Abell, P. T. | 295 | Adams, John P. | 488 | Adams, Mary A. | 584 | Adams, William | 584 | Adams, S. W. | 520 | Atchison County Court House | 57 | Atchison County High School, Effingham | 274 | | Ballinger and Wife, S. E. | 648 | Ballinger, Julia H. | 600 | Ballinger, Thomas E. | 600 | Barber, Moses | 672 | Barber, Mary | 672 | Beard and Family, Frank | 704 | Blodgett, Thomas L. | 624 | Boyington, Home of Frank W. and Julia | 584 | Burbank, E. G. | 520 | Burrows, C. H. | 544 | Bush, William H. | 464 | Buttron, Henry and Family | 472 | | Carnegie Library, Atchison | 289 | Challis, William L. | 307 | Cheseborough, Ellsworth | 193 | Christian Church, Atchison | 249 | Cirtwill, Jennie | 712 | Cochrane, Dr. W. W. | 307 | Commercial Street, Atchison | 66 | Conlon, Charles J. | 488 | | Deutsch, Julius | 520 | Dorssom, George | 464 | Du Bois and Wife, Lewis P. | 768 | | Eagles’ Home, Atchison | 330 | Effingham Street Scene | 111 | Elks’ Club House, Atchison | 329 | | Falk, Charles H. | 464 | First Church of Christ, Scientist | 255 | Forest Park, Atchison | 80 | Fox, Jared C. | 408 | | Glick, George W. | 351 | Graner’s Annual Sale | 785 | Graner, Gottlieb | 784 | Graner, H. C. | 785 | Graner Homestead | 784 | Graner, Martha | 784 | Graner, W. H. | 785 | Griffin, L. | 680 | Gundy, Charles T. | |   |