Giraffes, in Their Native African Haunts Frontispiece
Starfish and Other Typical Life in a Tide Pool 48
Coral Formations of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia 49
Caterpillar Beginning to Weave Its Cocoon 118
Moth and Eggs 119
Caterpillar Protected by Form and Color Resembling the Twigs of a Tree 148
Sea Horse Protected by Form and Color Resembling the Marine Plants Among Which It Lives 148
Gila Monster, Feared, Though Its Bite Is Not Always Deadly to Man 149
Iguana, a Remarkable Lizard of the New World 149
Pelican, Notable for Its Throat Pouch 248
Peacock with Brilliant Tail Spread 249
Sacred Pheasant 249
Opossum Mother and Young 272
Anteater, Which Lives on Insects Caught in the Sticky Saliva on Its Long Tongue 273
Sloth, an Animal Which Keeps to Trees and Is Almost Helpless on the Ground 273
Wart Hog, One of the Ugliest Animals to See 304
Malay Tapir, Related to the Pig and the Rhinoceros 304
Markhor, an Asiatic Wild Goat 305
Mountain Sheep or Bighorn of the Rocky Mountains 305
The Kudu, or Striped Antelope, of Africa 312
Head of the Greater Sable Antelope 312
Head of Alaskan Moose 312
Axis, or Spotted Deer of the East Indies 313
American Deer with Horns in Velvet 313
Wolves, in Western North America 336
Bear in a Rocky Mountain Forest 337
Bat, with Young Bat in Each Pouch 352
Black Spider Monkey 353
Ruffed Lemur, Attractive by Its Coloring 353
Mandrill, Mouth Open to Snarl 368
Gorilla, Somewhat Thoughtful 368
Chimpanzees, Imitating Some of the Ways of Man 369


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