- Acts of Parliament, 24, 80, 99, 100, 114.
- Affliction, Treatise on, 59.
- Alnwick, Cupboard at, 55.
- Alva, 137.
- Anabaptists, 72, 102.
- Anchor, Knox's first, 30, 37, 39, 47, 153.
- Apostolic Order of Worship, 72.
- Appellation, 77.
- Appropriations, 21, 22.
- Archbishop of St Andrews, 140, 141.
- Argyll, Earl of, 130.
- Aristocracy, Scottish, 20-22, 73, 77, 115.
- Armenians, 68.
- Arran, Earl of, 119.
- Assembly, General, 107, 115, 140.
- Assurance, 28, 29, 30.
- Auditors bound to support, 112, 113.
- Autobiography, 9, 12, 13, 28, 31, 53.
- Balnaves, 36.
- Band, 73, 74, 90, 139.
- Bannatyne, Richard, 153.
- Bartholomew, St, 146.
- Beaton, David (Cardinal), 18, 24, 26, 38.
- Beaton, James (Archbishop), 17.
- Beggars' Warning, 82, 108.
- Benefices, 107, 112.
- Berwick, 49, 66.
- Beza, 10.
- Bible, 24, 30, 33, 72, 125.
- Bishopric offered Knox, 49.
- Bishops, The R.C., 93.
- 'Bishops and Kings,' 71.
- Blast (against Women's Regimen), 120.
- Books in Knox's Library, 145.
- Borgia, 12.
- Bothwell, 139, 140, 141.
- Bothwellhaugh,
- Bowes, Mrs, 53-61.
- Bowes, Marjory, (Mrs Knox,) 49-51.
- Bowes, Sir R., 50.
- Brown, Dr Hume, 10, 21, 39, 68, 110, 144.
- Browning, 57.
- Buchanan, George, 19, 24.
- Bullinger, 68.
- Bunyan in Bedford, 55.
- Burghs, 75.
- Burton, J. Hill, 45.
- Calvin, 30, 43, 51, 67, 68.
- Campbell of Kinyeancleugh, 152.
- Cannon-ball, 63.
- Carlyle, 37, 38, 39, 46, 94.
- Catechism Palatinate, 30.
- Catholic system, 14-24, 23.
- Call, Knox's, 28, 31, 32, Chap. II. (25-47).
- Cecil, 87, 92, 143.
- Ceremonies, 36.
- Charities, 104.
- Chatelherault, Duke of, 51.
- Comfort, Knox's lack of, 53.
- Commonalty, Letter to, 77, 78.
- 'Common Man, The,' 43, 48, 78, 94.
- Compensations, 149.
- 'Conditions,' Knox's, 63.
- Confession of 1560, 92-97, 117, 123.
- Confession of Wishart (First Helvetic), 30, 36, 38, 97, 102, 103, 109.
- Confession, Knox's personal, 28, 140.
- Confessions, Change in, 97.
- Confessions of Protestantism, 95, 101.
- 'Congregation, The,' 74.
- Conscience, 86, 90, 124, 126, 135.
- Constantine, 14.
- Constitutionalism, 19, 137.
- Consuetude, 55.
- Conversion, Knox's, 9, 27, Chap. II. (25-47).
- Convocation of Lieges, 135.
- Coronation Oath, 100.
- Coronation Sermon, 142.
- Corpuscle, 147.
- Council, General Church, 15-17, 18.
- Council, Provincial Church, 84.
- 'Country, What I have been to my,' 143.
- Creed (see Confession).
- Crisis in life, Chap. II.
- Crock, Le, 146.
- Darnley, 41, 136, 138-141.
- Death of Knox, 149-154.
- 'Deliberate Mind,' 27-31, 140.
- Desertion, 59.
- Dialogues with Queen Mary, 123-134.
- Discipline, Book of, 106, 108, 109-115.
- Dispensation for Bothwell's Marriage, 141.
- Donations, 104.
- Dow Craig, 147.
- Dundee, 75.
- Dyspepsia, 63.
- Edinburgh, 61, 69, 86, 88, Chapter VII. (144-154).
- Edinburgh, Treaty of, 91.
- Ejectment, Summons of, 83, 84.
- Eleazar Knox, 51.
- Elizabeth, Queen, 82, 92, 119, 120, 131, 138.
- Endowments, 20-22, 83, 104, 105, 111, 114.
- England, 20, 21, 22, 24, 38, 41, 66, 67, 86, 141.
- Establishment, 14, 23, 100.
- Evangel, 28-31, 34, 39, 43, 44, 46, 69, 94, 148.
- Excommunication, 100.
- Face, Knox's, 146.
- Fairley of Braid, 151.
- 'Familiarity,' never broken, 63.
- 'Fearfulness' of Knox, 33.
- Fergus the First, 19.
- France, 82, 117, 118, 143.
- Francis II., 118.
- Frankfort, 67.
- Friars, The, 80, 83.