85. Selecting and Working Steel.—In making a tool, the differences in quality of steel should be considered, because steel suitable for a razor would not do for a cold chisel or any battering tool. (See sec. 181.) If the steel at hand is not exactly suitable, but the selection must be made from it, then that should be chosen which will most nearly meet the requirements, and tempering must be relied upon to make up the deficiency. In most large factories all grades of steel are kept on hand and are assorted in the stock room so that there need be no difficulty in making the proper selection. The percentage of carbon in steel represents the amount of carbon it contains. A steel that is called a 75-point carbon steel is one that contains (.75) seventy-five one hundredths of one per cent, each point representing (.01) one one hundredth of one per cent. Some steel makers use the word “temper” to indicate the amount of carbon, expecting the user of the steel to be familiar with the amounts of carbon each different temper represents. For instance, a razor-temper steel represents one that contains 1.50 per cent carbon and a tool-temper steel represents one containing about 1.25 per cent. The word “temper” as used in this connection should not be confused with the word as it is used in the art of tempering, 86. Uses of Different Grades of Steel.—As the percentage of carbon, and consequently the quality of steel, will vary somewhat with different makes, it is rather difficult to give a rule that will apply generally, but the following list of different grades of carbon will give a general idea of how steel should be selected, forged, and hardened. Steel of 0.7 to 0.8 per cent carbon should be used for snaps, rivet sets, cupping tools, etc. This grade of steel should be forged at a light red heat. It can be welded easily and will harden at a light red heat. Steel from 0.8 to 0.9 per cent carbon should be used for drop-forging dies, hammers, cold sets, track chisels, blacksmith’s tools, well drills, etc. It should be forged at a light red heat; it welds easily and hardens at a light red heat. Steel from 0.9 to 1 per cent carbon should be used for large hand chisels, large punches, shear blades, dies, etc. Forging should be done at a light red heat. It welds readily and hardens at a bright red heat. Steel from 1 to 1.1 per cent carbon should be used for hand chisels, punches, punch dies, small shear blades, etc. Forging should be done at a light red heat. It welds readily and hardens at a bright red heat. Steel from 1.1 to 1.2 per cent carbon should be used for screw-cutting dies, large cutting and trimming dies, small punches, small hand chisels, large milling cutters, cups, cones, etc. Forging should be done at a light red heat. It welds readily when care is taken in heating, and hardens at a bright red heat. Steel from 1.2 to 1.3 per cent carbon should be used for drills, taps, reamers, milling cutters, circular cutters, cutting and trimming dies, mill picks, engraving tools, twist drills, etc. Forging should be done at a bright red heat. Welding can be done when precaution is taken against overheating and burning. It hardens at a dull red heat. Steel from 1.3 to 1.4 per cent carbon should be used for small drills, taps, cutters, boring tools, etc. Forging should be done at a bright red heat; welding can be done with care against overheating. It hardens at a dull red heat. This steel should be handled carefully. Steel from 1.4 to 1.5 per cent carbon should be used for tools for working chilled castings or locomotive wheel tires, lathe and planer tools, razors, or any tools required to cut hard materials. Forging should be done at a dull red heat. Welding can scarcely be accomplished with this grade of stock. Hardening should be done at a dark red heat. 87. Injuries.—One of the most common injuries to steel comes from carelessness in the heating for forging. It is one of the important operations, for unless the metal is uniformly heated, violent strains are liable to occur, and, when hardened, the steel will show these strains by cracking. These defects are known as fire cracks. The smith should always have plenty of fuel surrounding the metal while it is in the fire so that the cold-air blast will not come in direct contact with the metal. The air should be heated by passing through a bed of hot coals before it strikes the steel. It is always necessary to heat steel thoroughly to make it plastic, being careful not to overheat or burn any part of the metal. If it is overheated Never let steel lie in the fire to soak up heat after it is hot enough to work. If for any cause it cannot be worked when it is ready, it should be taken from the fire and left to cool, then reheated when it can be worked. By this precaution injury to the steel will be prevented. If steel is heated so that the outer parts are hotter than the center, the metal will forge unevenly. The outer portion will be forged by the hammer blows, while the center remains almost in the original form. This will also cause an uneven grain, sure to produce cracks when the tool is hardened. Forging at too low a heat will injure the steel in the same manner as uneven heating. After the steel has been properly heated, and forging has begun, the first blows should be struck rather heavily and followed by lighter ones as the heat vanishes. The forging should cease when the steel gets too cold, but it may be reheated as often as necessary to complete the work. 88. Annealing.—After the steel has been forged to the desired shape, it usually is necessary to do some finishing upon it before it can be hardened and tempered; in order to do this, it must be annealed or softened so that it can be machined or filed into shape. Annealing is the process of softening steel. It is done by heating the steel slowly to an even low red heat and placing it in an iron box containing unslaked lime or fine charcoal and leaving it there until perfectly cold. The object of this process is to retain the heat and prolong the cooling. The box is usually of cast iron, but sheet steel is equally good. It If an annealing box is not at hand, small steel forgings can be softened very satisfactorily by placing them between two boards, then completely covering all with dry ashes and leaving them there until entirely cold. Precaution should be taken here, also, to leave them in a dry place. Another method, which is sometimes used, is called water annealing. Some mechanics claim to have had good results with it, while others condemn it entirely. By this method the article is heated to a dull red and allowed to cool partly, out of any direct current of air. When all redness has disappeared as it is held in a dark place, it is plunged into water and left there until perfectly cold. The first method mentioned above is always the best; the second is nearly as good; and only when there is not sufficient time to allow the metal to cool slowly, should water annealing be attempted. Such tools as cold chisels and lathe tools may be heated and laid in or on warm ashes until nearly cold, when they may be ground, hardened, and tempered. Quite frequently, if not generally, these tools are not treated in this manner, but it is no doubt the course to pursue to get the best results. 89. Hardening and Tempering.—When steel has been properly heated, forged, finished, or ground, the next two steps are hardening and tempering. These two processes are often understood as one, but they are entirely different in their results. The confusion arises because the two operations are sometimes performed with As the steel has been subjected to severe strains during the heating and forging operations, its structure may have been somewhat altered. It can be restored to the proper crystalline structure by the hardening, scientifically known as refining. The hardening or refining heat is always lower than the forging heat, and should be only as high as is necessary to harden the steel to the required density by sudden cooling. Then this first operation of cooling will harden and refine the steel at the same time. Extreme hardness is always accompanied by extreme brittleness, a quality undesirable in any cutting tool, and especially so in a tool required to withstand sudden shocks. As the hardness is reduced by subsequent heating, the toughness increases. This modification, called tempering, is accomplished by reheating the hardened portion of the tool until a sufficient toughness has been obtained, when the process is stopped by again plunging the tool into cold water. The heat for tempering may be supplied from the uncooled portion of the tool as in tempering a cold chisel, from the forge fire, from another hot piece of metal, or from a carefully heated furnace. It has been found that the colored oxides formed on the surface of a piece of polished steel or iron represent a definite temperature in that metal. These colors have been used, therefore, to determine the desired temperature in tempering a tool. When we say “temper a tool to a light straw,” we mean that the hardened tool is to be heated again to a degree which will produce that color; namely, about 430 degrees Fahr. The colors as they Fig. 70.—Hardening a Chisel. There are two distinct methods of hardening and tempering. The one generally followed in tempering cold chisels, lathe and various other tools, requires only one heating. The tool is heated to a proper hardening temperature at the end, where hardness is desired, and also over an excess area to supply the heat for tempering. About 2 inches of the cutting end is heated; about 1 inch of this is plunged perpendicularly into water, as shown in Fig. 70; it is then kept in motion perpendicularly between the places indicated at a and b, while the end is cooling. This will prevent a fixed cooling point and prevent a fracture that might possibly occur if it were held in one position while cooling. The portion between b and c should retain sufficient heat to produce the necessary temper. When the end is perfectly cold it should be removed and immediately polished with sandstone or emery cloth to remove the scale of oxide so that the different colors may be more readily seen as they move from b toward the point. The heat in the portion between b and c flows toward the point, causing the colors to appear as the heat extends. When the desired color covers the point, it should again be plunged into Fig. 71.—Hardening A Reamer. By the second method the steel is heated as in the first method, then it is cooled off entirely by immersing the tool exactly perpendicularly, as shown in hardening a reamer in Fig. 71; after this it is polished. The temper is then drawn by holding the tool in contact with a piece of heated metal, cast iron preferably. In Fig. 72 the reamer is shown inside of a heated bushing, which is a more practical way than laying it on top of a heated flat plate. The bushing will impart sufficient heat to the tool to produce the desired color, when it should be again cooled. This method is used mostly for tempering plane bits, wood chisels, milling cutters, taps, reamers, and various other tools of a like nature. Sometimes tools having sharp protruding edges, as milling cutters, taps, reamers, etc., are very liable to crack by the sudden cooling in water; this difficulty is avoided by using oil for hardening and tempering. Any so treated are called oil-tempered tools. Fig. 72.—Tempering a Reamer. The above methods of tempering are such as are ordinarily In large manufacturing establishments where many duplicate pieces are to be tempered, a more modern as well as scientific apparatus is employed to relieve the operator of dependence upon his discernment of colors. Here the steel is heated in a furnace, to which is attached a pyrometer that registers the exact degree of temperature. In this manner all pieces can be heated uniformly for any of the four required heats.
The views in Fig. 73 were photographed from the same grade or bar of steel to show the various granular structures produced by different heat treatments. A shows the condition of the natural bar, which was broken to be photographed just as it was received from the steel makers. 90. Casehardening.—Another method of hardening, called casehardening, is used for wrought iron and low carbon or soft steel parts which are to be subjected to considerable friction. Neither of these metals could be hardened by the other methods mentioned. This process adds carbon to the exterior surfaces only, and for that reason is called casehardening, as the outside is made extremely hard, while the inner portion or core remains in a condition like that produced by sudden cooling, thus providing a hard wearing surface and great strength at the same time. It is similar to the old cementation process of steel making, but is not prolonged sufficiently to allow the hardening to continue through the entire structure. The articles to be hardened are packed in a box somewhat similar to an annealing box. This should be partly filled with charred leather, ground bone, or wood or bone charcoal, all of which are highly carbonaceous materials; When a number of very small articles are to be hardened, it is advisable to connect them with strong bailing wire before they are placed in the box so that they can all be removed at once. Beside holding the articles together, the wire will provide a means of testing the depth and quality of the process. If only a thin coating of hardness is needed, or the labor and expense are excessive, the following method may be used: The article is heated thoroughly and evenly to about a bright red and thoroughly sprinkled with, or rolled in, cyanide of potassium. Then it is reheated so that the cyanide may penetrate as deeply as possible, after which it is quickly chilled in cold water. This is a good method of hardening small tack hammers made of soft steel, set screws, nuts, and very small tools. Temperature and Color Chart to be Used in Tempering
Suitable Temperature (Fahr.) for:
Colors and Corresponding Temperatures (Fahr.) for Iron
Questions for Review What is meant by the carbon contents of steel? Why is steel graded according to its carbon content? Explain the cause of fire cracks. How can they be prevented? Why should steel be thoroughly healed? If steel is overheated or burned, what is the effect? Why should steel never be left in the fire to soak up heat? How does steel forge if it is unevenly heated? How should the blows be delivered in forging steel? What is annealing? Describe three methods of annealing. Is it best to anneal cold chisels and lathe tools? Explain the process of hardening steel. What effects does hardening have? Are the forging and the hardening heats the same? Why is steel polished after it is hardened? Explain the process of tempering. What is the effect of tempering? How may the heat be supplied for tempering? Name the colors in order as they appear in heating steel. Explain the methods of hardening and tempering. Why should a cold chisel be kept in motion when it is being hardened? What is meant by oil-tempering? What is meant by casehardening? Explain different methods of casehardening. |