ALASKA. Districts, Capes and Points, Islands, Lakes, Mountains, GOLDEN ALASKA. ROUTES TO THE YUKON GOLD-FIELDS. HISTORY AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE UPPER YUKON VALLEY. CLIMATE, AGRICULTURE AND HEALTH. Steamers leave September 10, 1897, first steamer in 1898, June 1st, and every two weeks thereafter. CHICAGO OFFICE ... R. 290 Old Colony Building SEATTLE, WASH., OFFICE ... No. 618 First Avenue SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE ... No. 8 California Street "THE GREATEST GOLD DISTRICT ON EARTH." The Yukon-Cariboo British Columbia Gold Mining Development Company title
... THIS COMPANY is formed to explore and develop the GOLD FIELDS of British Columbia, including the Cariboo District and the Klondike District at the headwaters of the Yukon River. Shares of its Capital Stock are offered to the public at par—$1.00 per share. The Company has placed exploring parties in the Gold Regions, and now has its own Agents in this marvelously rich field. Each party is in charge of mining engineers, fully equipped for successful discovery and development. Prospectus and additional information furnished, and subscriptions to stock received at office of J. EDWARD ADDICKS, Harrison Building, 1500 Market St., Philadelphia. photo of city against foot of mountain JUNEAU CITY. GOLDEN ALASKA——————— A COMPLETE ACCOUNT TO DATE OF THE Yukon Valley ITS HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, MINERAL AND OTHER RESOURCES, OPPORTUNITIES AND MEANS OF ACCESS BY , (Formerly with the Hayden Survey in the West) AUTHOR OF "Knocking 'Round the Rockies," "The Crest of the Continent," etc., and General Editor of Rand, McNally & Co.'s "Guide Books." Chicago and New York: RAND, McNALLY & COMPANY. 1897. ALASKA. Bullion Safe Gold Mining Company title
double line decoration Mines on the Yukon. Mines on the Blue River. This Company owns 160 acres of Gold-bearing gravel from five to forty feet thick containing many millions of value. A limited amount of the full paid, non-assessable shares will be sold at one dollar each. For prospectus and particulars, address, W. L. Boyd & Co., 6 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Copyright, 1897, by Rand, McNally & Co. |