CHAPTER I | | PAGE | Mobilisation and transport of the British Expeditionary Force—The King’s message to his troops—Sir John French’s order of the day—Lord Kitchener’s address—Death of General Grierson—Disposition of the French Forces in the North—Advance of the Germans—Sir John French on the movements of the British troops—Fighting at Mons—The Kaiser’s Army Order | 9 | CHAPTER II | The Battle of Mons, August 23rd—Sir John French’s despatch—The West Kents in action—An aeroplane duel—A Royal Engineer’s experience—Missing their regiment—Royal Field Artillery and German shrapnel—Captain Grenfell | 22 | CHAPTER III | Fighting at Charleroi in the French lines—A railway official’s adventure—A Zouave officer’s impressions—French artillery—Heavy German casualties—The fall of Namur—A Belgian soldier’s tribute | 45 | CHAPTER IV | The British troops retire into France—The adventures of a Chaplain to a field ambulance—The Royal Field Artillery—A wounded gunner—Losing his regiment—A Gordon Highlander’s experiences—Operations of the French troops—British versus German cavalry—Sir John French’s account of the events of August 25—The Battle of Cambrai—The Rev. Owen S. Watkins’ adventures—Mr. Asquith announces a wonderful feat of arms | 63 | CHAPTER V | Sir John French on the operations of the British Army to August 28—Lord Kitchener on the four days’ battle—Fighting in the Valley of the Meuse—Charleville | 106 | CHAPTER VI | The French Army on the Oise—Sir John French on the operations of the British troops on August 28—The fight at St. Quentin—A sharp action at CompiÈgne—At Chantilly—English soldiers shopping—A quiet day—British losses and resources—The enemy at Senlis—The end of the retreat—A view of a great military feat—Sir John French’s despatch | 123 | CHAPTER VII | The German advance on Paris—the Government quit the Capital for Bordeaux—The fortifications of Paris—Preparations for a siege—The German change of plan—Sir John French’s despatch—German vengeance—The failure of the Crown Prince’s Army—Declaration of the Triple Entente—Conclusion | 160 | WAR MAP DRAWN BY G.W. BACON AND CO., LTD., 127, STRAND, W.C. POSITIONS OF THE BRITISH FORCES IN THE RETREAT TOWARDS PARIS.