- Adler at Samoa, 200.
- Agalma elegans, 264.
- Alabama, the, in action, 136, 158.
- AlgÆ, typical, 252, 254.
- Almirante Cochrane, in action with Huascar, 141.
- America, the yacht, 158, 195.
- Antarctic scenery, 101.
- Ardois night-signals at sea, 205.
- Argonaut shell, 274.
- Armada, style of ships of the, 115.
- Balloon-sail, 158, 186.
- Battle-ships, modern steel, 134, 142, 144, 147, 150, 153. See also Line-of-Battle Ships.
- Beam-trawl for deep-sea dredging, 261.
- Biremes, Roman, 42. See Galleys.
- Boat-davits, 223, 232.
- Bon Homme Richard, the, 182.
- Bottle-fish, the, 263.
- Bowsprit, the, and its rigs, 38, 63, 113, 120, 158, 175. See Cutters and Sloops.
- Breeches-buoy, method of using, 229.
- Buckeye, or “bugeye,” a, 198.
- Buoys, 225, 226, 227.
- Cambria, model of, 195.
- Cameos, shell used for, 270.
- Can-buoys, 225.
- Canoes, 28, 37, 45, 198.
- Caravels, 35, 61, 63, 65, 76.
- Carronade, an old, 185.
- Cassis, a typical, 270.
- “Castles,” fore and aft, on ancient ships, 35, 57, 63, 65, 112, 113, 115, 119.
- Catboat, a Newport, 142.
- Matting sails, 32, 181.
- Mayflower, the yacht, 186, 194.
- Medieval vessels, various forms of, 35, 63, 65, 112, 115, 119.
- Meleagrina, 270.
- Merrimac, the, 138.
- Midnight sun at sea, 2.
- Midshipmen of 1812, 123.
- Military masts, ancient, 111.
- Military masts, modern, 134, 141, 144, 146, 150, 153, 205.
- Minot’s Ledge lighthouse, 213.
- Mischief model of, 195.
- Miter-shells (Mitra), 270.
- Mizzen, the ancient (compare Spanker), 63.
- Models of hulls of yachts, 195.
- Mollusks, shells of. See Sea-shells.
- Monitor, the, 139.
- Monitors, 139, 149, 150.
- Muleta, a, 38. Compare Felucca.
- Murex-shells, 263, 272.
- Muriel, the yacht, 193.
- Nelson, portrait of, 129.
- Nelson, signal of, at Trafalgar, 127.
- Nun buoys, 225.
- Obstruction buoy, 226.
- Olive-shell (Oliva), 268.
- Outriggers, forms of, 28, 37.
- Packet, a Liverpool, 160.
- Paper-nautilus, the, 274.
- Pearl-oyster, the, 270.
- Pelagia cyanella, 262.
- Pelican-fish, the, 263.
- Penguins, Antarctic, 101, 103.
- Physophore, a, 264.
- Pilot-boat, 221, 223.
- Pirates, at home, 179.
- Pirates, Malay, 181.
- Proas, Malay, 28, 37.
- Pteroceras lambis, 270.
- Puritan, the yacht, Walking the plank, 172.
- Walruses on the ice, 80.
- Ward-room of a war-ship, 123.
- Wasp, in action with Frolic, 130.
- Wasp, model of the yacht, 195.
- Waves, oceanic, 8, 15, 24, 56, 57.
- Whale, sperm, head of, 240.
- Whaleback, a, 169.
- Whaleboats, 232, 236, 239, 240.
- Whalers, 232-240.
- Whistling buoy, 227.
- Wreck, 130, 149, 202, 229, 230.
- Yachts, models of, 195.
- Yachts, racing, 186, 188, 191, 193, 195.
- Yawl, a ship’s, 105, 223.
- Yawl-rig, the, 197.