LOVE'S like I deant knaw what,
Deevil cannot match it,
Auld, young and middle aged,
Is sarten sure ta catch it;
I catched it yance misen,
It made me quite uneasy,
And when I gat a wife
By gum she set me crazy.
Dolly Dugging I teak ta be my wife sir,
I did noutt but cry she lid me sic a life sir,
I niver efter smiled nor spent ane hour i' laughter,
She war a hangel forst but she proved a deevil efter.
It happened on a time I axed a friend ta dinner,
I needed some mysen I'd grown sae mickle thinner,
Doll bought sum ribs o' beef when doon sits I and Davy,
She gave us beans ta pick while she tuk meat and gravy.
About a week fra this,
Our Dolly 'd getten collick,
Now thinks I ta mysen,
This is time for frolick.
Dolly prayed neet and day,
As lang as she prayed I swer,
She prayed she might live,
But I prayed she might dee sir.
Sud Bonyparte cum
I'd fit him for his folly,
For I cud'nt wish him warse,
Than wedded tiv our Dolly;
She'd bring his courage doon,
And him severely handle,
Ay and mak him sune as fond,
As ony farden can'le.[196]


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