THERE was a jolly soldier down into Yorkshire went,
And for to court a pretty girl was his whole intent;
He courted her, and told her he lov'd her as his life,
Poor girl, she little thought he had another wife.
He courted her six months, with behaviour mild and kind;
Her friends and relations did like him, so we find;
He said, "My dearest Peggy, I love you as my life,
And if your friends are willing, you shall be my wife."
Her father and her mother they both did agree,
That joined in wedlock this couple should be;
I, like a silly girl, consented to the same,
I thought to have a husband none could me blame.
The time being come, they both of them were wed,
So lovingly together, as many people said,
But early the next morning my heart was like to break,
To hear the dismal story to me he did relate.
"Farewell, my dearest Peggy, it cuts me to the heart,
For I do love you dearly, to think that we must part;
I rue what I have done, my love, for me pray don't moan,
I have got a loving wife and children at home."
With that the poor girl she screamed outright,
"So hard is my fortune, I am ruined quite;
I am married to a false man that's got another wife;
I shall have no other comfort or joy of my life."
Then raving distracted, she ran and tore her hair,
Since she must part with him, she fell into despair.
Her mother, she laments, and her father full of woe,
"I'm sorry I gave consent to ruin my daughter so."
The soldier he went home unto his loving wife;
Thinking she might hear of this, bethought to end the strife,
Saying, "I'm married to another, to tell you I'm loath."
"You villain," said she, "you have ruin'd us both."
The wife took it to heart, she bade the world adieu,
To think he lov'd another, and prov'd to her untrue;
Now he is forsaken, and thus doth sigh and mourn,
"Not long ago I had two wives, but now, alas! I've none."
Come all you brave young soldiers, a warning take by me,
And ne'er delude young women and bring to misery;
Think on your wife and children, and ne'er defile the bed,
And never wed the second wife, until the first is dead.


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