
In Three Parts.

Part I. Showing how a noble knight was riding by a farmer's house when his wife was in travail. The knight, knowing the signs and planets, looking on a book, read that the farmer's daughter that was born that hour was to be his bride. And how the cruel knight got the child from her parents, and flung it into a river; but, by good fortune, the child was taken up by a poor fisherman alive, who brought her home and kept her till she was eleven years old.

Part II. How the fisherman was in an inn with some gentlemen, the knight being one of the company; and seeing this young girl come in, he asked the fisherman if she was his own daughter, who told the story of his taking her up, &c. How the knight got the poor girl away, and contrived her death a second time, and how he was prevented.

Part III. How the knight contrived her death the third time; but her life was saved by showing the knight a ring that he flung into the sea, which the knight seeing, found it was in vain to strive against fortune, so married her.


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