
Which took place in Bradford on the First of December, 1851.

JUST give attention, old and young,
And listen for awhile,
I'll sing to you a funny song,
Will sure to make you smile,
It is about a circumstance
Well known to all around,
I mean the funny wedding
That took place in Bradford town.
Such a funny sight in Bradford town,
Was never seen before.
It was from Whipsey that the people
On that morning came,
The aged couple there did live,
You perhaps may know their name;
This couple long had wanted to
Enjoy each other's bed,
So on that happy day they went
To Bradford to get wed.
Such a funny wedding.
They often told their tales of love,
At length, good lack-a-day,
Old Johnny said to Betty,
"Love, this is our wedding day."
Such mirth and fun in Bradford town,
The people did never see,
For John is sixty-five years old,
And Betty seventy-three.
Such a funny wedding.
Invitations were sent round to their
Neighbours and their friends,
And earnestly requested them
Their wedding to attend;
So on the first day of December,
They collected in their forces,
Some mounted upon donkeys' backs,
And others upon horses.
Such a funny wedding.
To see this funny wedding
Thousands gathered round,
For in a grand procession
They march'd into the town;
Some with soot mustachios,
Others with their faces black,
And another with a monkey
Stuft with straw upon his back.
Such a funny wedding.
There was some had got red jackets on,
And others had got blue,
With rummy caps and three-cock'd hats,
They seem'd a jovial crew,
And as they came along the street,
The people they did start,
And laugh to see old John and
Betty riding in a cart.
Such a funny wedding.
At last they came up to the church,
And the cart did stand,
While John and Betty both got out,
As you shall understand;
He led her to the altar
And plac'd her by his side,
They took the oath, and Johnny then
Claim'd Betty for his bride.
Such a funny wedding.
When the marriage it was over,
Devoid of care or pain,
The procession got in readiness
For to return again.
With John and Betty in the cart
They made a grand display,
And as they homeward did return
The fifes and drums did play.
Such a funny wedding.
Now John and Betty have got wed,
Let's hope they will agree,
In unity and harmony
Always happy be,
And in nine months' time,
May they have a daughter or a son
Mark'd with this grand procession,
And December on its bum.
And such a funny wedding may
They live to see again.


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