 150, 154, 179, 187, 210, 263 Germany, Cromwell’s relations with, 146–148, 152–154; Peasants’ war, 97–98 Gilbert, Humphrey, 363–365, 371–372 Gondomar (Spanish Ambassador), 389, 390 Greater Britain, 362 Greek, study of, 78 Grenville, Richard, 373, 375, 339, 380 Grey, Lady Jane, 228, 267, 282, 283, 286 Grey, Katharine, 307 Grocyn, 79, 81 Gueran de Espes, Don (Spanish Ambassador), 294, 329, 330, 333 H Hales, 267 Hatton, 370 Hawkins, Captain John, 310, 317, 367, 378, 383 Heath, Bishop, 231, 268 Henry VII., King, early years of, 5–7; position as king, 7–9; moderation, 9, 28; fines and confiscations, 10–11, 13; 52, 179–180 Somerset’s attitude towards, 227 Wolsey’s treatment of, 51, 95 Parma, Duke of, 315, 343, 347 Parr, Katharine, 197, 228–229 Peasants’ War in Germany, 97–98 Perrot, Sir John, 192 Philip II., King of Spain, policy of, 295, 304; embarrassments, 331; rapprochement with Elizabeth, 338; annexation of Portugal, 344; death, 318 Pilgrimage of Grace, 143 Pinkie Cleugh, 215–216 Pole, Cardinal, 120, 144, 271–273 Pollard, A. F., cited, 206 Proclamation, government by, 210 R Raleigh, Sir Walter, family and early years of, 363–364; voyage with Humphrey Gilbert, 364; in Ireland, 364–365; at Court, 365, 370, 378; Elizabeth’s relations with, 356; anti-Spanish policy, 366, 377, 386; Spanish negotiations story, 366–367; 1568–1581, 369; knighted, 372; expeditions to Virginia, 372–375; the Lisbon expedition, 378; disgrace and imprisonment, 379; marriage with Elizabeth Throgmorton, 379; expedition to the Orinoco, 381–382; Cadiz expedition, 383; restored to favour at Court, 384; the Islands voyage, 384; tried for treason under James, 386; appeal for life, 389; twelve years’ imprisonment, 387; writings, 362, 387, 388; release and last voyage, 389–390; return and execution, 390–391; estimate, 361–363 Reformation: Act in Restraint of Appeals, 135, 137 Annates Act, 132, 135,
_227" class="pginternal">227, 232 Tudor absolutism, 12 Tunstal, Bishop, 84, 164–165, 211, 218, 231, 258, 268 U “Utopia,” 85-94, 98–99, 241 V Villiers, George, 389 Virginia, 372–375 W Walsingham, Sir Francis, family and early years of, 328; residence abroad, 328; employed on secret service, 328–330; Ambassador in France, 330, 332–334, 337–338; appointed Secretary of State, 339; Netherlands mission, 341–342; Protestant sympathies, 280, 306, 343, 348; relations with Queen Elizabeth, 279–280, 342–343; relations with Burghley, 326, 346, 356; on colonial expansion, 372; mission to Paris, 344–347; measures against the Queen of Scots, 353–355; closing years and death, 356–357, 377; characteristics, 325–327; estimate, 326–327 Warbeck, Perkin, 9, 11, 18 Warham, Archbishop, 134, 241, 246 Warwick (Dudley). See Northumberland Warwick, Richard Earl of, 4, 5, 7–9 Welsh ancestry, 282 Western rising (1549), 230, 261–262 Weston, Dean, 271 Whitgift, Archbishop, 320 Wiltshire, Earl of, 179, 245 Wriothesly, Lord Chancellor, 209, 218, 328 Wolsey, Cardinal, family and early years of, 38; rise, 40; aims, 24, 36, 49; foreign policy, Printed by Ballantyne & Co. Limited Tavistock Street, London