A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, Ll, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, Y, Z a, to, in, at abajo, below abandonar, to abandon, forsake abandono, abandon, abandonment, playfulness abarcar, to embrace, include abatir, to flatten, overwhelm, deject abdicaciÓn, abdication abdicar, to abdicate, give up abeja, bee abertura, opening abierto, -a, open abismo, abyss abnegaciÓn, self-denial abocar, to aim a gun, enter mouth of a channel abonar, to pay in advance, to subscribe abordaje, m., a boarding attack abrasador, -ora, burning, hot abrasar, to burn, parch, inflame abrazar, to embrace Ábrego, southwest wind abrigar, to shelter, protect, entertain abrigo, shelter, protection abrir, to open abrogar, to repeal, annul abrumador, -ora, crushing, overwhelming abrupto, -a, abrupt absoluto, -a, absolute, total, alone absolver, to absolve; absorciÓn, absorption absortivo, -a, absorptive, absorbing absorvente, absorbing absorver, to absorb abstenciÓn, abstention absurdo, -a, absurd abuelo, grandfather abultado, -a, thick, bulging, large abundancia, abundance abundante, abundant, plentiful abundantemente, sufficiently aburrido, -a, bored, weary abusar, to abuse, misuse abuso, abuse acabador, -ora, destructive acabar, to end; academia, academy acallar, to hush; to mitigate acantonar, to quarter acariciar, to caress, stroke, fondle acarrear, to carry; to cause acaso, perhaps acaso, event, chance acaudillar, to head, espouse accesorio, -a, a. and s., additional; accessory accidentado, -a, rough accidental, accidental accidente, m., accident, characteristic acciÓn, action, effect; share aceite, m., oil, incense acendrado, -a, purified, refined acento, accent aceptar, to accept acequia, canal, drain acera, sidewalk, path acerado, -a, steel-like acerbo, -a, sharp, keen acercarse, to draw near acero, steel acertar, to succeed, hit the mark aciago, -a, sad, disastrous acibarar, to embitter acierto, ability to do the right thing; chance, aim aclamaciÓn, acclamation aclamar, to acclaim aclimataciÓn, acclimatization, adaptation aclimatarse, to acclimate, adapt acoger, to receive, welcome acometer, to attack acompaÑante, companion, escort acompaÑar, to accompany aconsejar, to advise acontecimiento, event acordarse, to remember acorde, m., harmony, chord acortar, to shorten, cut down acosar, to harass acostumbrar, to accustom acrecentar, to increase acreedor, -ora, a. and s., creditor; acribillar, to riddle, pierce acta, act, record of proceedings, minutes actitud, attitude actividad, activity, liveliness activo, -a, active acto, act, action; actual, present, modern actualizar, to make actual, carry out actualmente, at present actuar, to act, have dealings; to live acuÁtico, -a, watery, aquatic acuchillar, to knife, saber acudir, to flock, hasten; to have recourse (to) acuerdo, accordance, agreement; acuoso, -a, watery acusaciÓn, accusation acusar, to accuse, point out achatado, -a, flattened out AdÁn, Adam adaptaciÓn, adaptation, adaptability adaptar, to adapt adecuado, -a, adequate, fit adelantado, -a, advanced; adelantarse, to advance, get ahead adelante, ahead, forward; ademÁn, m., gesture, manner, attitude ademÁs, moreover adentro, within; adeudar, to owe; adherir, to adhere adhesiÓn, allegiance, adhesion adicto, -a, a. and s., addicted; follower adiÓs, m., farewell adivinar, to guess adminÍculo, need, necessity administrar, to administer admirable, admirable, surprising admirablemente, admirably admiraciÓn, admiration admirado, -a, surprised admirador, admirer admirar, to admire; admitir, to admit admoniciÓn, admonition, reprimand adobe, m., mud, adobe adoctrinado, -a, instructed adonde, whither adoptar, to adopt adorador, adorer, worshiper adormecer, to put to sleep adormecido, -a, asleep adorno, ornament adquirir, to acquire aduar, m., Bedouin hamlet adulador, adulator, flatterer adusto, -a, gloomy, austere advenimiento, coming, advent adversario, adversary adversidad, adversity adverso, -a, adverse, unfortunate; advertencia, notice, warning, advice advertir, to notice, warn afamado, -a, famous afÁn, m., anxiety, effort, eagerness afecciÓn, affection afectar, to affect afectuoso, -a, affectionate, kindly aferrar, to grasp, seize; aficiÓn, affection aficionado, -a, a. and s., fond; amateur afilar, to sharpen afinidad, affinity, analogy afirmar, to secure, make firm; afligir, to afflict afluente, m., tributary afortunadamente, fortunately afrontar, to face afuera, outside agacharse, to bend down agarrar, to seize, clutch; agasajar, to receive kindly, regale agente, m., agent Ágil, agile, light, fast agilidad, agility, dexterity agitarse, to be agitated, stirred aglomerar, to heap up, assemble agobiar, to oppress, weigh down agolparse, to crowd agonÍa, agony agÓnico, -a, agonizing agostar, to wither, wilt agosto, August agotar, to exhaust, drain agradecer, to be thankful for agradecido, -a, grateful agravar, to aggravate agravio, offense, insult agregar, to add agresiÓn, aggression agresivo, -a, aggressive agreste, rustic, wild agrÍcola, agricultural agricultura, agriculture agrimensor, surveyor agrio, -a, sour, bitter agrupado, -a, grouped, gathered together agrupar, to group; agua, water aguada, Arg., watering place aguar, to dilute; aguardar, to await, expect agudÍsimo, -a, very sharp, acute Águila, eagle aherrojar, to oppress, put in irons ahÍ, there; ahogar, to stifle; ahora, now; ahorcar, to hang ahorro, saving aire, air; appearance; airoso, -a, elegant, proud aislado, -a, isolated, alone aislamiento, isolation ajeno, -a, alien, strange, abhorrent; belonging to another ajusticiar, to put to death ala, wing alabanza, praise alameda, row of trees alarde, m., display; alarido, mournful cry alarma, alarm alarmar, to alarm alazÁn, m., sorrel horse alba, dawn albaÑilerÍa, masonry albergar, to shelter, contain, house albergue, m., dwelling place albo, -a, white alborada, dawn alborotar, to arouse, excite Álbum, m., album alcance, m., reach, breadth; meaning; alcancÍa, chest, money chest alcanzar, to reach, obtain, attain alcurnia, standing, family, race aldea, village alegrar, to gladden alegre, cheerful, gay alegrÍa, joy, happiness alejandrino, a twelve-syllable verse alejandrino, -a, alexandrine alejar, to set at a distance, put off; Alemania, Germany alentar, to encourage, cheer alerta, watchword aleteo, winging, flight alfombrar, to cover with carpets algarroba, carob bean algarrobo, carob tree algo, something algo, somewhat algodÓn, m., cotton alguien, some one alguno, -a, some aliado, ally alianza, alliance aliento, breath, courage, spirit alimentaciÓn, nourishment alimentador, -ora, a. and s., feeding, nourishing; feeder, supplier alimentar, to nourish alimento, nourishment alineado, -a, lined up, in line alistar, to enlist alma, soul, character, spirit almacÉn, m., warehouse, store, shop almacenero, shop-keeper almendra, almond almendro, almond tree almorzar, to breakfast, lunch alpargata, hemp slipper alquimista, alchemist alrededor, around, about alrededores, m. pl., environs altivez, pride, arrogance altivo, -a, proud, haughty, lofty alto, halt alto, upper floor alto, -a, high, deep altura, height, summit, level alumbrar, to light, enlighten aluviÓn, m., alluvion, inundation, alluvial deposit alvÉolo, alveolus, cell alzar, to raise; allÁ, there; allÍ, there amabilidad, amiability amabilÍsimo, -a, most amiable amainar, to haul down, relax, appease amalgamar, to amalgamate, fuse amanecer, to dawn amante, a. and s., loving; lover amar, to love amargamente, bitterly amargo, -a, bitter, painful amargura, bitterness amarillo, -a, yellow amasar, to amass ambiciÓn, ambition ambicioso, -a, ambitious, scheming ambiente, m., air, environment, atmosphere ambiguo, -a, ambiguous ambos, -as, both ambulante, ambulant, roving amenazante, threatening, dangerous amenazar, to threaten americano, -a, American, i.e. pertaining to either or both Americas amigable, friendly amigo, friend amilanar, to frighten amistad, friendship amo, master amontonamiento, accumulation amontonar, to heap up amor, love; amoroso, -a, loving amortiguar, to deaden, soften, extinguish, put out amparar, to shelter amparo, shelter ampliamente, amply amplio, -a, ample, full ampuloso, -a, inflated, pompous amueblado, furnishings, furniture anÁlogo, -a, analogous, similar anarquÍa, anarchy anatomÍa, anatomy anca, croup, haunch ancestral, ancestral ancianidad, old age anciano, -a, old, ancient ancla, anchor ancho, -a, wide, broad, extensive ancho, width; anchuroso, -a, broad, wide AndalucÍa, Andalusia, region in the south of Spain, watered by the Guadalquivir andar, to go andar, m., gait andrajoso, -a, ragged anÉcdota, anecdote anfiteatro, amphitheater Ángel, angel angÉlico, -a, angelical anglo-sajÓn, -ona, Anglo-Saxon angosto, -a, narrow Ángulo, angle, corner angustia, anguish, suffering anhelante, breathless, anxious, eager anhelo, desire, anxiety anidar, to nestle, dwell anilla, ring, circle, hoop anillo, ring, spiral Ánima, soul; animado, -a, animated, lively animal, m., animal animar, to encourage Ánimo, mind, courage; animoso, -a, courageous anochecer, to become night, grow dark anÓmalo, -a, anomalous, unwonted anonadamiento, annihilation anonadar, to annihilate, overwhelm ansia, anxiety, eagerness ansiar, to crave, be anxious to ansiedad, anxiety ansioso, -a, anxious antagonismo, antagonism antaÑo, former times; always used with the prep. de preceding it ante, before ante, m., buckskin, buff antecedente, antecedent antemano, before; anterior, former, previous antes, before, formerly; rather; antesala, antechamber anticipar, to pay in advance, anticipate antigÜedad, antiquity antiguo, -a, old, former, ancient antojo, whim, caprice Antonio, Anthony antorcha, torch anualmente, annually anublar, to cloud, darken anunciar, to announce anuncio, announcement anverso, obverse aÑadir, to add aÑagaza, deception, artificiality aÑo, year aÑusgar, to choke apacible, peaceful apagar, to put out, extinguish aparato, preparation, ostentation aparcero, partner, associate aparecer, to appear aparejar, to prepare aparejo, harness, tools in general apariciÓn, apparition apariencia, appearance apartar, to set off, aside; push off, separate aparte, apart, aside apasionado, -a, inspired, impassioned apatÍa, apathy apÁtico, -a, apathetic, indifferent apedrear, to stone apelar, to appeal, have recourse to, summon apellidar, to name, proclaim apenas, hardly, with difficulty; as soon as apercibir, to perceive, make ready, prepare apero, implements; apetecer, to long for, desire apiadarse, to have pity; Ápice, m., trifle, apex apiÑado, -a, close, gathered together apiÑarse, to crowd aplastado, -a, flattened aplaudir, to applaud aplauso, applause aplazar, to postpone aplicable, applicable aplicaciÓn, application aplicar, to apply apoderarse, to take possession; aporcionar, to apportion aportar, to contribute aposento, room apÓstol, apostle apoyar, to support, help; apoyo, prop, help apreciaciÓn, appreciation, understanding apreciar, to appreciate aprender, to learn apresamiento, seizure apresar, to seize, impress apresuramiento, hurry apresurar, to hurry apretar, to squeeze, bind apretÓn, m., squeeze; aprisco, sheepfold, pen aprobaciÓn, approval aprobar, to approve aprontar, to make ready, hasten apropiaciÓn, appropriation apropiar, to appropriate aprovechar, to take advantage of aproximaciÓn, approach, approximation aproximadamente, approximately aproximar, to approach aptitud, aptitude apto, -a, suitable, apt apuntar, to aim, make note of; to dawn, break forth apunte, jotting, note, memoir apurado, -a, straitened apurar, to obtain, drain; apuro, hurry, distress; aquejar, to afflict, grieve aquel, that aquÉl, that one aquÍ, here; ara, altar Árabe, a. and s., Arab, Arabian arabesco, -a, arabesque araÑar, to scratch araÑazo, scratching, scratch arbitraje, arbitration arbitrario, -a, arbitrary arbitrio, free will, opinion; Árbitro, arbiter, judge Árbol, tree, mast arbolado, -a, arbored arboladura, rigging arboleda, grove arbusto, shrub arcabuz, m., arquebuse, blunderbuss arcÁngel, archangel arcilla, white earth, argil arco, bow, arch arder, to burn ardiente, eager, burning ardor, m., warmth, eagerness, yearning arduo, -a, arduous, hard arena, sand, arena arganita, basket; Argel, Algiers argentado, -a, silvery argentino, -a, Argentine, silvery argumento, argument, story Árido, -a, arid, dry ariete, m., battering ram arisco, -a, shy, rough, intractable aristocrÁtico, -a, aristocratic arma, weapon; armamento, armament, arms armar, to arm, equip, provide armonÍa, harmony armonioso, -a, harmonious armonizar, to harmonize aroma, aroma, flower of the aromo, acacia tree arpa, harp arpegio, arpeggio, strain arquitectÓnico, -a, architectural arquitectura, architecture arrabal, m., suburb, environs arraigado, -a, rooted arrancar, to pluck, tear out arranque, m., outburst, sudden fit, impulse arrastrar, to drag arrastre, m., flow; dragging arrebatar, to snatch, carry away arreciar, to increase in violence arreglar, to arrange, fix, settle arreglo, arrangement; arreo, trappings arrepentirse, to repent arrestar, to arrest, stop arria, drove of beasts, beast train arriba, above arribar, to arrive, put into harbor in distress arribo, arrival arriero, muleteer, driver arriesgar, to risk arrimado, -a, close arrobamiento, ecstasy, ravishment arrodillarse, to kneel down arrogancia, arrogance, pride arrogante, arrogant, proud arrojado, -a, bold, reckless arrojar, to throw arrojo, boldness, recklessness arrollar, to rout, fold back; arroyo, brook arruinar, to ruin, destroy arrullar, to lull arte, m., art, power, skill, cunning artesa, trough articular, to articulate artÍfice, m., artificer, maker artificial, artificial artillerÍa, artillery artista, m., artist artÍsticamente, artistically artÍstico, -a, artistic asaltante, assailant asaltar, to assault, assail asalto, assault asamblea, assembly asar, to roast ascendente, arising, rising ascender, to ascend ascenso, promotion, rise asegurar, to assure asemejarse, to resemble asentimiento, assent, consent asesinar, to murder asesinato, assassination asesino, assassin asestar, to strike, direct, aim aseveraciÓn, statement, affirmation asfixiante, asphyxiating asÍ, thus; asiÁtico, -a, Asiatic asiento, seat; asilar, to shelter asilo, asylum asimilaciÓn, assimilation asimilar, to assimilate asimismo, likewise asÍr, to seize; asistir, to assist; asociaciÓn, association, group, social spirit asolar, to destroy, raze asomar, to show, loom; asombrado, -a, amazed asombro, amazement, dread, admiration asombroso, -a, amazing aspecto, aspect, appearance Áspero, -a, rough aspiraciÓn, aspiration aspirar, to aspire, breathe asta, flag-pole astro, star, any heavenly body astucia, astuteness asturiano, -a, Asturian, from region of Asturias in north-western Spain asumir, to assume, put on asunto, topic, matter asustar, to frighten atacante, attacker atacar, to attack atado, bundle atalaya, watchtower, observation point ataque, m., attack atar, to tie, bind atardecer, to become night; to grow late atardecer, m., sunset; atemorizado, -a, frightened atemperado, -a, tempered, softened Atenas, Athens atenciÓn, attention, care atender, to attend, bear in mind atentar, to attempt atento, -a, attentive, polite aterrante, terrifying aterrar, to terrify atestiguar, to testify, attest atizar, to stir AtlÁntico, Atlantic Ocean atlÁntico, -a, pertaining to the Atlantic atleta, m., athlete atlÉtico, -a, athletic atmÓsfera, atmosphere, environment atracar, to moor, approach atracciÓn, attraction atractivo, attraction atraer, to draw, attract atrapar, to catch, overtake atrÁs, behind; back atraso, arrear, delay, backwardness atravesar, to run across, pierce, cross atreverse, to dare, venture atrevimiento, daring atribuir, to attribute, assign atrincherar, to intrench atropellar, to trample, push, be hurried aturdido, -a, giddy, wild aturdir, to daze, confuse audacia, boldness, audacity audaz, bold, audacious auditorio, audience aun, still, yet, even aunque, although aura, gentle breeze aurora, dawn ausencia, absence ausente, absent auspicio, auspice; austeridad, austerity austero, -a, severe, austere autocracia, autocracy auto-educaciÓn, self-education autor, author autoridad, authority auxiliar, to help auxiliar, m., helper auxilio, help avance, m., advance avanzada, advance avanzadÍsimo, -a, very advanced avanzado, -a, advanced, early, inopportune avanzar, to advance, reach out avaro, -a, miserly avatar, m., avatar, transformation ave, f., bird, fowl avenida, avenue, row; freshet, flood avenido, -a, reconciled, satisfied aventajado, -a, gifted, excellent aventajar, to have the advantage over, surpass aventura, adventure aventurero, -a, a. and s., adventurous; adventurer avergonzar, to shame averiguar, to find out, investigate aversiÓn, aversion avestruz, m., ostrich avezado, -a, accustomed avidez, avidity Ávido, -a, eager, greedy avisar, to warn, give notice ay! alas! ayear, to cry out ay!, moan ayer, yesterday ayudante, helper, aide-de-camp ayudar, to help ayuno, -a, fasting; lacking; ignorant, unacquainted azar, chance, hazard; azorar, to excite, stir azotar, to strike, beat azote, m., blow, lash azotea, roof azul, blue bache, m., hole, rut BahÍa, seaport of Brazil to the north of RÍo Janeiro bahÍa, bay baile, m., dance bailoteo, awkward dancing bajÁ, m., pasha bajar, to lower, let down; to descend, go down bajÍo, shoal bajo, -a, low bajo, under; underneath bala, bullet baladro, bellowing, cry balanza, scales balazo, shot balbucear, to mutter, stammer balcÓn, m., balcony BÁltico, Baltic Sea baluarte, m., bulwark, fort banco, bench; bank; shoal bandera, banner, flag; party bandido, bandit bando, faction, party; band bandolero, highwayman, thief banquero, banker banquete, m., banquet baÑar, to bathe, suffuse baqueano, V. baquiano baquÍa, also written vaquÍa, dexterity, expertness baquiano, Arg., guide, path-finder; also spelt baqueano bÁquico, -a, bacchic barba, beard, chin barbarie, f., savagery bÁrbaro, -a, savage, fierce barbirrucio, -a, graybearded barca, boat, barge barco, boat bardo, bard, singer barÈge, barÈge, fabric of worsted and silk barra, bar, gallery barranca, ravine, cliff barranco, V. barranca barrer, to sweep, clear barrial, m., puddle barrio, quarter of a city, district barro, mud basalto, basalt, name of a species of marble base, f., base bastante, enough, rather bastar, to suffice bastiÓn, m., bastion batalla, battle, encounter batear, Arg., to roast whole, barbecue batir, to fashion, beat; bayeta, flannel; cloak worn by students in the Middle Ages bayoneta, bayonet beber, to drink Belial, Belial, one of the fallen angels in Milton’s Paradise Lost bÉlico, -a, warlike belicoso, -a, bellicose belleza, beauty bellÍsimo, -a, very beautiful bello, -a, handsome, beautiful bendiciÓn, blessing, benediction bendito, -a, blest beneficiar, to benefit beneficio, benefit benÉfico, -a, beneficent benÉvolo, -a, benevolent benignidad, kindness, benignity bergantÍn, m., brig besar, to kiss beso, kiss bestia, beast, animal bÍblico, -a, biblical bibliografÍa, bibliography bien, well; bien, m., property, possession, treasure; bienestar, m., well-being bienhechor, benefactor bienvenido, -a, welcome bifurcar, to branch off, bifurcate biografÍa, biography bÍpedo, biped bizarro, -a, gallant, brave, bizarre bizco, -a, cross-eyed blanco, -a, white blancura, whiteness blandengue, soldier, armed with lance, who policed province of Buenos Aires blandir, to brandish blanquear, to whiten; appear white blanquecino, -a, whitish blanquizco, -a, whitish blasonar, to boast bloqueo, blockade boca, mouth bocacalle, f., outlet, entrance to a street bocado, tit-bit, mouthful bocina, horn; boda, wedding bofetada, slap; boina, cap worn in Navarra and Biscay bolear, to bring down with bolas; cf. note, 64, 5 boliche, Arg., small store bolsillo, pocket bombardeo, bombardment bonaerense, pertaining to Buenos Aires bonanza, clear weather, prosperity bondad, kindness bondadoso, -a, kind bonito, -a, pretty borda, gunwale, rail borde, m., edge, border bordo, board; borlÓn, m., tassel borracho, -a, drunk, intoxicated borrar, to erase, do away with bosque, m., wood bosquecillo, small wood bota, boot; bote, m., boat botijilla, little bottle, flask boya, buoy Brasil, Brazil brasileÑo, -a, Brazilian bravÍo, -a, wild, unpolished bravo, -a, brave, courageous bravura, bravery brazo, arm; brecha, breach breÑa, wild, craggy ground BretaÑa, Britain; breve, brief, short brigada, brigade brillante, brilliant brillar, to shine brillo, luster, splendor brin, m., duck, sailcloth brincar, to leap, jump brindar, to toast, offer a toast brÍo, dash, courage, eagerness brioso, -a, spirited, courageous brisa, breeze britÁnico, -a, Britannic broma, joke; bromista, droll brotar, to bud; to gush, issue bruja, witch brujo, enchanter, necromancer bruma, haziness, fog brumoso, -a, foggy, gloomy bruscamente, abruptly brusco, -a, brusque bruto, animal, brute bueno, -a, good; buey, ox bÚfalo, buffalo buho, owl buitre, m., vulture bulevar, m., boulevard bulliciosamente, noisily bullir, to boil buque, m., vessel, ship burguÉs, -esa, bourgeois, middle class burla, mockery, fun burlar, to mock, scorn, deceive busca, search buscador, searcher buscar, to look for busto, bust cabalgador, rider cabalgar, to ride on horseback caballar, equine caballerÍa, cavalry; chivalry caballero, knight, gentleman caballerosidad, magnanimity, chivalry caballo, horse cabaÑa, hut cabeceante, swaying, nodding cabecear, to sway, nod cabellera, head of hair cabello, hair caber, to be contained in, fit, befall cabeza, head cabildo, town council, town hall cabizbajo, -a, crestfallen, pensive cabo, end; cape; chief, corporal; cacique, cacique, Indian chief cactus, m., cactus cada, each cadalso, scaffold cadÁver, m., corpse cadena, chain cadencia, cadence cadete, commercial apprentice, cadet caduco, -a, worn out, decrepit caer, to fall, happen cafÉ, coffee, cafÉ caÍda, fall CaÍn, Cain, son of Adam and Eve caja, box, chest, treasury cajetilla, m., Argentine locution used by a gaucho to show his contempt for a city man; fop, dandy cal, f., lime calabaza, pumpkin calamidad, calamity calamitoso, -a, calamitous calar, to pierce, fix a bayonet calcular, to calculate cÁlculo, calculation, estimate caldear, to heat, foment caldera, boiler, kettle calibre, m., caliber calidad, quality cÁlido, -a, warm caliente, warm calificaciÓn, qualification calificar, to qualify calizo, -a, limy calma, calm calmar, to calm, pacify calor, m., heat, passion, zest calumniar, to calumniate calurosamente, warmly calzada, causeway, paved road callado, -a, silent callar, to quiet; to keep silence calle, f., street callejÓn, m., lane callejuela, alley cama, bed cÁmara, chamber, hall camarada, m., comrade cambiar, to change cambio, change, exchange; caminante, wayfarer, traveler caminar, to walk caminito, byway camino, road; camote, m., sweet potato campamento, camp campaÑa, campaign; campechano, -a, frank, hearty campeÓn, m., champion campesino, -a, a. and s., rural; farmer campestre, rustic campiÑa, flat arable land, plain campo, field, country canciÓn, song Candelaria, Candlemas candorosamente, candidly, unwittingly candoroso, -a, frank, candid, naÏve canoa, canoe cansancio, fatigue cansar, to tire cantar, to sing cantar, m., song cÁntico, hymn cantidad, quantity canto, song cantor, singer, bard caÑada, dale caÑÓn, cannon, barrel of a gun, tube; caÑonero, -a, gun-bearing; capa, cape, mantle, cloak capacidad, capacity caparazÓn, m., caparison, shell capataz, m., overseer capaz, capable capellÁn, chaplain capital, f., capital; capitalismo, capitalism capitalista, m., capitalist capitÁn, captain capÍtulo, chapter capote, m., cloak with a cape capricho, caprice, whim capucha, cover cara, face; carÁcter, m., character, feature caracterÍstico, -a, characteristic caracterizar, to characterize carancho, bird of prey, peculiar to Argentina carbÓn, m., coal carbonera, coal-bin cÁrcel, f., prison carcomido, -a, gnawed, tottering cardal, m., Arg. for cardizal, field covered with thistles cardinal, cardinal, basic cardo, thistle cardÓn, m., cactus carencia, lack, absence carecer, to lack carestÍa, lack, scarcity carga, charge, load cargamento, cargo, load cargar, to charge, load cargo, charge, trust; office, rank; accusation; caricia, caress caridad, charity cariÑoso, -a, loving carnavalesco, -a, carnival-like carne, f., flesh, meat carnero, ram, sheep carnestolendas, carnival lasting three days before Ash Wednesday caro, -a, dear carozo, kernel, seed carrera, race, course, career carreta, cart carretÓn, m., large wagon carril, m., road, rut, rail of railway carro, wagon carruaje, m., carriage carta, letter cartabÓn, m., size-stick; standard cartera, pocketbook, leather case cartÓn, m., pasteboard cartucho, cartridge casa, house, home casar, to marry a person off; casco, hull; hoof of a horse caserÍa, country house; caserÍo, group of houses casero, -a, homely, domestic casi, almost caso, case; castaÑuela, castanet castellano, -a, Castilian castigar, to punish castigo, punishment castillo, castle castizo, -a, chaste, noble; racy; idiomatic casto, -a, chaste casualidad, chance catalÁn, -ana, Catalan, pertaining to Spanish province of Catalonia Catamarca, province of Argentina, V. map catarata, falls catÁstrofe, f., catastrophe, death cÁtedra, class, chair categorÍa, rank, category catolicismo, catholicism catÓlico, -a, catholic catorce, fourteen cauce, m., bed of a river, channel caudal, m., wealth, fund caudaloso, -a, voluminous, used of rivers having great volume, copious caudillejo, upstart chief, leader caudillo, chief, leader causa, cause; causar, to cause cautelosamente, cautiously, quietly cautiverio, captivity cautividad, captivity cautivo, -a, captive cauto, -a, cautious cavatina, aria caverna, cavern cavilaciÓn, deep thought, caviling cavilar, to think, meditate cazador, hunter cazar, to hunt ceder, to yield cedulilla, small slip of paper; lottery ticket cÉfiro, zephyr ceibo, silk-cotton tree of the Plata basin, about one hundred feet in height, broad crowned, with red leaves and flowers. Its fruit is conical shaped, about one foot long, and it contains six seeds wrapped in a thick cotton-like substance used to pad pillows ceja, eyebrow celebraciÓn, celebration celebrar, to celebrate, hold cÉlebre, famous celeste, heavenly celo, zeal, jealousy celoso, -a, zealous, jealous cenagoso, -a, muddy cendal, m., crape, veil ceniza, ashes centellante, sparkling centelleo, sparkle, flashing centenario, centenary centenar, m., hundred centinela, sentinel central, central centralista, centralist cÉntrico, -a, centric centro, center, domain, power centuplicado, -a, hundredfold ceÑir, to gird, grasp ceÑo, frown, supercilious look ceÑudo, -a, frowning cerca, near cercanÍa, neighborhood cercano, -a, near cercar, to surround cerciorar, to ascertain, assure cerco, ring, circle, fence, inclosure ceremonia, ceremony cerrar, to shut; certidumbre, f., certainty certamen, m., competition cerviz, f., cervix, nape of the neck cesar, to cease cicatriz, f., scar ciego, -a, blind; cielito, name of dance peculiar to gauchos, corresponding to Andalusian jaleo cielo, sky; song, dance cien, one hundred ciÉnago, m., swamp, mud ciencia, science, art, knowledge cientÍfico, -a, scientific cierto, -a, certain, sure, true; cilÍndrico, -a, cylindrical cilindro, cylinder, roll cima, top, summit cimiento, cement, foundation cinco, five cincuenta, fifty cintillo, band cinto, belt circo, circus, circle, arena circulaciÓn, circulation circular, to circulate circular, circular cÍrculo, circle circunferencia, circumference circunscribir, to limit, circumscribe circunscripciÓn, circumscription, political district circunspecto, -a, cautious circunstancia, circumstance circunstante, standing about circunvalar, to encircle cirio, cereus, genus of plants of the cactus family cita, call, appointment; citar, to quote, cite, appoint, call ciudad, city ciudadano, citizen cÍvico, -a, civic civil, civil, polite civilizaciÓn, civilization civilizar, to civilize cizaÑa, darnel clamor, noise, clamor claridad, clarity, clearness, light clarÍn, m., bugle claro, gap claro, -a, light, clear, manifest clase, class, condition clÁsico, -a, classic clasificar, to classify clausurar, to adjourn, close clavar, to nail, rivet clave, f., key clavo, nail, clove clÉrigo, clerk, i.e., man of letters; priest clienta, patroness, customer; clima, m., climate coaligado, -a, joined, allied cobertizo, cover, shelter cobijar, to protect, shelter cobro, collection cocina, kitchen cocinar, to cook cocinera, cook cocotero, coconut tree codicia, cupidity codiciar, to covet, envy codicioso, -a, covetous codo, elbow coexistir, to coexist cohesiÓn, cohesion, contiguity cohete, m., firecracker, rocket cohibido, -a, restrained coincidencia, coincidence coincidente, coincident cola, tail colaboraciÓn, collaboration colaborador, collaborator colar, to filter, pass through colcha, coverlet colchÓn, m., mattress colchoneta, quilt colectivo, -a, collective colega, m., colleague coleto, jacket; colgar, to hang colina, hill colindar, to be contiguous, border on colmena, hive colmillo, eye-tooth, tusk colocaciÓn, position colocar, to place ColÓn, Columbus colonia, colony coloniaje, m., period during which Spanish-American colonies were under Spanish rule; colonial system colonial, colonial colonizaciÓn, colonization colono, settler, farmer color, m., color colosal, colossal columbrar, to discern, perceive columna, column columpio, swing comandante, commander; in Argentine army, lieutenant-colonel; comarca, district combate, m., struggle, combat combatiente, combatant combatir, to fight combinaciÓn, combination, chance, preparation, plan combinar, to combine comenzar, to begin comer, to eat comercial, commercial comercio, commerce cometa, m., comet cometer, to commit comisarÍa, commissariat, police court; como, as; like cÓmo, how; cÓmodamente, comfortably cÓmodo, -a, comfortable compacto, -a, firm, unswerving, compact compadrito, the Argentine correspondent of majo; compaÑero, companion compaÑÍa, company comparaciÓn, comparison comparado, -a, comparative comparar, to compare compartir, to share compasiÓn, compassion compatible, compatible compatriota, compatriot, fellow-citizen compenetraciÓn, compenetration, infiltration competencia, fitness, competition competente, competent, able complacerse, to take delight complejo, -a, complex completamente, completely completar, to complete completo, -a, complete, accomplished complicado, -a, complicated cÓmplice, accomplice complicidad, complicity componente, m., component componer, to compose comportar, to cause, suffer; composiciÓn, composition compositor, composer comprador, buyer comprar, to buy comprender, to understand, grasp comprobar, to verify, compare, test comprometer, to compromise, endanger compromiso, engagement, contract, compromise, difficulty compulsivo, -a, compulsory comÚn, common comuna, commune, community comunicaciÓn, communication comunicar, to communicate con, with; cÓncavo, -a, concave concebir, to conceive conceder, to concede concentrado, -a, concentrated, self-possessed concentrar, to concentrate; to consolidate concepciÓn, conception concepto, concept conceptuar, to conceive conciencia, conscience, consciousness; concienzudo, -a, conscientious concierto, concert, agreement conciliar, to conciliate concitar, to excite, invite conciudadano, fellow-citizen concluir, to end conclusiÓn, conclusion concorbarse, to bend down concordancia, concordance, harmony concreto, -a, concrete concurrencia, competition; gathering concurrir, to gather, contribute concurso, concourse, gathering, aid concha, conch, shell condenar, to condemn condensar, to condense condiciÓn, condition, state condolido, -a, grieving cÓndor, m., condor conducciÓn, bringing, guidance conducir, to lead, transport conducta, conduct conductor, conductor, leader, driver conexiÓn, connection conferencia, conference, interview conferir, to confer confesar, to confess confesiÓn, confession confianza, confidence confiar, to intrust, confide confidencia, faith, confidence confidencial, confidential confidente, confidant configuraciÓn, configuration, lay confÍn, m., confine confirmar, to strengthen, confirm conflagraciÓn, conflagration conflicto, conflict confraternidad, brotherhood confundir, to confuse, mix, fuse, join confusiÓn, confusion confuso, -a, confused congreso, congress cÓnico, -a, conic conjunto, whole, ensemble; milieu conjuro, conjury, spell conmemorar, to commemorate conminaciÓn, threat conmociÓn, uprising, commotion conmover, to move, excite connaturalizarse, to have the same nature, become one conocedor, -ora, a. and s., connoisseur, expert; knowing conocer, to know, be acquainted conocimiento, knowledge conquista, conquest conquistador, conqueror conquistar, to conquer consagrar, to consecrate, put on record consecuencia, result, consequence consecutivo, -a, consecutive conseguir, to obtain, bring about consejo, advice; council consentimiento, consent consentir, to consent, tolerate conservar, to save, preserve considerable, considerable consideraciÓn, consideration, esteem considerar, to consider consigna, watchword, order, password consiguiente, result; consistir, to consist, lie consolador, -ora, consoling consonancia, harmony consorte, consort conspicuo, -a, conspicuous constancia, constancy constante, constant constantemente, constantly Constantinopla, Constantinople constar, impers., to be clear; constelaciÓn, constellation constituciÓn, constitution constitucional, constitutional constituir, to constitute, establish constreÑir, to bind construcciÓn, construction, building constructivo, -a, constructive consuelo, consolation consumado, -a, consummate contacto, contact contar, to count, relate, expect; contemplaciÓn, contemplation contemplar, to contemplate contemporÁneo, -a, contemporary contener, to contain, restrain contentar, to content contertuliano, social friend, of the same social set contestaciÓn, reply contestar, to reply continental, continental continente, m., continent contingente, contingent continuar, to continue continuo, -a, continuous; contorno, outline contra, against contrabandista, m., smuggler contradicciÓn, contradiction contradictorio, -a, contradictory contraer, to contract, bring together contrafuerte, spur contraponer, to set against contrapunto, counterpoint; contrariar, to deny, vex, disappoint contrario, -a, contrary; contraseÑa, countersign contraste, m., contrast, check, setback contratar, to treat, contract contrato, contract contravenir, to contravene, violate contribuciÓn, contribution contribuir, to contribute contriciÓn, contrition control, m., control controlar, to control controversia, controversy conturbar, to arouse, excite convencer, to convince conveniencia, need, use, convenience, comfort conveniente, suitable, expedient, convenient convenir, to behoove, be necessary; convento, convent convergente, converging conversar, to talk convertir, to convert convidar, to invite convocar, to convoke convoy, m., convoy convulsiÓn, convulsion convulsivo, -a, convulsive, trembling conyugal, conjugal cooperar, to coÖperate copa, cup, glass; crown, top (of a tree) copiosÍsimo, -a, very abundant copista, m., copyist copla, couplet, verses copo, snowflake co-redactor, fellow-editor coraje, m., courage, anger coral, m., coral corazÓn, m., heart corbata, tie, cravat corcel, m., charger, steed cordaje, m., cordage cordero, lamb cordial, cordial cordialidad, cordiality cordillera, mountain range CÓrdoba, province of Argentina, also capital of said province; V. map coro, chorus, refrain corona, crown coronar, to crown, honor coronel, colonel corpulento, -a, stout, corpulent corral, m., corral, pen for animals correcciÓn, correctness, correction corredizo, -a, running, loose correligionario, co-religionist, co-religionary Correo, El, name of a newspaper: The Mail correr, to run, flow, traverse; correrÍa, raid, travel correspondencia, correspondence corresponder, to correspond, match, respond corriente, current, stream; Corrientes, name of street in Buenos Aires; also province of Argentina corrupciÓn, corruption cortar, to cut, destroy, curtail corte, m., cut, edge corte, f., court cortejo, following, retinue cortesanÍa, courtliness cortesÍa, courtesy corteza, bark, rind, exterior of anything cortijo, farm, estate cortina, curtain corto, -a, short, brief corvo, hook; curved sword used by grenadiers of San MartÍn cosa, thing cosecha, harvest cosechar, to gather, reap cosmogÓnico, -a, cosmic, starry cosmopolita, cosmopolitan cosmopolitismo, cosmopolitanism costa, coast, cost costado, side, aspect costar, to cost costear, to defray, pay expenses; coast along costumbre, f., custom; creaciÓn, creation creador, -ora, a. and s., creative; creator crear, to create crecer, to grow crÉdito, credit, money accredited, loan credo, creed, belief credulidad, credulity crÉdulo, -a, credulous creencia, belief creer, to believe crepÚsculo, twilight, sunset, evening crespo, -a, curly creyente, believer crÍa, brood of animals criado, servant criar, to grow, develop, rear criatura, creature crimen, m., crime crin, f., mane crinado, -a, maned, crested crinolina, hoop-skirt, crinoline criollo, -a, creole; crisis, f., crisis crisol, m., crucible cristal, m., crystal cristalino, -a, crystalline cristiano, -a, Christian criterio, criterion, appreciation, judgment crÍtica, criticism criticar, to criticize crÓnica, chronicle crucificar, to crucify crudeza, crudity crudo, -a, crude cruel, cruel cruz, f., cross; Cruzada, Crusade; one of a series of attempts to win back the Holy Land cruzado, crusader cruzar, to cross cuadra, block cuadrado, -a, square cuadro, square; picture, frame cuadrÚpedo, quadruped cuÁdruple, fourfold cuajada, curd of milk cual, as, like; ¿cuÁl? which? what? cualidad, quality cualquiera, whatever, any cuan, shortened form of cuanto cuÁn, shortened form of cuÁnto cuando, when; cuanto, -a, as much as, all that; ¿cuÁnto? how much? how? cuarenta, forty cuartel, m., quarter, barrack cuarteta, quatrain cuarto, -a, fourth cuarto, quarter, room cuatro, four cubierta, deck, cover, roof cubierto, cover cubrir, to cover; p. p. cubierto; cucuyo, glowworm cuchilla, Arg., stretch, knoll, slope cuchillo, knife cuello, neck, collar cuenca, basin of a river cuenta, account, bill; cuerda, cord, string cuero, leather, hide, skin cuerpo, body, corps cuervo, raven cuesta, hill cuestiÓn, question, problem cueva, cave cuidado, care cuidadoso, -a, careful cuidar, to take care cultivar, to cultivate culto, -a, cultured, learned culto, cult, religion cultura, culture cumbre, f., summit cumplido, -a, courteous, accomplished cumplimiento, fulfilment cumplir, to fulfil, carry out; cuna, cradle cÚpola, cupola curiosamente, curiously curiosidad, curiosity curioso, -a, curious, queer curso, course curva, curve custodia, custody custodiar, to guard cuyano, -a, from old Argentine province of Cuyo, which included the present provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, and San Luis cuyo, -a, whose ¿cÚyo, -a? whose? cuzqueÑo, -a, from Cuzco, capital of Peru Ch chacra, Arg., farm charco, pool, marsh charlatÁn, charlatan, faker charlatanismo, charlatanism, gossip charro, stream, trickle chileno, -a, Chilean chillido, shriek Chimborazo, mountain in Ecuador chimenea, chimney, smokestack chiquillo, -a, child chiripÁ, f., chiripa; chirrido, chirp, screech, chattering chispa, spark chispeante, sparkling chisporrotear, to crackle chisporroteo, sparkling, gleam chitÓn! hush! chivo, goat chocar, to clash choque, m., shock, clash choza, hut chubasco, squall chÚcaro, -a, savage Chuquisaca, province of Bolivia, also ancient name for Sucre, present capital of Bolivia churriador, Arg., a gaucho who takes delight in murder dado, die dama, lady damasco, plum danza, dance dar, to give; dÁrsena, dock, basin, anteport dato, fact, information de, of, from, by, with debatir, to argue; deber, m., duty deber, to owe, be obliged to debido, -a, due, proper dÉbil, weak debilidad, weakness debilitar, to weaken decaÍdo, -a, fallen down, depressed decano, dean decepciÓn, deception decidir, to decide dÉcima, stanza of ten verses decir, to say, tell decisiÓn, decision decisivo, -a, decisive declaraciÓn, declaration declarar, to declare declaratoria, declaration declive, m., decline, declivity decoraciÓn, decoration decorar, to decorate decoro, decorum, self-respect decretar, to decree dÉdalo, labyrinth dedicar, to dedicate dedo, finger, toe defecto, defect, fault defender, to defend defensa, defense defensor, defender definido, -a, definite definir, to define definitivamente, definitely definitivo, -a, decisive, definite; deformado, -a, deformed defraudar, to defraud degenerar, to degenerate degollar, to behead degradador, -ora, degrading degradar, to degrade deÍsmo, deism, belief in God without belief in the Scriptures dejar, to leave, cease; delante, before, in front delantero, leading, going in front delegado, delegate delegar, to delegate deleitar, to delight deleite, m., delight deleznable, fragile, slippery, mean deliberante, deliberating deliberar, to deliberate delicadeza, nicety, delicacy delicado, -a, refined, subtle, weak delicia, delight delicioso, -a, delicious delincuente, m., criminal delirante, raving delirar, to rave delito, crime delta, delta demagogia, demagogy demanda, demand, need demandable, liable, subject to prosecution demÁs, other (always used with lo, los, or las); demasiado, too, very demencia, madness democracia, democracy demÓcrata, m., democrat democrÁtico, -a, democratic demoler, to demolish demonio, demon demostrar, to show denegatorio, -a, contrary, demolishing, counter denodado, -a, bold, intrepid denominaciÓn, name, tide, denomination denso, -a, dense dentro, within denunciar, to denounce, claim depender, to depend deplorable, deplorable deponer, to put down, settle, depose deposiciÓn, deposition depravado, -a, depraved depreciar, to depreciate depurar, to purify, filter derecera, straight road, line derecho, -a, right derecho, right; derivar, to derive, emanate derramar, to pour, shed; derredor, vicinity; derretir, to melt derribar, to throw down, overwhelm, kill derrota, rout derrotar, to rout desacreditado, -a, discredited desafiar, to defy, challenge desafÍo, challenge desahogo, vent, outlet desairado, -a, graceless, charmless desaliento, dejection desaliÑado, -a, careless, artless desaliÑar, to disorder, disarrange desaliÑo, m., negligence, disorder; desalmado, -a, soulless, merciless desalojar, to dislodge desaparecer, to disappear desarreglado, -a, irregular, lacking orderliness desarrollar, to develop desarrollo, development desarrugar, to unwrinkle, smooth desasirse, to break loose desasociaciÓn, dissociation desastre, m., disaster desatar, to untie, unwind desavenencia, discord desbaratar, to interrupt, upset descalabro, misfortune descansar, to rest descanso, rest descarga, discharge descargar, to fire; to unload descender, to descend descollar, to excel descomponer, to upset descomposiciÓn, disintegration, change desconcertante, disconcerting, puzzling desconfiar, to distrust desconocido, -a, unknown desconocimiento, lack of knowledge, ignorance descontento, -a, discontented descrÉdito, discredit descreÍdo, -a, incredulous, skeptical describir, to describe descripciÓn, description descriptivo, -a, descriptive descuajar, to clear away descubridor, discoverer descubrimiento, discovery descubrir, to discover, reveal descuido, carelessness, negligence desde, from desdÉn, m., disdain desdeÑar, to disdain desdeÑoso, -a, disdainful desdichado, -a, unhappy deseable, desirable desear, to desire desechar, to cast off, drive away desembarcadero, landing place desembarcar, to disembark desembarco, disembarkation desembocadura, mouth of a river desembocar, to empty; to debouch desembozar, to unmask, unmuffle desempeÑar, to perform, play desencadenar, to unchain desenfrenado, -a, unbridled desengaÑo, disillusion, disappointment desenvainar, to unsheath desenvolver, to develop, open out desenvolvimiento, development deseo, desire deseoso, -a, desirous desertar, to desert desertor, deserter desesperaciÓn, despair desesperado, -a, desperate desesperar, to despair desfavorecer, to contemn, injure desfigurar, to disfigure desfilar, to march, defile desgajar, to break, lop off, rend desgarrar, to rend, tear desgracia, misfortune, death desgraciadamente, unhappily desgraciado, -a, unfortunate desgraciarse, to incur misfortune, kill deshacer, to undo; deshonrar, to dishonor desierto, desert designar, to designate, plan designio, design desigual, unequal, uneven, difficult desigualdad, inequality, unevenness desinterÉs, m., disinterestedness desinteresado, -a, disinterested deslizar, to pass by, slip, glide deslumbrador, -ora, dazzling deslumbrar, to dazzle, puzzle desmandar, to rebel, go beyond the bounds of reason desmayar, to dismay, depress; desmejorar, to deteriorate desmelenar, to dishevel desmentir, to belie, give the lie desmontar, to dismount desmoronar, to destroy, fall to pieces desnudez, nakedness, lack of shelter against the rigors of the weather desnudo, -a, naked, deprived desocupaciÓn, disoccupation desocupado, -a, idle desolar, to desolate desorden, m., disorder desorganizaciÓn, disorganization desorganizar, to disorganize desorientar, to confuse, cause to lose one’s bearings despacio, slowly despachar, to send off, hurry off despacho, hurry; office; settlement desparramar, to scatter, overspread despecho, spite; despedazar, to tear to pieces despedida, departure, leave-taking despedir, to send off; despegar, to detach despertar, to awaken despierto, -a, wide-awake, keen desplegar, to unfold, display desplomarse, to get out of plumb, collapse despoblado, uninhabited place despojar, to despoil despojo, despoliation, remnant dÉspota, m., despot despÓtico, -a, despotic despotismo, despotism despotizado, -a, tyrannized, lorded over despreciar, to scorn desprecio, scorn; lowering in value desprendimiento, disinterestedness desprevenido, -a, unaware desprovisto, -a, deprived of despuÉs, afterwards; destacamento, detachment destacar, to detach, send forth; destello, flash desterrar, to exile destinar, to destine destino, destination; fate destituir, to deprive destrenzar, to undo, unbraid destreza, skill, dexterity destronar, to dethrone destrozar, to tear to pieces destructor, -ora, destructive destruir, to destroy desunido, -a, disunited desvalido, -a, helpless desvanecer, to vanish; to dispel; desventaja, disadvantage desventura, misfortune desventurado, -a, hapless desvÍo, deviation, aberration detenciÓn, detention, delay detener, to detain determinante, determining determinar, to determine detestable, detestable detonaciÓn, detonation, report detractor, detractor, decrier detrÁs, behind deuda, debt devolver, to return devorar, to devour dÍa, m., day diablo, devil diabÓlicamente, diabolically diabÓlico, -a, diabolical diÁlogo, dialogue diametral, diametrical diario, -a, daily dibujar, to draw, sketch diccionario, dictionary diciembre, December dictadura, dictatorship dictar, to dictate dictatorial, dictatorial dicha, happiness dicho, saying dichoso, -a, happy diecisÉis, sixteen diecisiete, seventeen diente, m., tooth diez, ten diezmar, to decimate diferencia, difference diferenciar, to differentiate diferente, different diferir, to delay, postpone difÍcil, difficult, critical, untractable dificultad, difficulty, stress difunto, -a, dead, late dignamente, worthily dignidad, dignity dignificar, to dignify dignÍsimo, -a, very worthy digno, -a, worthy, dignified dilataciÓn, expansion, increase dilatado, -a, wide, vast dilatar, to spread diligencia, errand, diligence dimanar, to spring, flow dimensiÓn, dimension diminuto, -a, small, diminutive dinero, money Dios, God diplomacia, diplomacy dique, m., dike, barrier direcciÓn, direction, address directamente, directly directo, -a, direct, immediate directorial, pertaining to a directory, directing directorio, directory dirigir, to direct, control; disciplina, discipline disciplinar, to discipline discÍpulo, pupil, student disco, disk discreciÓn, discretion; discreto, -a, cautious, wise discurso, speech, discourse discusiÓn, discussion discutir, to discuss diseminar, to disseminate diseÑar, to design, outline disertaciÓn, speech, dissertation disfrazar, to mask, hide disfrutar, to enjoy disimuladamente, dissemblingly disimulado, -a, dissembling, hidden, sly disipar, to dissipate, scatter, destroy disnea, dismay, difficulty in breathing disolver, to dissolve disparar, to shoot, fire dispersar, to disperse disperso, refugee disponer, to dispose disponible, available disposiciÓn, disposition, aptitude; measure disputa, dispute disputar, to dispute distancia, distance distante, distant distenciÓn, stretching distinciÓn, distinction distinguidÍsimo, -a, very distinguished distinguir, to distinguish distintivo, -a, distinctive distinto, -a, distinct, different, separate distraer, to distract distribuir, to spread, distribute diva, goddess diverso, -a, diverse, different divertir, to amuse, divert dividir, to divide, sever divinizar, to make divine divisar, to catch sight of, descry divisiÓn, division divorciar, to divorce do, poetical for donde, where doblar, to bend, double doble, a. and s., double doblez, doubleness, duplicity; fold doce, twelve docilidad, meekness doctor, physician doctrina, doctrine, teaching, learning documento, document dogma, m., dogma dolencia, pain, ache doliente, grieving dolor, m., pain, grief, hardship doloroso, -a, painful domar, to tame domÉstico, -a, domestic dominaciÓn, dominion, domination dominante, dominant, overbearing dominar, to dominate, overcome domingo, Sunday dominio, dominion don, Mr., used with first name only don, m., gift donativo, donation doncella, damsel donde, where ¿dÓnde? where? dondequiera, wherever doÑa, lady, fem. of don doquier, poetical for dondequiera dorado, -a, gilt; golden; splendid dorar, to gild dormido, -a, asleep dormir, to sleep dos, two doscientos, two hundred dosel, m., canopy dosis, f., amount, dose dotar, to endow dote, f., gift, dowry dragÓn, dragon drama, m., drama, struggle dramÁtico, -a, dramatic druÍdico, -a, Druid, Druidic duda, doubt dudar, to doubt, hesitate duende, m., demon dueÑo, lord, master dulce, sweet, fresh dulcemente, sweetly duplicar, to double durante, during durar, to last duraznero, peach tree durazno, peach duro, -a, hard e, and ebrio, -a, intoxicated, drunk eclipsar, to eclipse eco, echo economÍa, economy; development, regulation econÓmico, -a, economic economizar, to spare, economize ecuador, equator ecuanimidad, fairness, equanimity echar, to throw, drive out; edad, age; edecÁn, m., aide-de-camp edificaciÓn, construction edificio, building educaciÓn, education, training educar, to instruct, lead, train, direct efectivo, -a, effective efecto, effect, purpose; efectuar, to carry out, effect; eficacia, efficacy eficaz, efficient, effective eficazmente, efficiently eficiente, efficient, powerful efÍmero, -a, ephemeral, short-lived efusivo, -a, effusive Egipto, Egypt egoÍsmo, egoism egoÍsta, m., egoist egoÍsta, selfish ejecuciÓn, execution ejecutar, to execute; ejecutivo, executive ejecutor, executor ejemplar, exemplary, model ejemplo, example ejercer, to practice, exert ejercicio, exercise ejercitar, to exercise ejÉrcito, army Él, he el, the elasticidad, elasticity elecciÓn, election electricidad, electricity elÉctrico, -a, electric elefante, m., elephant elegante, elegant elegÍa, elegy elegir, to choose elemento, element, environment elevaciÓn, loftiness, elevation elevado, -a, lofty, high elevador, elevator elevar, to raise eliminar, to eliminate elocuencia, eloquence elocuente, eloquent ello, it, that; emanaciÓn, emanation emanado, -a, emanating, derived emancipaciÓn, emancipation emancipar, to free embalsamar, to embalm embarcaciÓn, embarking; vessel; embarcar, to embark embargo, sequestration; embarque, m., shipment, passage, embarkation embellecer, to beautify embolar, to bring down with bolas embudo, funnel emigrante, emigrant emigrar, to emigrate eminente, eminent eminentemente, eminently emociÓn, emotion, sorrow emocionante, emotional, moving empalme, m., junction, splicing empaÑar, to darken, cloud emparedar, to wall in empedrar, to pave empeÑar, to pawn; to begin an action; empeÑo, pledge, eagerness empero, but, nevertheless empezar, to begin empleado, employee emplear, to employ, spend empleo, task, employment emplumado, -a, feathered emplumecer, to take on feathers empozarse, to stagnate emprender, to undertake, begin empresa, undertaking emprÉstito, loan empujar, to drive, push empuÑar, to seize, take up en, in, on, among enamorado, -a, enamored enarbolar, to hoist enardecer, to fire up, kindle encabezar, to head, lead encadenar, to chain encajar, to place, inclose encaje, m., lace encaminar, to put on the road; encantar, to enchant encanto, enchantment encantonar, to intrench encargado, agent encargar, to intrust, charge; encarnaciÓn, incarnation encarnarse, to become incarnate encender, to kindle encerrar, to shut in encima, above; encomendar, to recommend, intrust encono, rancor, ill-will encontrar, to meet, find encontrÓn, m., collision, meeting encorvar, to bend encrespar, to wave, curl encrucijada, crossway encuadrar, to frame, fit in encubrir, to hide, disguise encuentro, encounter, meeting encumbramiento, rise, elevation endecasÍlabo, verse of eleven syllables, hendecasyllabic endecha, dirge, stanza endilgar, to turn, direct, send enemigo, -a, a. and s., hostile; enemy enemistad, enmity energÍa, energy enÉrgico, -a, energetic, strong enero, January enervado, -a, weakened, dull enfardar, to pack enfermo, -a, sick enfilar, to pierce, enfilade; to march enflaquecer, to become thin, weaken enfrente, before, in front; enfriamiento, cooling, chill enfurecer, to madden engalanar, to deck, adorn engaÑar, to deceive engaÑoso, -a, deceitful, deceptive engendrar, to engender engolosinar, to whet one’s desire engrosar, to enlarge enjaezar, to caparison enjambrar, to breed a hive of bees enjambre, m., colony of bees; bees enjuiciar, to pass judgment; to try in court enlazar, to lasso enloquecedor, -ora, maddening enmascarar, to mask enmendar, to mend, improve enmienda, amendment enmudecido, -a, mute ennegrecer, to blacken enojo, anger enorme, enormous enormidad, enormity enredar, to twine, knot enrojecer, to redden enronquecer, to become hoarse ensalzar, to exalt, extol ensanchar, to widen, swell ensangrentar, to stain with blood ensayar, to try ensayo, essay, trial enseÑanza, teaching enseÑar, to teach, show enseÑorearse, to lord it over, get control of ensillar, to saddle ensopar, to dip, wet ensortijado, -a, curly ensueÑo, dream entender, to understand, hear entendimiento, understanding enteramente, entirely enterar, to inform enternecido, -a, moved, softened enternecimiento, tenderness entero, -a, entire enterrar, to bury entidad, entity, import; entonar, to sing, intone entonces, then; entrada, entrance entraÑa, bowel; depth; core, heart; vein. (Seldom used in the singular) entraÑable, affectionate, deep entrar, to enter; entre, between, among; entreabrir, to open partly entregar, to give over, surrender, deliver entrelazar, to interlace entrever, to discern, glimpse entrevista, interview entusiasmo, enthusiasm entusiasta, enthusiastic enunciar, to enunciate, proclaim envenenar, to poison enviado, messenger enviar, to send envidia, envy, jealousy envidiable, enviable envidiar, to envy envilecer, to degrade envolver, to wrap, involve Épico, -a, epic episodio, episode epitafio, epitaph epÍteto, epithet Época, epoch, period epopeya, epic poem equidad, equity, justice equilibrar, to balance equilibrio, balance, equipoise equipaje, m., baggage equitaciÓn, horsemanship equÍvoco, -a, equivocal, concealed erguir, to raise, elevate erial, m., uncultivated land erigido, -a, erected, based erizar, to set on end, bristle; errante, wandering errÓneo, -a, erroneous erudiciÓn, erudition esbeltez, elegance esbelto, -a, stately; sprightly escala, scale, stage, ladder, dock; escalar, to scale escama, shell, scale escÁndalo, scandal escapar, to escape escape, m., escape; escapulario, scapulary escarchado, -a, frosty escasear, to give sparingly; to be scarce, lacking escasez, scarcity escaso, -a, scarce, occasional, few escena, scene, environment, foreground escenario, scene, stage escenogrÁfico, -a, scenic, picturesque escepticismo, scepticism esclavitud, slavery esclavo, slave escoger, to select escolar, student escolÁstico, -a, scholastic escombro, rubbish, ruins esconder, to hide escribir, to write escrito, writing escritor, writer escritorio, office, writing-desk escritura, Scripture escrupuloso, -a, scrupulous escrutador, -ora, scrutinizing escuadra, fleet escuadrÓn, m., squadron escuchar, to listen escudo, shield escudriÑador, -ora, searching escuela, school escueto, -a, unincumbered, bare escupir, to spit, belch ese, that Ése, that one, that esencialmente, essentially esfinge, f., sphinx esforzado, -a, strong, valiant esforzarse, to strive esfuerzo, effort esfumarse, to disappear, fade away esgrima, art and rule of fencing esgrimir, to wield esmerado, -a, careful esmeralda, emerald espaciarse, to roam espacio, space, distance espada, sword espalda, back, shoulder; espantar, to frighten espanto, fright espantoso, -a, frightful EspaÑa, Spain espaÑol, -ola, Spanish esparcir, to scatter Esparta, Sparta, one of former independent Greek states, whose citizens were renowned for manliness especial, special especialidad, specialty, peculiarity especie, f., kind, class espectÁculo, spectacle, sight espectador, spectator espectativa, expectation espejismo, mirage, deception espejo, mirror espera, wait, waiting esperanza, hope esperar, to hope, expect espesÍsimo, -a, very thick espeso, -a, thick espesor, m., thickness, density espesura, thickness, forest espiar, to spy espinillo, thorn, prickly tree espinoso, -a, thorny, prickly espiral, m., curl, spiral espÍritu, spirit, mind esplendidez, splendor esplÉndido, -a, splendid esplendor, m., splendor esplorador, scout, explorer espoleta, bomb fuse esponjazo, blow with a sponge, shower espontÁneamente, spontaneously espontÁneo, -a, spontaneous esposa, wife esposo, husband espuela, spur espuma, foam esquina, corner esquisito, -a, exquisite establecer, to establish establecimiento, establishment estaciÓn, station; season estacionar, to station estado, state, condition; estallar, to burst estampa, stamp, appearance estampar, to print, stamp estampido, crash estancia, large tract of land for raising stock; ranch estanciero, rancher estandarte, standard, banner estar, to be, stand, lie; estatuaria, statuary, statues estatura, stature este, this Éste, this one, the latter estepa, steppe estereotipar, to stereotype estÉril, sterile, barren estero, marsh, lake estertor, throat rattle estÉtico, -a, Æsthetic estimaciÓn, esteem, estimation estimular, to stimulate estÍmulo, stimulant, stimulus estirar, to stretch estirpe, m., stock, family esto, this; estoico, -a, stoic estopÍn, m., quick-match estorbar, to hinder estorbo, hindrance estrangular, to strangle estrategia, strategy estratÉgicamente, strategically estratÉgico, -a, strategic estrato, layer, level estrechar, to squeeze, clasp, press, shut in estrechez, narrowness, penury estrecho, -a, narrow, closely bound estrechura, narrowness estrella, star estrellado, -a, starry estrellar, to clash, smash estremecer, to shake, agitate estremecimiento, trembling, shudder estrÉpito, noise, din estribor, m., starboard estro, inspiration estrofa, stanza estruendo, roar, thunder estruendoso, -a, noisy, thunderous estuario, estuary estuche, m., casing estudiante, student estudiar, to study estudio, study estudioso, -a, studious estupefacto, -a, stupefied estupendo, -a, stupendous estÚpido, -a, stupid etapa, stop, station etÉreo, -a, ethereal, unsullied eternamente, eternally eternidad, eternity eterno, -a, eternal Ético, -a, hectic, weak, panting Europa, Europe europeo, -a, European Eva, Eve evacuar, to evacuate evangelio, gospel evasiÓn, escape, evasion evidencia, evidence evidenciar, to give evidence of evidente, evident evitar, to avoid evocador, -ora, evoking evocar, to evoke evoluciÓn, evolution exactamente, exactly exactitud, exactness exacto, -a, exact exagerar, to exaggerate exaltaciÓn, loftiness, exaltation exaltar, to exalt examen, m., examination examinar, to examine exÁnime, lifeless excelente, excellent excelentÍsimo, -a, very excellent excepcional, exceptional excepto, except; excesivo, -a, excessive exceso, excess excitar, to excite exclamar, to exclaim exclusivamente, exclusively exclusivo, -a, exclusive excursiÓn, excursion excusado, -a, excused, old, useless excusar, to excuse, shun exento, -a, exempt exhalar, to exhale exhausto, -a, exhausted exhibiciÓn, exhibition, portrayal exhibir, to exhibit exigencia, exigency, need exigir, to demand, require, arouse exiguo, -a, scarce, small existencia, existence existir, to exist Éxito, outcome, success Excmo., abbreviation for ExcelentÍsimo Éxodo, exodus exorbitante, exorbitant exÓtico, -a, exotic expansiÓn, expansion expansivo, -a, expansive, expansionist expediciÓn, expedition expedicionario, -a, expeditionary expediente, m., expedient, measure expedir, to issue, send, expedite expeditivamente, expeditely, expeditiously expeditivo, -a, expeditious expeler, to expel experimentar, to undergo, experiment experto, -a, expert, clever explicar, to explain explicativo, -a, explanatory exploraciÓn, exploration expolio, spoliation exponente, exponent exposiciÓn, exposition expresar, to express expresiÓn, expression expresivo, -a, expressive exquisito, -a, exquisite extasiado, -a, ecstatic, in ecstasy extender, to extend extensiÓn, space, extent extenso, -a, extensive extenuar, to wear away, weaken exterior, exterior, outer exterior, m., exterior, outside; exteriorizar, to show, manifest, bring to the surface exterminador, exterminator exterminar, to exterminate externo, -a, external, foreign extinguir, to extinguish extramuros, outside the city limits extranjero, foreigner, stranger extraÑar, to wonder at, alienate, miss extraÑeza, strangeness extraÑo, -a, strange extraordinario, -a, extraordinary extraviar, to lose, put off the track extremo, extreme exuberante, exuberant, overflowing fÁbrica, manufactory, factory fabricaciÓn, manufacture fabricante, a. and s., making; maker fabricar, to construct, make fabril, manufacturing, textile fabuloso, -a, fabulous facciÓn, feature, faction, act fÁcil, easy facilidad, facility fÁcilmente, easily facticio, -a, artificial, sham facultad, power, faculty faena, task, work faja, sash, belt, strip falaz, deceitful falda, slope, skirt falsificado, -a, falsified falta, absence, fault, lack faltar, to be lacking, fail; falto, -a, lacking; fallar, to pass sentence fallo, sentence, decree fama, fame famÉlico, -a, hungry familia, family familiar, familiar familiarizar, to familiarize familiarmente, familiarly famoso, -a, famous fanÁtico, -a, fanatic fanatismo, fanaticism fanatizar, to fanaticize fanfarronamente, swaggeringly fantasear, to fancy, imagine fantasÍa, fantasy fantasma, m., phantom fantasmagorÍa, illusion fantÁstico, -a, fantastic fardo, weight, pack farol, m., lamp, lantern farola, big lantern fascinaciÓn, fascination, bewilderment fascinador, -ora, fascinating fascinar, to fascinate fase, f., phase, aspect fastidiar, to bore, disgust, weary fatal, fatal fatalidad, fatality fatalismo, fatalism fatalista, m., fatalist fatÍdico, -a, fateful fatigar, to fatigue, tire fatigoso, -a, fatiguing, tedious, tiresome favor, m., favor; favorecer, to favor, aid favorito, -a, favorite faz, f., face, appearance, phase, surface fe, f., faith; febrero, February febril, feverish fecundante, life-giving, fertile fecundidad, fertility fecundo, -a, fertile fecha, date federal, federal feÍsimo, -a, very ugly felicidad, happiness felicitar, to congratulate feliz, happy felizmente, happily fenÓmeno, phenomenon feraz, fruitful fÉretro, coffin, hearse ferocidad, fierceness feroz, fierce, wild fÉrreo, -a, of iron, firm ferrocarril, m., railroad fÉrtil, fertile fertilidad, fertility festÍn, m., feast, entertainment feudalismo, feudalism fiado, -a, trusting fiambre, m., cold meats fiambre, cold-served ficticio, -a, fictitious fidelidad, faithfulness fiebre, f., fever fiel, faithful fielmente, faithfully fiera, wild beast fiero, -a, fierce, wild fiesta, holiday, feast figura, shape, form, appearance figurar, to figure, shape; fijamente, assuredly, fixedly, exactly fijar, to fix, set, allot fijeza, accuracy, firmness fijo, -a, fixed, inflexible fila, file, row filosofÍa, philosophy filosÓfico, -a, philosophical filtrar, to percolate, filter fin, m., end; finado, -a, dead, deceased, late final, last final, m., end financiero, -a, financial finanza, finance fingir, to feign, pretend fino, -a, fine, keen, polite fiord, m., fiord firmar, to sign; to strengthen firme, firm, strong firmeza, firmness fisga, harpoon fisica, physics fÍsico, -a, physical fisonomÍa, physiognomy, aspect, character, figure, features flamear, to wave, flame, gleam flanco, flank, side flaquear, to become weak flauta, flute flecha, arrow flexibilidad, flexibility flexible, flexible flor, f., flower flora, flora flordelisado, -a, adorned with fleur-de-lis florecer, to flower, bloom florido, -a, flowering, blossoming flota, fleet flotante, floating flotar, to float flotilla, flotilla flÚido, fluid fluvial, fluvial, pertaining to a river foco, center, focus fogoso, -a, fiery follaje, m., foliage fomentar, to encourage, foment fondear, to anchor fondo, bottom, depth, fund, background; forastero, -a, strange, foreign forense, forensic forjar, to forge, create, shape forma, form, formality, means, outline, feature, manner formaciÓn, formation formal, serious, grave, solemn, dignified formar, to form, create, line up fornido, -a, robust, thickset fÓrmula, formula fortalecido, -a, strengthened fortaleza, strength, fortification fortuna, fortune; forzar, to force, violate, overthrow forzosamente, necessarily forzoso, -a, necessary, unavoidable, exacting fosco, -a, frowning, dark, sullen fosforescer, to be visible, phosphorescent fracasar, to shatter, fail, break fragata, frigate fragor, m., roar fraguar, to forge fraile, friar francÉs, -esa, French Francia, France franco, -a, frank, open franqueza, sincerity, frankness frase, f., sentence, expression fraternal, brotherly fraternizar, to fraternize fratricida, a. and s., fratricidal; fratricide fray, contraction of fraile, title used before the name of a monk, brother frecuencia, frequency frecuente, frequent freno, bridle; restraint frenologÍa, phrenology frente, f., forehead, brow; fresco, -a, fresh, cool frescura, coolness frÍamente, coldly frigio, -a, Phrygian frÍo, -a, cold frÍo, cold frondosidad, leafiness frondoso, -a, leafy frontera, frontier, boundary frotar, to rub, stroke fruta, fruit fruto, fruit; produce fuego, fire, discharge fuente, f., fountain fuera, outside, beyond; fuerte, strong fuerte, m., fort fuertemente, strongly fuerza, strength, violence; fuga, flight fugaz, fleeing, fleeting fugitivo, fugitive fulgor, m., brilliancy fulminante, thundering, fulminating fulminar, to fulminate, strike down fumar, to smoke funciÓn, function, entertainment fundaciÓn, settlement, foundation fundador, founder fundamental, fundamental fundamento, foundation fundar, to found fundir, to cast, melt, fuse funeral, m., funeral funesto, -a, fatal, sad, dismal furia, fury, excitement furioso, -a, furious furor, m., fury furtivamente, furtively fusil, m., gun, rifle fusilar, to shoot fusilerÍa, musketry futuro, -a, future gabinete, m., office, cabinet; gala, gala galante, gallant galante, m., gallant galanterÍa, gallantry galerÍa, gallery galo, Gaul, Frenchman galopar, to gallop galope, m., gallop; galpÓn, m., Arg., shed, warehouse galvanizar, to galvanize, quicken into life gallardamente, gracefully, bravely gallardÍa, deed of bravery, gallantry galleguito, diminutive of gallego, inhabitant of the province of Galicia in north-western Spain gamo, buck ganado, stock, cattle ganar, to gain, win garantÍa, guaranty, assurance garantizar, to guarantee, protect garbo, gracefulness, cleverness garganta, throat; gorge garra, clutch, claw garrote, m., stick, cudgel gas, m., gas GascuÑa, Gascony gasto, expense gato, cat gauchaje, m., collective for gauchos, gathering of gauchos gauchesco, -a, pertaining to the gaucho gaucho, cowboy of the pampas; gaveta, drawer gaviota, sea gull gayo, -a, gay, festive; gemelo, twin gemido, groan gemir, to moan, grieve generaciÓn, generation general, general general, m., general generala, the general (a roll of the drum); generalmente, generally gÉnero, kind; gender; stuff generosidad, generosity generoso, -a, generous GÉnesis, m., Genesis genial, genial genio, genius, temper, mind gente, f., people gentÍo, crowd genuino, -a, genuine geografÍa, geography geogrÁfico, -a, geographical germen, m., germ, source gestiÓn, effort, negotiation gesto, military feat; face, grimace; turn gigante, m., giant gigantesco, -a, gigantic gimnasia, exercise, gymnastics girar, to sweep about, look or turn around glauco, -a, sea-green globo, globe gloria, glory gloriosamente, gloriously glorioso, -a, glorious gobernaciÓn, territory gobernador, governor gobernante, governing gobernar, to govern gobierno, government goce, m., enjoyment goleta, schooner golfo, gulf golondrina, swallow golpe, m., blow; goma, gum, rubber gordo, -a, fat gorro, cap gota, drop gÓtico, -a, Gothic gozar, to enjoy gozo, joy gozoso, -a, joyous grabar, to engrave gracia, grace, pardon; pl., thanks; grada, step grado, degree, step gradual, gradual gradualmente, gradually granada, grenade granadero, grenadier; Gran BretaÑa, Great Britain grande, great, broad grandeza, greatness grandiosidad, grandeur grandioso, -a, grandiose, great, marvelous granito, granite grasoso, -a, greasy, fatty gratitud, gratitude grato, -a, pleasing grave, serious, grave gravitaciÓn, weight, gravitation gravitar, to weigh down, gravitate Grecia, Greece gris, gray grita, shouting, clamor gritar, to shout grito, cry, shout; grosero, -a, coarse grÚa, crane, derrick grueso, -a, thick grupa, croup, rump of a horse grupo, group guanaco, guanaco, an animal like the llama guantelete, m., glove used for protection, gauntlet guardar, to keep, guard guardia, guard, watch guarecer, to shelter guarida, den, lair, shelter guarniciÓn, garrison gubernamental, governmental guedeja, long lock of hair guerra, war guerrero, -a, warlike guerrero, warrior guerrilla, diminutive of guerra, guerrilla guerrillero, guerrilla, one who takes part in guerrilla warfare guÍa, m. or f., guide, scout guiar, to guide guijarro, pebble, smooth stone guiÑar, to wink guirnalda, garland, wreath guisa, manner, guise guitarra, guitar gustar, to taste; gusto, taste, pleasure habano, Havana cigar; person from Havana haber, to have haber, m., possession hÁbil, able, clever habilitado, paymaster habitaciÓn, room, dwelling habitante, inhabitant habitar, to live in, inhabit hÁbito, habit; dress; characteristic habituado, -a, accustomed habitual, habitual habitud, habit habla, speech hablar, to speak hacer, to do, carry on; hacia, toward hachazo, blow with an ax hada, fairy halagador, -ora, flattering, pleasing halagar, to flatter halagÜeÑo, -a, alluring, charming hallar, to find; hambre, f., hunger hambriento, -a, hungry, famished harto, very, excessively, more than hasta, up to; even hato, bundle haz, f., surface, face hazaÑa, exploit, feat he, behold; hebreo, -a, Hebrew hechicera, enchantress, witch hecho, deed, fact helada, frost, chill helar, to freeze hÉlice, f., propeller hembra, woman, female hemisferio, hemisphere hender, to cleave hercÚleo, -a, Herculean HÉrcules, Hercules, character of Greek mythology, famous for his strength heredad, domain, estate heredar, to inherit hereditario, -a, hereditary herencia, inheritance herir, to wound, strike hermana, sister hermandad, brotherhood; in the Spanish world, a society which banded together to restrain crime hermano, brother hermosamente, beautifully hermoso, -a, beautiful hermosura, beauty hÉroe, hero heroicamente, heroically heroico, -a, heroic heroÍsmo, heroism herrado, -a, iron-shod herradura, horseshoe herramienta, tool herrumbrado, -a, rusty heterogÉneo, -a, heterogeneous hÍbrido, -a, hybrid hidalgo, nobleman, hidalgo hidalguÍa, nobility, chivalry hidromiel, f., a fermented drink from honey and water hiel, f., gall, bile; bitterness hierba, grass, verdure hierro, iron hija, daughter hijo, son hilar, to spin hilo, thread himno, hymn hincadito, -a, diminutive of hincado, kneeling, huddling hinojo, fennel hipÓcrita, m. or f., hypocrite, dissembler hirviente, boiling hispanoamericano, -a, Spanish-American historia, history, story historiado, -a, storied historiador, historian histÓrico, -a, historic hocico, snout, muzzle hogar, m., home, hearth hoguera, fire hoja, leaf holgazÁn, -ana, indolent holgazanerÍa, indolence holgorio, jollity hollar, to trample under foot hombre, man hombro, shoulder hombrÓn, big, lusty man homenaje, m., homage homicida, a. and s., homicidal; murderer homogÉneo, -a, homogeneous hondamente, deeply hondo, -a, deep hondonada, dale, deep valley honor, m., honor honra, honor, good name honrado, -a, honored, honest hora, hour horadar, to bore horda, horde horizontalidad, horizontality horizonte, m., horizon Hornos, Horn (Cape) horqueta, fork, crossing of two branches horrible, horrible horror, m., horror horroroso, -a, horrible hortaliza, Arg., vegetable garden; vegetables hosanna, m., hosanna hospitalario, -a, hospitable hospitalidad, hospitality hostigar, to vex, harass hostil, hostile hostilidad, hostility hostilizar, to harass hoy, to-day hueco, -a, hollow, empty, vain hueco, hollow, gap huelga, rest, repose; strike; huella, trace, footprint huÉrfano, -a, a. and s., orphan huerto, garden hueso, bone huÉsped, m., host huÍda, flight huÍdo, -a, a. and s., fugitive huir, to flee hulla, soft coal humanidad, humanity humanitario, -a, humanitarian humano, -a, human humedad, humidity hÚmedo, -a, humid humildad, humility humilde, humble humillaciÓn, humiliation humillar, to humiliate humo, smoke humor, humor, disposition humorÍstico, -a, humoristic hundir, to sink huracÁn, m., hurricane huronear, to pry, ferret out, scrutinize husmear, to scent ibÉrico, -a, Iberic, Iberian ibero, -a, a. and s., Iberian idea, idea, thought ideal, ideal ideal, m., ideal idealismo, idealism idealista, idealistic idealista, m., idealist idealizaciÓn, idealization identidad, identity identificar, to identify idolatrÍa, idolatry iglesia, church Ígneo, -a, fiery, igneous ignominia, infamy ignominioso, -a, ignominious ignorancia, ignorance ignorante, ignorant ignorar, to be ignorant of, not to know ignoto, -a, unknown igual, equal, similar, even igualar, to equalize igualdad, equality igualmente, equally ijar, m., flank, side ilimitado, -a, unlimited iluminaciÓn, illumination, gleam, brilliancy iluminar, to illuminate, light ilusiÓn, dream, illusion iluso, -a, deluded, ignorant ilustraciÓn, wisdom; explanation; fame; illustrious man ilustrarse, to become famous ilustre, famous imagen, f., image imaginaciÓn, imagination, mind imaginar, to imagine, conceive imaginativo, -a, imaginative imborrable, ineradicable imitar, to imitate impaciencia, impatience imparcial, impartial impedir, to prevent impenetrable, inscrutable, impenetrable imperar, to hold sway imperceptible, imperceptible imperfectamente, imperfectly imperio, empire, control, sway imperioso, -a, imperious impersonal, impersonal Ímpetu, m., impetus, impulse impetuosidad, impetuousness impetuoso, -a, impetuous implacable, implacable implÍcitamente, implicitly implorar, to implore imponente, imposing imponer, to impose, place upon importancia, importance importante, important importantÍsimo, -a, very important importar, to be of importance, import importe, m., amount importuno, -a, importunate, vexatious imposibilidad, impossibility imposible, impossible imposiciÓn, imposition impotencia, incapacity, impotence imprecaciÓn, imprecation imprenta, printing press impresiÓn, impression impresionable, impressionable impresionar, to impress imprevisor, -ora, unforeseeing, careless imprimir, to impress, print improbable, improbable improvisaciÓn, improvisation improvisador, improviser improviso, -a, unforeseen; imprudente, imprudent impulsar, to impel, force; to foster impulso, impulse; inabarcable, incomprehensible inaccesible, inaccessible inagotable, inexhaustible inalterable, impassible, unchanging, inalterable inapelable, beyond appeal, without appeal inapreciable, inestimable inaudito, -a, unheard of inavertido, -a, unnoticed; unwary, careless incapaz, incapable incÁsico, -a, pertaining to the Incas incendiarse, to catch fire incendio, fire incertidumbre, f., uncertainty incesante, incessant incidente, m., incident incienso, incense incierto, -a, uncertain inclemente, inclement inclinaciÓn, inclination inclinar, to bow down, incline Ínclito, -a, famous, glorious incÓgnito, -a, unknown incoloro, -a, colorless incÓmodo, -a, uncomfortable, oppressive incomparable, matchless incompatible, incompatible incomprensible, incomprehensible inconciliable, irreconcilable inconcluso, -a, unfinished inconmensurable, limitless inconmovible, immovable incontaminado, -a, uncontaminated incontrastable, irresistible inconveniente, m., difficulty, objection, trouble incorporarse, to unite, join; to sit up increÍble, incredible incrustar, to incrust inculto, -a, uncultivated, uneducated incuria, negligence incurrir, to incur indecisiÓn, indecision indeciso, -a, undecided indefenso, -a, defenseless indefinible, undefinable indefinido, -a, indefinite indeleble, indelible, indestructible independencia, independence independiente, independent indestructible, indestructible indicar, to show, point out Índice, m., index finger, index indiferencia, indifference indiferente, indifferent indiferentemente, indifferently indÍgena, s. and a., native; indigenous indignar, to make indignant, excite indigno, -a, unworthy indio, -a, Indian indirectamente, indirectly indiscutible, unquestionable indispensable, indispensable indistintamente, indistinctly, indiscriminately individual, individual individualidad, individuality individualismo, individualism individuo, individual, person indolencia, indolence indolente, indolent, indifferent indÓmito, -a, untamed, wild indudable, undoubted, undeniable indulgencia, indulgence indulto, amnesty, pardon indumentaria, clothing industria, industry ineducado, -a, uneducated, ill-bred inercia, inertia inerte, inert, lifeless inevitable, inevitable inexplicable, inexplicable inextinguible, unextinguishable infalible, infallible infaliblemente, infallibly infamia, infamy infancia, infancy infanterÍa, infantry infeliz, a. and s., unhappy; wretch inferior, lower, inferior infernal, infernal infiel, a. and s., faithless, unfaithful, infidel infinidad, infinity infinito, -a, endless; inflamado, -a, passionate, inflamed inflar, to swell, inflate inflexiÓn, inflexion inflexible, inflexible influencia, influence influjo, influence influyente, influential informe, m., notice, information infructuoso, -a, fruitless infundir, to inspire, cause ingeniero, engineer ingenio, genius, mind ingenioso, -a, ingenious ingenuamente, ingenuously ingenuidad, ingenuousness, openness ingenuo, -a, ingenuous, naÏve ingertar, to ingraft Inglaterra, England inglÉs, -esa, a. and s., English ingrato, -a, thankless, ungrateful, unpleasant inherente, inherent inhibir, to inhibit, prevent inicial, first, initial iniciar, to initiate, begin iniciativa, initiative, enterprise iniquidad, iniquity injusticia, injustice injusto, -a, unjust inmaculado, -a, immaculate, holy inmediaciÓn, contiguity, contact; inmediatamente, immediately; inmediato, -a, immediate, near by inmensidad, immensity inmenso, -a, immense inmigraciÓn, immigration inmolar, to sacrifice inmortal, immortal inmÓvil, motionless inmovilidad, immobility innecesario, -a, unnecessary innoble, ignoble innumerable, numberless inocencia, innocence inocente, innocent inocular, to inoculate inofensivo, -a, inoffensive inopinadamente, unexpectedly, thoughtlessly inquieto, -a, restless inquietud, anxiety, restlessness insaciable, insatiable insecto, insect insensible, unaware, senseless inseparable, inseparable insigne, famous insignificante, insignificant insinuar, to insinuate, hint, whisper, try insÍpido, -a, insipid insipiencia, ignorance insistir, to insist insolvencia, insolvency insostenible, untenable inspeccionar, to inspect inspiraciÓn, inspiration inspirar, to inspire; instalaciÓn, installation, establishment instalar, to install instancia, instance, urgent request instante, m., instant instaurar, to set up instintivo, -a, instinctive, innate instinto, instinct instituciÓn, institution instituir, to set up, institute instrucciÓn, instruction instrumentista, m., player upon a musical instrument, virtuoso instrumento, instrument insultar, to insult insurreccionado, -a, rebellious, in arms intacto, -a, intact integrante, f., integral part integrar, to integrate, fuse integridad, integrity, honesty intelectual, intellectual inteligencia, intelligence, mind; inteligente, intelligent intemperie, f., rough weather; intempestivo, -a, abortive, untimely intenciÓn, intention intendente, intendant, sub-treasurer of the government intentar, to try, plot intercambio, exchange interÉs, m., interest interesante, interesting interesar, to interest interior, m., interior interior, interior, inner, internal interminable, endless internacional, international internar, to intern interno, -a, internal, inner interponer, to interpose interposiciÓn, interposition interpretar, to interpret interrogar, to question, ask interrumpir, to interrupt interrupciÓn, interruption intervalo, interval intervenciÓn, intervention intervenir, to intervene intestino, -a, internecine, internal intimaciÓn, intimation intimar, to intimate intimidar, to intimidate, frighten Íntimo, -a, intimate, internal intrÉpido, -a, intrepid, fearless intriga, intrigue intrÍnseco, -a, intrinsic introducir, to introduce inundaciÓn, flood inundar, to flood inusitado, -a, unwonted inÚtil, useless inutilidad, uselessness inutilizar, to make useless inÚtilmente, uselessly invadir, to invade invariable, invariable, unmovable invasiÓn, invasion invasor, -ora, a. and s., conquering, invading; invader invencible, invincible invenciÓn, invention inventar, to invent invernal, of winter, wintry invertir, to take up, invest investidura, investiture investigaciÓn, investigation investigador, investigator inveterado, -a, inveterate invierno, winter invisible, invisible invitaciÓn, invitation invitar, to invite invocar, to invoke involucrar, to involve, take in, envelop involuntario, -a, involuntary ir, to go ira, wrath, anger iris, m., rainbow ironÍa, irony irreal, unreal irreconciliable, irreconcilable irregular, irregular irreparable, beyond repair, irreparable irresistible, irresistible irrevocable, beyond recall, irrevocable irritar, to irritate, excite irrupciÓn, eruption, breaking forth; isba, Russian log-cabin, peasant’s house isla, island islote, m., islet Italia, Italy italiano, -a, a. and s., Italian izar, to raise, hoist izquierdo, -a, left jabonoso, -a, soapy, lathery jactar, to praise; jaguar, m., jaguar, American tiger jaleo, Andalusian dance jamÁs, never jardÍn, m., garden jazmÍn, m., jasmin jefe, chief, leader jerarquÍa, hierarchy, rank jerez, m., sherry wine JerusalÉn, Jerusalem jilguero, linnet jinete, rider, horseman Job, Job jornada, day, journey, day’s march, stopping place jornal, m., wage, earning jorobado, -a, a. and s., humpbacked; hunchback JosÉ, Joseph joven, young juanete, m., cheek bone judicial, judicial judÍo, Jew juego, play, game; gambling juez, judge jugar, to play; to gamble juguetear, to gambol, leap, frolic juicio, judgment julio, July junco, rush, weed junio, June junta, junta, council, governing body juntar, to amass, get together, join junto, -a, together juramento, oath jurar, to swear justa, joust, tourney justicia, justice; police; court of justice justicieramente, justly, according to justice justiciero, -a, justice-dealing, just justificar, to justify, prove justo, -a, just juvenil, young, juvenile juventud, youth juzgar, to judge kakuy, Quichua Indian name for owl kilÓmetro, kilometer, nearly five-eighths of a mile KorÁn, m., Koran, sacred book of the Mohammedans laberinto, labyrinth, maze labio, lip labor, f., work; hardship laboratorio, laboratory laboriosidad, laboriousness, industry labrador, tiller of the soil labranza, tillage labrar, to create, bring about labriego, tiller of the soil laconismo, laconism, brevity lÁcteo, -a, milky ladera, slope, declivity lado, side ladrillo, brick ladrÓn, m., thief lago, lake lÁgrima, tear laguna, pool, pond lamentable, lamentable lana, wool lance, m., opportunity; cast, throw lancha, boat, launch lanchero, boatman landa, heath, moorland languidecer, to languish lÁnguido, -a, languid lanudo, -a, woolly lanza, lance lanzada, lance-thrust lanzafuego, linstock lanzar, to hurl, cast, pour out lapacho, a South American tree largamente, at length largo, -a, long; lÁstima, pity, hurt lastimar, to hurt lastimero, -a, sad, doleful lastimoso, -a, pitiable, pitiful latente, latent latido, beating, beat lÁtigo, whip latinoamericano, -a, a. and s., Latin-American latir, to throb, beat latitud, latitude laurel, m., laurel, praise; laurel tree lavandera, washerwoman lavar, to wash lazo, trap; lasso leal, loyal, frank, trustworthy lealtad, loyalty, magnanimity lecciÓn, lesson lector, m., reader lectura, reading leche, f., milk lechero, milkman lechiguana, wasp lecho, bed leer, to read legendario, -a, legendary legiÓn, legion legislaciÓn, legislation legislador, legislator legislativo, -a, legislative legislatura, legislature legÍtimo, -a, legitimate legua, league, about three miles lejano, -a, distant, past lejos, far; lengua, tongue lentamente, slowly lentitud, lentitude, slowness lento, -a, slow leÓn, m., lion leonado, -a, lion-like lerdo, -a, heavy, slow letanÍa, litany letra, letter letrero, sign, poster leva, levy levadizo, -a, capable of being lifted levantar, to raise; leve, light, gentle leviatÁn, m., leviathan ley, f., law leyenda, legend liberal, liberal, free libertad, liberty libertador, -ora, a. and s., liberating; liberator libertar, to liberate librar, to free, deliver, occur, engage in libre, free, unhampered licor, m., liquor, cordial lid, f., fight, strife lienzo, cloth, linen, canvas ligadura, bond, knot ligar, to bind, join ligereza, lightness, speed, trifle ligero, -a, light, fast limitar, to limit, confine lÍmite, m., limit, boundary limÍtrofe, limiting, bounding limosna, alms, charity limpiar, to clean out lincolniano, -a, of Lincoln lindero, boundary, confine lindero, -a, contiguous, bordering upon lindo, -a, pretty lÍnea, line lineamento, lineament, feature linfa, water linternilla, small lantern liquidaciÓn, liquidation, settlement lira, lyre lÍrico, -a, lyric Lisboa, Lisbon liso, -a, smooth listo, -a, ready, clever literalmente, literally literario, -a, literary literato, litterateur, man of letters literatura, literature lives: boleada a ——, brought down with light bolas; liviano, -a, light lÍvido, -a, livid lÓbrego, -a, dark, dismal local, local local, m., place; localidad, locality loco, -a, mad locomotiva, Arg. for locomotora, locomotive locro, Arg., stew made with meat and vegetables, especially corn locura, madness lÓgica, logic lÓgico, -a, logical lograr, to succeed, obtain lomo, loin, back lona, canvas longevidad, longevity loor, m., praise lote, m., lot, amount lotero, lottery agent loza, china, porcelain lozanÍa, luxuriance, vigor lozano, -a, luxuriant, sprightly lucero, star lucido, -a, famous, shining luctuoso, -a, sad, mournful lucha, struggle, fight luchar, to struggle, fight luego, soon, after, then; lugar, m., place lugarteniente, lieutenant lÚgubre, lugubrious, dismal lujo, luxury Lules, Indian tribe formerly inhabiting central Argentina luminoso, -a, luminous luna, moon lustroso, -a, lustrous luto, mourning, grief luz, f., light, luster; pl., enlightenment llamar, to call llano, plain llanto, wail, sorrow llanura, plain llegar, to arrive, reach; llenar, to fill lleno, -a, full llevar, to carry, wear; llorar, to weep, lament lluvia, rain machete, m., cutlass madera, wood, timber madero, beam, timber madrastra, stepmother madre, mother madrigal, m., madrigal madurar, to ripen madurez, maturity maestrÍa, mastery, skill maestro, master, teacher magallÁnico, -a, of Magellan mÁgico, -a, magic mÁgico, magician magistrado, magistrate, official magnanimidad, magnanimity magnÁnimo, -a, magnanimous magnÉtico, -a, magnetic magnificencia, magnificence magnÍfico, -a, magnificent magnitud, magnitude magno, -a, great mago, wise man, magus magro, -a, meager, lean Mahoma, Mahomet maÍz, m., corn majestad, majesty majestuosamente, majestically majestuoso, -a, majestic majo, Andalusian type, vain and ostentatious in his dress. Cf. compadrito mal, evilly, badly mal, m., evil, disease maldecir, to curse maldiciÓn, curse maldito, -a, cursed malÉfico, -a, evil malÉvolo, evildoer maleza, thicket, brush malhechor, evildoer maligno, -a, malignant malÍsimo, -a, very bad malogrado, -a, unfortunate, ill-fated malÓn, m., Arg., Indian raid malvado, -a, wicked, vicious mamÁ, mother, mamma manada, herd, drove manantial, m., spring, fountain manar, to run forth, distill, spring forth mancebo, youth mancha, spot, stain mandar, to order, send mandatario, agent mando, command, order, power mandolina, mandolin manejar, to manage, wield manejo, management manera, way, manner maniatar, to bind, trip, shackle, manacle manifestaciÓn, sign, manifestation manifestado, -a, manifest, open manifestar, to make clear, show maniobra, maneuver mano, f., hand; mansiÓn, mansion manso, -a, mild, tame manta, mantle, blanket, cover mantener, to maintain, suffer, support mantenimiento, maintenance manuscrito, manuscript manzana, apple; city block maÑana, morning; maÑana, tomorrow mapa, m., map mÁquina, machine mar, m. or f., sea maraÑa, brier thicket maravilla, wonder maravillosamente, marvelously maravilloso, -a, marvelous marca, mark, brand marcar, to mark, brand, delineate marco, frame marcha, march, course, progress marchanta, Arg. for parroquiana, customer, patron marchar, to march marchito, -a, wilted, withered marea, tide mareo, seasickness margen, f., margin, bank marido, husband marinero, sailor marino, -a, a. and s., marine; sailor mariposa, butterfly mariscal, m., marshal marisco, shellfish marÍtimo, -a, maritime mÁrmol, m., marble Marte, Mars mÁrtir, m., martyr martirio, martyrdom marzo, March mas, but mÁs, more; masa, mass, multitude, power; mascar, to chew mÁscara, mask mÁstil, m., mast mata, shrub matar, to kill mate, m., South American, a drunk from a gourd with a tube called bombilla materia, matter material, material material, m., material, stuff matiz, m., color matorral, m., brier thicket matrimonio, matrimony matrona, matron mayo, May mayor, greater, older mayorÍa, majority mayormente, specially, mostly mazorca, ear of corn mecÁnica, mechanics mecer, to stir, mix mediados, restricted to the expression a—— de, about, toward the middle of mediano, -a, middle mediar, to measure, stretch, be at the middle medida, measure; medio, way, means, environment; medio, -a, half mediodÍa, m., midday, south medioeval, medieval medir, to intervene, lie; measure meditabundo, -a, pensive meditaciÓn, meditation meditar, to meditate meditativo, -a, meditative MediterrÁneo, Mediterranean Sea mediterrÁneo, -a, of the Mediterranean medroso, -a, fearful, timid mefÍtico, -a, obnoxious, mephitic megaterio, megatherium, extinct species of prehistoric animals, remains of which are found in the Pampas MÉjico, Mexico mejilla, cheek mejor, comp. of bueno, better mejora, amelioration, progress mejoramiento, betterment mejorar, to better melancolÍa, melancholy melancÓlico, -a, sad, melancholy melena, mane, shock of hair melero, -a, of honey, honey-like melodÍa, melody memorable, memorable memoria, memory, mind mendigo, beggar menester, m., necessity; menor, comp. of pequeÑo, smaller menos, less; menoscabo, discredit, lessening mensaje, m., message mensajero, messenger mentalmente, mentally mente, f., mind mentir, to lie, tell a lie mentira, lie, fiction menudeo, retail; meollo, substance, inside, heart of anything, marrow mercader, merchant, shop-keeper mercaderÍa, merchandise mercado, market mercancÍa, merchandise merced, f., mercy, grace; mercenario, mercenary merecer, to deserve mÉrito, merit meritorio, -a, meritorious mes, m., month mesa, table mesana, mizzen; meseta, plateau, landing place mesita, small table mestizo, half-breed meta, terminus, end metafÍsico, -a, metaphysical metafÓrico, -a, metaphorical metal, m., metal metamorfosis, f., metamorphosis meter, to put, place, drive metÓdico, -a, methodical metralla, grapeshot metro, meter metrÓpoli, f., metropolis, mother country mezcla, mixture mezclar, to mix, confuse mezquino, -a, mean, niggardly microscÓpico, -a, microscopic miedo, fear miel, f., honey miembro, member mientras, while; miguelete, m., rural guard mil, a thousand milagro, miracle milagrosamente, miraculously milicia, militia, military affairs militante, militant, aggressive militar, to serve in an army militar, military militar, soldier milla, mile millar, a thousand millonario, millionaire mimar, to take care of, caress, fondle, pamper mina, mine Mingo, tribe of Indians mentioned in The Last of the Mohicans ministro, minister, servant minuto, minute miÑÓn, m., light infantry; soldier of same miquilo, Indian name for nutria, otter mira, intention, purpose, point mirada, look, glance mirar, to look at, regard misa, mass misÁntropo, misanthrope, man-hater miserable, miserable, pitiful miseria, misery mÍsero, -a, wretched, mean misiÓn, mission misionero, missionary misiva, missive, note mismo, -a, self, same, even; misterio, mystery misterioso, -a, mysterious mistol, m., jujube, name of a fruit mitad, half mito, myth mixto, explosive modal, m., generally used in the plural, manners modalidad, manner of being, modality, manifestation moderaciÓn, moderation, restraint moderar, to moderate moderno, -a, modern modesto, -a, modest, unassuming modificaciÓn, modification modificar, to modify modo, manner, fashion; molestar, to molest, disturb molestia, bother, discomfort molesto, -a, bothersome, uncomfortable momentÁneamente, momentarily momentÁneo, -a, momentary momento, moment, instant monarca, m., monarch monarquÍa, monarchy monarquista, monarchist, monarchical monÁstico, -a, monastic moneda, coin, money monje, monk monosÍlabo, monosyllable monotonÍa, monotony monÓtono, -a, monotonous monstruo, monster monstruoso, -a, monstrous, tremendous montaÑa, mountain montar, to mount monte, m., mountain, wood montÉs, -esa, of the mountain; montesino, -a, mountainous, wild monto, sum, amount montÓn, m., pile montonera, Arg., mounted insurgent band montonero, member of a montonera montura, saddle, trappings, mount monumento, monument morado, house, dwelling moral, moral moral, f., morale, morality moralmente, morally, practically morar, to live, dwell morder, to bite, gnaw moreno, -a, dark-complexioned moribundo, -a, dying morir, to die; moro, -a, a. and s., Moorish; Moor; Arg., blue-roan morocho, -a, brunette, dark-complexioned morro, bowlder, cliff mortal, a. and s., mortal morueco, ram mostrador, m., counter, demonstrator mostrar, to show motejar, to ridicule, censure motÍn, m., riot, uprising motivar, to cause motivo, motive; mover, to move, excite mÓvil, varying mÓvil, m., cause, motive movimiento, movement, motion mozo, youth, attendant; muchacha, girl muchacho, boy muchachuelo, small boy muchedumbre, f., crowd mucho, -a, much mucho, adv., much mudanza, change, step of a dance mudar, to change, move mudo, -a, mute muelle, m., pier, quay, dock muerte, f., death muerto, -a, dead mugir, to bellow, roar mugir, m., bellow, roar mujer, woman, wife mula, mule mulato, -a, mulatto mulita, armadillo; little mule multiforme, multiform, of many forms multiplicar, to multiply multitud, multitude mundial, of the world, worldwide mundo, world municiÓn, ammunition municipal, municipal muralla, wall murallÓn, m., battlement murmullo, whisper, murmur murmurar, to murmur, grumble muro, wall musa, muse muscular, muscular muselina, muslin mÚsica, music, band mÚsico, musician mÚsico, -a, musical musitar, to whisper, chant mutuamente, mutually muy, very nÁcar, m., mother-of-pearl nacer, to be born naciente, rising nacimiento, birth naciÓn, nation nacional, national nacionalidad, nationality nada, nothing nada, not at all nada, f., nothingness nadar, to swim nadie, no one naipe, m., playing card napolitano, -a, Neapolitan naranja, orange naranjo, orange tree nariz, f., nose narrador, narrator narrativo, -a, narrative natal, native, natal nativo, -a, native natural, a. and s., natural; native naturaleza, nature, natural scenery naturalidad, naturalness naturalmente, naturally naufragar, to come to grief, shipwreck nÁufrago, -a, shipwrecked nave, f., ship navegaciÓn, navigation navegante, navigator navegar, to navigate navÍo, ship nÁyade, f., naiad neblina, fog, mist nebuloso, -a, nebulous necedad, foolishness necesariamente, necessarily necesario, -a, necessary necesidad, necessity, need necesitar, to need nÉctar, m., nectar nefasto, -a, ill-fated negar, to deny negativo, -a, negative negligencia, negligence negocio, business, affair negro, -a, black, gloomy negrusco, -a, blackish neÓfito, neophyte, beginner, convert nervioso, -a, nervous, eager, strong netedad, clarity, conciseness neumÁtico, -a, pneumatic nevado, -a, snowy, snow-laden ni, nor nido, nest niebla, mist, cloud nieve, f., snow ninfa, nymph ninguno, -a, not any, no; no one niÑa, girl niÑo, child, boy nitidez, neatness, sharpness nivel, m., level nivelar, to level no, no, not noble, noble noblemente, nobly nobleza, nobility nociÓn, notion nocturno, -a, nocturnal noche, f., night; nÓmada or nÓmade, adj., nomad nombradÍa, renown nombre, m., name nomenclatura, nomenclature nominal, nominal, titular nordeste, m., northeast norma, norm, standard normal, normal noroeste, m., northwest norte, m., north; guide norteamericano, -a, North American noruego, -a, Norwegian nota, note notable, notable notar, to note, remark noticia, notice; pl., news notorio, -a, well-known novedad, novelty novel, novel, new novelesco, -a, novel-like noventa, ninety nube, f., cloud nÚcleo, nucleus nudo, knot nuestro, -a, our nuevamente, again, anew nueve, nine nuevo, -a, new; numen, m., muse, poetic inspiration nÚmero, number numerosÍsimo, -a, very numerous numeroso, -a, numerous, prolific nunca, never nupcial, nuptial nutrir, to nourish o, or, either oasis, m., oasis obedecer, to obey obediencia, obedience obispo, bishop objeciÓn, objection objeto, object, article, aim oblicuo, -a, oblique obligaciÓn, obligation, duty obligado, -a, necessary, obliged, inevitable obligar, to oblige obligatorio, -a, obligatory obra, work obrar, to work; obrero, workman obscuridad, darkness obscuro, -a, dark obsequiar, to entertain; to show cordiality obsequioso, -a, obsequious, officious observaciÓn, observation, remark observador, observer observar, to observe, remark obstÁculo, obstacle obstante, withstanding; obstinaciÓn, obstinacy obtener, to obtain obÚs, m., howitzer ocasiÓn, occasion ocasional, accidental ocasionar, to cause ocaso, sunset occidente, m., west oceÁnico, -a, oceanic ociosidad, laziness octava, stanza of eight verses octosilÁbico, -a, octosyllabic, of eight syllables octosÍlabo, verse of eight syllables ocultar, to hide oculto, -a, hidden ocupaciÓn, occupation ocupar, to occupy, employ ocurrencia, occurrence, unexpected thought ocurrir, to occur; to hasten ochenta, eighty ocho, eight odio, hatred oeste, m., west ofender, to offend oficial, official oficial, officer, official oficina, office, bureau oficio, office, occupation, service, duty ofrecer, to offer ofrecimiento, offer ofuscaciÓn, bewilderment, confusion ofuscar, to bewilder, confuse oÍdo, ear, sense of hearing oÍr, to hear ojiva, ogive, vaulted arch ojo, eye ola, wave oleada, surge, swell oleaje, m., wave motion, waves oler, to smell olÍmpico, -a, olympic, gigantic olor, m., odor olvidar, to forget olla, kettle, pot ollita, diminutive of olla ombÚ, m., ombÚ, tree of the Pampas omitir, to omit omnipotente, all-powerful once, eleven onda, wave ondulaciÓn, undulation ondular, to undulate, sway oneroso, -a, burdensome onza, ounce opaco, -a, opaque operaciÓn, operation operar, to operate; opinar, to think, opine opiniÓn, opinion opio, opium oponer, to oppose oportunamente, opportunely oportunidad, opportunity, time; oportuno, -a, timely, opportune oposiciÓn, opposition opresiÓn, oppression opresor, oppressor oprimir, to oppress oprobio, shame, opprobrium optimismo, optimism optimista, a. and s., optimistic; optimist opuesto, -a, opposed, contrary oraciÓn, prayer orden, f., order, command orden, m., orderliness, order (rotation), class; ordenado, -a, orderly, peaceful ordenanza, f., order ordenanza, m., orderly ordenar, to order ordeÑar, to milk ordinario, -a, ordinary; oreja, ear orejano, -a, Arg., unbranded organismo, organism, social order organizaciÓn, organization, arrangement organizador, organizer organizar, to organize Órgano, organ, mouthpiece, means orgÍa, orgy orgullo, pride orgullosamente, proudly orgulloso, -a, proud oriental, a. and s., Oriental; Uruguayan orientar, to orient, orientate; oriente, m., Orient; luster (of pearls) origen, m., origen original, original, primitive, odd originalidad, originality originalmente, originally, in an original manner orilla, border, margin, shore; suburb orillero, -a, a. and s., Arg., pertaining to the suburbs of a city; suburban dweller Orinoco, river in northern South America orla, fringe, hem, border oro, gold; osadÍa, boldness osado, -a, daring osamenta, bones, skeleton osar, to dare oscilaciÓn, oscillation oscurecer, to darken ostentaciÓn, ostentation otomano, -a, Ottoman ostracismo, ostracism otro, -a, other, another ovaciÓn, ovation ovalado, -a, oval Óvalo, oval pabellÓn, m., standard, banner pacer, to feed, graze paciencia, patience paciente, patient pacientemente, patiently pacÍficamente, peacefully pacificar, to pacify pacÍfico, -a, peaceful PacÍfico, Pacific Ocean pacto, pact padre, father pagar, to pay; pÁgina, page pago, payment pago, Arg., haunt, district paÍs, m., country paisaje, m., landscape paisano, civilian, fellow-countryman; Arg., countryman pÁjaro, bird palabra, word palacio, palace paladar, m., palate paladÍn, m., paladin palanca, bar, lever; palenque, m., palisade paleta, palette; shoulder blade paletada, blow dealt with a palette palidecer, to become pale pÁlido, -a, pale palma, palm tree, palm palmo, unit of measure, span; palo, pole, stick, mast palpable, palpable palpar, to feel, grope along palpitante, quivering palpitar, to beat, palpitate palla, countrywoman Pampa, name given to the plains of Argentina pampeano, -a, of the Pampa pan, m., bread; panaderÍa, bakery panal, m., honeycomb panamericano, -a, Pan-American pangarÉ, m., Arg., bay horse panorama, m., panorama pantano, puddle, marsh panteÍsmo, pantheism pantera, panther pantorrilla, calf of the leg paÑuelo, handkerchief papal, papal papel, m., paper; rÔle par, m., pair; para, for, in order to; Paraguay, m., river in South America, tributary of the ParanÁ paraÍso, paradise paraje, m., place, stopping-place paralizar, to paralyze parapeto, parapet parar, to stop, ward off parÁsito, -a, parasitic parcial, partial parecer, to seem, appear; parecido, -a, similar pared, f., wall pareja, pair, couple; partner parejero, Arg., courser, fast horse parÉntesis, m., parenthesis, interval pariente, m., relative parlamentario, -a, a. and s., parliamentary; envoy parquedad, paucity, parsimony parroquia, parish parroquiano, patron, customer parte, f., part, direction, side; participar, to participate, share, inform particular, m., individual; topic, detail particular, special, private particularmente, particularly partida, squad, rural patrol, departure, group partidario, commander, partisan partido, side; partir, to leave; to split pÁrvulo, -a, a. and s., small; child pasacana, cactus fruit pasado, past pasaje, m., passage, deed pasajero, -a, a. and s., passing; passenger pasar, to pass; to happen pasatiempo, pastime pasear, to stroll pasiÓn, love, passion, anger pasivo, -a, passive paso, step, way, pace; pasta, paste pastar, to feed, graze pastizal, m., pasture land pasto, grass pastor, shepherd pastor, pastoral pastora, shepherdess pastoril, pastoral pata, foot, hoof patada, kick patÁn, -ana, a. and s., churlish; lout, “hayseed” patentemente, openly paternalismo, paternalism paternalmente, paternally paterno, -a, paternal patÉtico, -a, pathetic patio, courtyard patria, fatherland patriarca, m., patriarch patricio, -a, patrician patrimonio, patrimony, heritage patriota, m., patriot patriotismo, patriotism patrÓn, owner, master, “boss” patrona, housewife, mistress pausa, pause pava, turkey hen pavor, m., fear pavoroso, -a, fearful, awful payada, Arg., improvisation; payador, improviser, minstrel payar, to improvise paz, f., peace pecado, sin pecar, to sin peculiar, peculiar peculiaridad, peculiarity peculio, stock, capital, allowance pecho, chest, breast pedazo, piece; pedestre, pedestrian pedido, demand, asking pedigÜeÑo, -a, alms-seeking, beggarly pedir, to ask pedregoso, -a, rocky Pedro, Peter pegar, to stick, to strike pelambrera, hair pelear, to fight peligro, danger peligroso, -a, dangerous pelo, hair, color of horse pelota, ball pelotÓn, m., platoon; peludo, -a, hairy pena, punishment, pain penalidad, penalty, hardship pendenciero, -a, quarrelsome pendiente, f., slope pendÓn, m., flag, pennant penetrar, to pierce, penetrate penÍnsula, peninsula; peninsular, peninsular, Spanish penosamente, slowly, painfully pensador, thinker pensamiento, thought pensar, to think; pensativo, -a, pensive pensil, hanging, supported pensil, m., enchanted garden penumbra, penumbra, gloaming penuria, penury peÑÓn, m., rock, crag peÓn, m., peon, laborer; peor, comp. of malo, worse pequeÑez, smallness pequeÑo, -a, small pequeÑuelo, -a, dim. of pequeÑo, smallish pequÍn, m., silk from Pekin peral, m., pear tree percal, m., percale percatarse, to be aware percibir, to perceive perder, to lose, ruin pÉrdida, loss, destruction perdiz, f., partridge perdÓn, m., pardon perdonar, to pardon perdurar, to last perecer, to perish peregrinaciÓn, pilgrimage peregrinar, to wander peregrino, wanderer perezoso, -a, lazy perfecciÓn, perfection perfeccionarse, to become perfect perfectamente, perfectly perfecto, -a, perfect perfil, m., outline, profile perfumar, to perfume perfume, m., perfume perifÉrico, -a, peripheric, superficial periÓdico, newspaper periodÍstico, -a, journalistic perÍodo, period peri, f., peri, fairy in Persian mythology peristilo, colonnade perjuicio, damage, detriment perla, pearl permanecer, to remain permanente, permanent permitir, to permit Pernambuco, seacoast city of Brazil pero, but perpendicular, perpendicular perpendicular, f., perpendicular perpetuo, -a, perpetual persecuciÓn, persecution perseguidor, persecutor, pursuer perseguir, to persecute, pursue persistir, to persist persona, person personaje, m., personage, character, hero personal, personal personalidad, personality personalismo, personal pride, individuality, personality personificaciÓn, personification perspectiva, perspective, prospect persuadir, to persuade, convince pertenecer, to belong perteneciente, belonging pertinacia, perseverance, tenacity pertinaz, obstinate, tenacious peruano, -a, Peruvian perversidad, perversity perverso, -a, perverse pervertidor, -ora, perverting pesadez, gravity, weight, heaviness pesadilla, nightmare pesado, -a, heavy pesar, to weigh, cause sorrow pesar, m., sorrow; pescador, fisherman pescar, to fish, catch pesebre, m., manger, christening, feast peso, dollar (the Argentine peso is worth about 45 cents in American money); weight pesquisa, inquiry, search peste, f., pestilence pestÍfero, -a, pestiferous, venomous pÉtalo, m., petal piadoso, -a, pious, tenderhearted piano, piano picaflor, m., humming bird pÍcaro, rascal, rogue pico, pick; beak; small amount; peak Pichincha, m., volcano in Ecuador pie, m., foot piedad, pity piedra, stone piel, m., skin pierna, leg pieza, piece of furniture, piece of cloth; part piloto, pilot pinar, m., pine grove pincelada, stroke with a brush, line pinchar, to pinch, prick pingÜelo, depreciative diminutive for pingo, which is an Argentinism for “horse”, nag pino, pine pintar, to paint pintarrajeado, -a, painted, daubed pintura, picture, painting piquete, m., picket pirÁmide, f., pyramid pisada, footprint pisar, to tread; piso, pavement, floor; pista, trace, trail pitÓn, m., python placer, m., pleasure; placer placidez, placidity plÁcido, -a, placid, gentle plagiar, to plagiarize, copy plan, m., plan planetario, -a, planetary planicie, f., plain plano, plan, design plano, -a, level planta, plant, foot, step plantador, planter plantar, to plant plantear, to establish, enact plaÑidero, -a, mournful plaÑir, to mourn Plata, m., river in Argentina plata, silver; Arg., money playa, shore, beach plaza, square, stronghold; plazoleta, dim. of plaza plebe, f., populace plegaria, prayer pleito, lawsuit plenamente, fully plenitud, fullness pleno, -a, full pluma, feather; pen pluvioso, -a, rainy poblaciÓn, town, population, settlement poblado, -a, thick, populous poblado, inhabited place, town, village poblador, settler poblar, to populate pobre, poor pobreza, poverty poco, m., small part, little; pl., few poco, adv., little, in a small degree poco, -a, little, scanty poder, to be able poder, m., power, ability poderÍo, power, influence poderoso, -a, powerful poema, m., poem poesÍa, poetry, poem poeta, m., poet poÉtico, -a, poetic polarizar, to polarize, turn policÍa, police policromo, -a, many-colored polÍtica, policy, politics polÍticamente, politically polÍtico, -a, political polo, pole polvo, dust polvoriento, -a, dusty pollo, chicken pompa, pomp pomposo, -a, pompous poncho, poncho poner, to place, locate; popa, poop, stern popular, popular popularidad, popularity popularizar, to popularize por, in order to, by, on account of, through, for; porciÓn, portion pormenor, m., detail porque, because porte, m., bearing, carriage portentoso, -a, wonderful porteÑo, -a, pertaining to Buenos Aires, inhabitant of Buenos Aires portezuela, door pÓrtico, portico portillo, lane porvenir, m., future posar, to rest, lay poseer, to possess posesiÓn, possession posibilidad, possibility posible, possible posiciÓn, position positivo, -a, positive, definite, binding, efficient posteridad, posterity posterior, later postrarse, to prostrate oneself postrero, -a, last pÓstumo, -a, posthumous postura, posture potencia, power potente, potent, powerful potro, colt, unbroken or wild horse poyo, bench pozo, well prÁctica, practice practicar, to practice, use prÁctico, -a, practical, experienced pradera, meadow preboste, m., leader, chief precauciÓn, precaution precedente, m., precedent preceder, to precede precio, price precioso, -a, precious precipicio, precipice precipitaciÓn, precipitation precipitadamente, precipitously precipitar, to precipitate, rush precisamente, necessarily; exactly, precisely preciso, -a, necessary, precise precoz, precocious predecesor, predecessor predicaciÓn, preaching, sermon, prayer predicar, to preach predilecto, -a, favorite predisponer, to predispose, prepare predisposiciÓn, predisposition, inclination predominante, predominant, dominant predominar, to predominate predominio, predominance prefacio, preface preferencia, preference preferente, preËminent, favorite preferir, to prefer preguntar, to ask prehistÓrico, -a, prehistoric prematuro, -a, premature premio, reward prenda, jewel, token, ornament, endowment; Arg., sweetheart prendar, to infatuate, captivate prender, to seize, take hold, imprison prensa, press preÑado, -a, pregnant, full preocupaciÓn, preoccupation; fancy, notion; prejudice preocupar, to preoccupy, disturb preparar, to prepare preparativo, preparation presciencia, prescience, foreknowledge prescindir, to do without; to omit; to pass over presencia, presence, appearance presenciar, to witness presentar, to present presentimiento, presentiment, foreboding presidencial, presidential presidente, president presidir, to preside presiÓn, pressure, restraint prestar, to lend prestidigitador, juggler, prestidigitator prestigio, prestige prestigioso, -a, deceitful; famous presunciÓn, presumption presuroso, -a, hurried, in a hurry pretender, to pretend, woo, claim, expect prevalecer, to prevail prevenciÓn, foresight, disposition, prejudice prevenir, to forewarn, prepare prever, to foresee previsiÓn, foresight previsor, -ora, foreseeing prieto, -a, compressed; dark prima, treble string; cousin (girl) primar, Arg., to stand out, take precedence over primario, -a, primary primavera, spring primaveral, springlike, vernal primeramente, first primero, -a, first primitivo, -a, primitive primordial, primitive, fundamental principal, principal principalmente, principally prÍncipe, prince principiar, to begin principio, principle, beginning prisa, hurry prisiÓn, prison; pl., chains, fetters prisionero, -a, prisoner privaciÓn, privation privado, confidant privado, -a, deprived; private privar, to deprive privativo, -a, exclusive, peculiar privilegiar, to grant a privilege proa, prow, bow probabilidad, probability probablemente, probably probar, to prove, try problema, m., problem proceder, to proceed procedimiento, process, procedure, act prÓcer, m., hero, personage, great man procesiÓn, procession proceso, process, procedure proclamar, to proclaim, announce procurar, to procure, try prodigalidad, prodigality prodigio, prodigy prodigioso, -a, prodigious producciÓn, production, product producir, to produce; producto, product, result proeza, prowess profano, -a, profane, lay profesar, to profess profesiÓn, profession profesional, usual, professional profeta, prophet prÓfugo, fugitive profundamente, deeply profundidad, depth profundo, -a, deep, profound programa, m., program progresivo, -a, progressive progreso, progress prohibir, to prohibit prohombre, leader, notable person prÓjimo, fellow-being; Cf. prÓximo proligidad, prolixity, minute detail, nicety prolongar, to prolong promesa, promise prometer, to promise prominente, prominent promontorio, promontory, abutment promotor, prometer promover, to promote, advance promulgar, to promulgate pronÓstico, omen pronto, -a, ready pronto, immediately, soon; pronunciar, to pronounce, declare propicio, -a, propitious propiedad, propriety, property, land; propietario, -a, a. and s., landowning; landowner, proprietor propio, -a, proper, own, peculiar proponer, to propose proporciÓn, proportion proporcionar, to apportion, furnish proposiciÓn, proposition, plan propÓsito, proposition, purpose; prorrumpir, to break forth prosa, prose prosaico, -a, prosaic proscribir, to proscribe, outlaw prosperar, to prosper prosperidad, prosperity prosternarse, to prostrate oneself protagonista, m., protagonist, chief character in a narrative or drama protecciÓn, protection protector, protector proteger, to protect protestar, to protest provecho, advantage, profit, gain proveedor, purveyor proveer, to provide provenir, to come from, be derived provenzal, ProvenÇal, from old French province of Provence prÓvido, -a, provident, diligent provincia, province provincial, provincial provisiÓn, provision provocaciÓn, provocation provocar, to provoke proximidad, proximity prÓximo, -a, next, near proyecto, project prudencia, prudence prudente, prudent prueba, trial, proof; pÚa, barb, sharp point publicar, to publish publicista, m., publicist, authority on international law pÚblico, -a, public pueblo, people, town puente, m., bridge, gangplank; pueril, boyish puerilizarse, to become boyish puerta, door, gate puerto, port, harbor, haven; pues, therefore, then, well, but puesto, place, post, watch pugnar, to fight, strive pujante, powerful, rampant pulgar, m., thumb pulido, -a, polished pulmÓn, m., lung pulperÍa, Arg., country store and bar pulsar, to strike, beat puma, m., puma, American lion punta, point punto, point, place; punzante, sharp, bitter punzantemente, poignantly, keenly puÑado, handful puÑal, m., dagger puÑalada, dagger-thrust puÑo, fist purgar, to purge, clear purÍsimo, -a, very pure puro, -a, pure, sweet purpÚreo, -a, purple que, that, which, who; ¿quÉ? which? what? quebrada, ravine, opening quedarse, to remain quemar, to burn querencia, haunt, den querer, to wish, will querida, mistress querido, -a, dear, beloved quichuo, -a, pertaining to Indians of PerÚ and north-western Argentina; also applied to their language quiebra, crack, gap quien, who ¿quiÉn? who? quienquiera, whoever quietamente, quietly quietito, -a, diminutive of quieto, -a, quiet quietud, quiet quilate, m., carat quimera, fancy, illusion quince, fifteen quinientos, five hundred quinta, farm, orchard quintilla, stanza of five verses quirquincho, armadillo quiste, m., cyst; apathy; stratum quitar, to remove Quito, capital of Ecuador quizÁs, perhaps; also written quizÁ rabioso, -a, mad raciÓn, ration radiante, radiant radicar, to take root radio, radius radioso, -a, radiant, beautiful raÍz, f., root; ralear, to thin, diminish rama, branch ramaje, m., foliage, branches rampa, slope rancho, hut, food, mess ranquel, m., an Indian of the Pampas of Argentina; generally used in the pl., and said of the tribe rÁpidamente, rapidly rapidez, rapidity rapidÍsimo, -a, very rapid rÁpido, -a, rapid rapsodia, rhapsody rapto, abduction, flight raptor, thief, abductor raquÍtico, -a, flimsy, niggardly, consumptive raro, -a, rare; rasar, to glide by, skim, hug rasgado, -a, large, full rasgar, to tear, rend rasgo, feature, trait rasgueo, twang rastreador, tracker, tracer rastrear, to trace, trail rastro, trace, trail ratificar, to ratify rato, while, moment raudal, m., torrent, river rayo, ray, thunderbolt; means raza, race razÓn, f., reason; reaccionar, to react real, royal; real real, m., camp; coin of different values; in Argentina, a ten-cent piece realidad, reality; realista, royalist realizar, to realize, carry into execution; realzar, to heighten reanudar, to renew, resume reaparecer, to reappear reasumir, to reassume rebaÑo, flock rebelde, a. and s., rebellious; rebel rebosante, overflowing rebotar, to rebound, strike against rebullir, to boil, seethe recaer, to fall back recalcitrante, recalcitrant recelo, suspicion, misgiving receloso, -a, suspicious recepciÓn, reception receta, recipe, formula recibir, to receive reciente, recent recientemente (reciÉn before p. p.), recently, just recinto, district, room recÍprocamente, reciprocally recitado, recitative recitar, to recite, chant reclamaciÓn, claim, reclamation reclamante, a. and s., claiming; claimant reclamar, to claim reclinar, to recline reclutor, -ora, recruiting recodo, bend recoger, to seize, gather; recogimiento, abstraction, meditation recolecciÓn, recollection; gathering recomendaciÓn, recommendation reconcentrar, to concentrate, survey, scan; reconocer, to recognize, reconnoiter, examine, acknowledge reconocimiento, acknowledgment, recognition reconquista, reconquest reconquistar, to reconquer reconvenciÓn, reproach recordar, to recall recorrer, to traverse, cross recostar, to lean, recline rectificar, to rectify rectitud, rectitude recto, -a, upright, direct recuerdo, memory, remembrance recurso, recourse, resource, means rechazar, to repulse redactar, to draw up redactor, editor redimir, to redeem redoblar, to double; redoble, m., beat, rolling redondo, -a, round reducir, to reduce reemplazar, to replace referir, to tell, refer, connect refinado, -a, refined reflejar, to reflect reflejo, reflection reflecciÓn, reflection refleccionar, to reflect reflexivo, -a, reflexive reforzar, to strengthen refrenar, to curb, restrain refrescante, cool, refreshing refriega, fray, combat refrigerio, refreshment, food regalarse, to regale oneself regalo, present, pleasure, regalement regar, to water rÉgimen, m., rÉgime, order regimiento, regiment regio, -a, royal regiÓn, region regir, to govern registrar, to register, examine, check regla, rule regresar, to return regular, regular, mediocre rehacer, to make over; rehusar, to refuse reinar, to reign reincidir, to relapse reÍr, to laugh; rejuvenecimiento, rejuvenation relaciÓn, narrative, relation, connection relacionar, to relate, connect relajar, to relax, become lax relÁmpago, flash, lightning relativo, -a, relative relevar, to relieve relieve, m., relief; religiÓn, religion religioso, -a, religious relincho, neigh, snort reliquia, remain, relic relleno, -a, replete remanso, stagnant water remedar, to imitate, resemble remediar, to remedy remolcador, m., tugboat remontar, to remount, supply, climb remordimiento, remorse remoto, -a, remote remover, to remove remuda, relief, relay remuneraciÓn, remuneration rencor, rancor, hatred rendija, opening, slit rendir, to surrender, vanquish renegar, to deny renegrido, -a, blackened renombre, m., renown renovar, to renew renta, rent, income renuncia, renunciation renunciar, to renounce reo, m. and f., criminal reo, -a, guilty repartir, to deal, distribute, scatter repeler, to repel repente, m., unexpected event; repertorio, repertoire repeticiÓn, repetition repetir, to repeat repiqueteo, beat, roll, jingle replegar, to fold; repleto, -a, replete replicar, to reply repoblaciÓn, repopulation repoblador, one who settles again reponer, to repose, replace; reposado, -a, restful, snug reposar, to rest, lie reposo, repose representaciÓn, representation representante, a. and s., representative representar, to represent representativo, -a, representative represiÓn, repression reprimir, to repress reproche, m., reproach, blemish reproducir, to reproduce repÚblica, republic republicano, -a, a. and s., republican; citizen repugnante, repugnant reputaciÓn, reputation requerir, to require requiebro, compliment; requisito, requirement res, f., beast, head of cattle resabio, vice, evil effect rescatar, to redeem, ransom resentimiento, resentment reseÑar, to review, point out reserva, reserve reservado, -a, reserved reservar, to reserve refuerzo, reËnforcement residencia, residence residente, a. and s., residing; resident residir, to reside resignaciÓn, resignation resignar, to resign resistencia, resistance resistir, to resist resoluciÓn, resolution resolver, to resolve, solve resonar, to resound resorte, m., motive, resource respectivamente, respectively respectivo, -a, respective respecto, respect, relation; respetar, to respect respeto, respect respetuoso, -a, respectful respiraciÓn, respiration respirar, to breathe resplandecer, to shine resplandeciente, resplendent resplandor, m., gleam, splendor responder, to reply; to be responsible for, guarantee responsabilidad, responsibility responsable, a. and s., responsible; responsible person respuesta, reply resquicio, opening, rift, opportunity restante, remaining restaÑar, to stop the flow of blood, staunch restar, to remain restaurar, to restore resto, rest, remnant restregar, to rub resueltamente, resolutely resuelto, -a, resolute resultado, result, outcome resultante, f., resultant resultar, to result, come about resumir, to resume; resurrecciÓn, resurrection retaguardia, rear, rear guard retardar, to delay, postpone retemplar, to encourage, give fire to retener, to hold back, retain retina, retina, eye retintÍn, m., tinkling, ring retirada, retreat retirarse, to retire retiro, retirement, retreat reto, challenge retoÑo, sprout, shoot retorno, return retratar, to portray, depict retrato, portrait retrogradar, to degenerate, lapse, fall back retrÓgrado, -a, retrograde, backward retumbar, to resound reuniÓn, reunion, gathering reunir, to unite, add, combine revelaciÓn, revelation revelar, to reveal rÊver, from the French, to dream reverbero, street lamp, arc light reverso, reverse side of a coin revÉs, m., opposite; revestir, to clothe, cover, invest revistar, to review revivir, to live again, be renewed revocar, to revoke revolar, to fly about revolotear, to flutter revoltear, to revolve, wheel about revoluciÓn, revolution revolucionar, to revolutionize, convulse revolucionario, -a, revolutionary revolver, to turn about, envelop revuelta, vicissitude, revolt rey, king rezar, to pray rico, -a, rich ric-ric, onomatopoeic syllables imitating noise produced by friction ridÍculo, -a, ridiculous riego, sprinkling, watering rienda, rein; riesgo, risk, danger rÍgido, -a, rigid, inflexible rigurosamente, rigorously riguroso, -a, rigorous rinconada, corner, nook, bend riÑa, fight rÍo, river RÍo Janeiro, capital of Brazil riqueza, wealth, riches risa, laugh, smile risotada, loud laughter ristra, string, row risueÑo, -a, smiling ritmo, rhythm rival, a. and s., rival rivalizar, to rival; rivera, shore, bank rizado, -a, curly robar, to steal robo, theft robustecer, to make strong robusto, -a, robust, strong roca, rock rocalloso, -a, rocky roce, m., friction; intercourse rociado, -a, bedewed rocÍo, dew rodar, to roll rodear, to surround rodilla, knee roedor, -ora, gnawing rogar, to beseech, entreat rojizo, -a, reddish rojo, -a, red Roma, Rome romance, m., novel, romance, story romancista, m., romancer romano, -a, Roman romÁntico, -a, romantic romper, to break; ropa, cloth; clothes rosa, rose rosado, -a, rosy rosario, religious procession rostro, face, rostrum rÓtulo, title, inscription rozar, to scrape rubicundo, -a, rubicund, tawny rubio, -a, golden rudeza, coarseness rudimentario, -a, rudimentary rudimento, rudiment, beginning rueca, distaff rueda, circle, wheel ruego, prayer, entreaty rugir, to roar, bellow ruido, noise ruidoso, -a, noisy ruina, ruin rumbo, direction, course; rumiar, to ruminate, think rumor, m., rumor, news ruso, -a, Russian rutilante, shining, sparkling rutinario, -a, routinary sÁbado, Saturday sÁbalo, shad sabana, plain saber, to know how; sabidurÍa, wisdom sablazo, saber blow; sabor, m., taste sabroso, -a, savoury, sweet sacar, to take out sacerdote, priest sacerdotisa, priestess saciar, to satiate, satisfy saco, coat sacramental, sacramental sacrificar, to sacrifice sacrificio, sacrifice sacrÍlego, -a, sacrilegious sacudir, to shake, stir up sachasombrero, broad-brimmed straw hat saetazo, arrow blow, arrow wound sagacidad, sagacity sagaz, sagacious, keen sagrado, -a, sacred sajÓn, -ona, Saxon Sajonia, Saxony sala, hall, room; salado, -a, salty, salted Salamanca, Salamanca, city in Spain. V. notes, 78, 15 salero, gracefulness salida, exit, departure, raid salir, to go out, leave salobre, briny, salty salomÓnico, -a, pertaining to Solomon, wise, solomonic salÓn, m., salon, parlor, hall SalÓnica, city in Greece salpicar, to bespatter saltar, to leap, jump over salteador, highwayman salubre, salubrious, wholesome salud, health salud! hail! saludable, salubrious, healthful saludar, to greet, salute saludo, salute, greeting salva, salvo, gun salute salvaciÓn, salvation salvaje, savage salvar, to save, leap over, cover, pass salvo, save, except salvo, -a, safe sangrar, to bleed sangre, f., blood sangriento, -a, gory, cruel sanguinario, -a, bloodthirsty sano, -a, safe, healthy santo, -a, holy santuario, sanctuary saÑa, anger, rage sarcasmo, sarcasm sarcÁstico, -a, sarcastic sargento, sergeant sarta, wreath, string (of things), series sastre, tailor sÁtiro, satyr satisfacciÓn, satisfaction satisfacer, to satisfy satisfecho, -a, satisfied saturado, -a, saturated sauce, m., willow sauco, elder tree savia, sap sazÓn, f., time, season, occasion sazonado, -a, ripe, seasoned se, himself, herself, themselves, yourself, yourselves seco, -a, dry secretamente, secretly secretario, secretary secreto, secret secreto, -a, secret secuaz, m., follower secuela, sequel, result secular, century-old, secular secundario, -a, secondary, subordinate sed, f., thirst seda, silk sede, f., seat, headquarters sedentario, -a, sedentary sediciÓn, sedition sediento, -a, thirsty seducir, to seduce seductor, -ora, seductive, enticing segar, to mow, cut down seguida: en—, at once seguir, to follow, continue segÚn, according to; as segundo, -a, second seguridad, security, assurance seguro, -a, secure, sure, certain seis, six selva, forest selvÁtico, -a, wild, sylvan sellar, to seal sello, seal, stamp semana, week semblante, m., appearance, face sembrar, to sow semejante, s. and a., fellow-being; similar semejanza, resemblance semejar, to resemble semibÁrbaro, -a, semi-barbarous semibarbarie, f., semi-barbarity semiborrar, to half wipe away semilla, seed semitropical, semitropical sencillez, simplicity sencillo, -a, simple, frank senda, byway sendero, narrow path sendita, diminutive of senda sendos, -as, used in the pl., strictly, to each of a specified number, one each; more freely, many, several seno, bosom sensaciÓn, sensation sensible, appreciative, sensible, sensitive sentar, to fit, agree, set; sentencia, sentence sentido, -a, heartfelt sentido, meaning, feeling, sense, direction sentimental, sentimental sentimiento, sentiment, emotion sentir, to feel, hear seÑa, sign, mark seÑal, f., sign seÑalar, to point out, show seÑor, gentleman, Mr., sir seÑora, lady, Mrs., madam seÑorita, young lady, Miss, madam seÑorito, young gentleman separaciÓn, separation separar, to separate separatista, separatist septentrional, northern septiembre, m., September sepulcro, grave, tomb sepultar, to bury, engulf sequedad, barrenness, dryness sequÍa, drought sÉquito, m., following ser, to be ser, m., being, creature; serenar, to soothe, calm serenata, serenade serenidad, serenity sereno, -a, serene, clear seriamente, seriously serie, f., series serio, -a, serious serpiente, f., serpent servicio, service, use, payment, installment servidor, servant servidumbre, f., collect., servants servil, servile servir, to serve, owe allegiance sesenta, sixty sesiÓn, session seso, used in the pl., brains setenta, seventy severidad, severity severo, -a, severe, grave sexo, sex sÍ, prep. form of se sÍ, yes, indeed si, if siempre, always; sien, f., temple sierra, mountain range siesta, nap taken in the afternoon siete, seven sigilo, secret; seal sigilosamente, secretly siglo, century significado, meaning significar, to mean, signify significativo, -a, significant signo, sign siguiente, following silbar, to whistle silbido, hiss, whistle silbo, whistle silencio, silence silencioso, -a, silent silvestre, of the forest, sylvan silla, chair, saddle; sÍmbolo, symbol simÉtrico, -a, symmetrical simiente, f., seed simpatÍa, sympathy, attraction simpÁtico, -a, attractive, charming simple, simple simplemente, simply simulacro, pretense; image simular, to counterfeit, feign sin, without sincero, -a, sincere singladura, day’s run on the sea singular, singular singularizar, to set apart, make conspicuous siniestro, -a, sinister, evil sino, except, but sÍntesis, f., synthesis sinuosidad, sinuosity, undulation sinuoso, -a, sinuous, undulating SiÓn, Zion siquiera, at least; although, even if sirena, siren, whistle sistema, m., system sistemado, -a, systematized, systematic sitio, place, siege; Arg., city lot situaciÓn, situation, state situar, to locate soberanÍa, sovereignty soberano, -a, sovereign soberbio, -a, haughty sobra, excess sobrado, -a, sufficient, more than enough sobre, upon sobrecoger, to surprise, alarm sobrehumano, -a, superhuman sobrenatural, supernatural sobresalir, to rise, appear, stand out sobreviviente, surviving sobrevivir, to survive sobrino, nephew sobrio, -a, sober social, social socialmente, socially sociedad, society, social group sociolÓgico, -a, sociological sociÓlogo, sociologist socorro, help sofocar, to stifle sol, m., sun solamente, only soldado, soldier soledad, solitude, waste solemne, solemn solemnidad, solemnity soler, to be wont solicitar, to solicit, importune, seek solÍcito, -a, careful, anxious, discriminating solicitud, care, solicitude sÓlido, -a, solid solitario, -a, solitary, lonely soliviantar, to lift, raise soliviar, to raise, lift solo, -a, alone, single sÓlo, only soltar, to let loose soluciÓn, solution sollado, orlop, lower deck of a vessel sollozar, to sob sollozo, sob sombra, shadow; ghost sombrear, to shade sombrero, hat sombrÍo, -a, somber someter, to submit sometido, -a, submitted, submissive son, m., sound; sonar, to sound, roll sondar, to sound, fathom sondear, to sound, fathom soneto, sonnet sonido, sound, note sonoridad, sonority sonoro, -a, sonorous, sounding sonreÍr, to smile sonriente, smiling sonrisa, smile soÑador, dreamer soÑar, to dream soplar, to blow sorbo, sip, draught sordo, -a, dull, dumb, silent sorprendente, surprising sorprender, to surprise, overcome sorpresa, surprise sospecha, suspicion sospechar, to suspect sospechoso, -a, suspicious sostener, to sustain, support su, his, her, its, their, your suave, gentle, mild suavizar, to smooth, soften sÚbdito, subject subdividir, to subdivide subir, to climb, ascend sÚbito, -a, sudden; sublevaciÓn, uprising sublevado, rebel sublevar, to excite to rebellion, raise sublime, sublime subordinaciÓn, subordination subordinado, -a, subordinate subsiguiente, following, subsequent subsistencia, sustenance, food, provision substancia, substance subterrÁneo, -a, subterranean, underground suburbio, suburb, outskirt subyugar, to conquer, subjugate suceder, to follow, happen sucesiÓn, succession sucesivamente, successively suceso, event; success sucesor, successor sucio, -a, dirty suculento, -a, succulent sucumbir, to succumb sud, m., south sud-americano, -a, South American sudario, shroud, handkerchief sudor, m., perspiration, sweat suelo, soil, ground suelto, -a, free, loose sueÑo, dream, sleep suerte, f., lot, fate, luck suestada, southeaster suficiente, sufficient sufrido, -a, patient sufrimiento, suffering sufrir, to suffer, endure sugerir, to suggest, prompt sugestiÓn, suggestion sugestivo, -a, suggestive suicidio, suicide sui generis, from the Latin, peculiar to itself sujeciÓn, subjection sujetar, to subject sujeto, subject sultÁn, sultan suma, sum; sumamente, excessively suministrar, to supply, lend sumir, to plunge, sink sumisiÓn, submission sumiso, -a, submissive sumo, -a, supreme; suntuosidad, sumptuousness superficie, f., surface superhombre, superman superior, superior superioridad, superiority superponer, to place upon, compare supersticioso, -a, superstitious suplantaciÓn, supplanting, substitution sÚplica, supplication, request suplicante, suppliant suplicio, punishment, execution suplir, to supply, serve instead of suponer, to suppose supremo, -a, supreme, critical supresiÓn, suppression supuesto, -a, p. p. of suponer; sur, m., south surcar, to furrow, sail surco, furrow surgir, to surge, arise surtir, to provide, supply suspender, to suspend, cease suspensiÓn, suspension, suspense suspicaz, suspicious, jealous suspiro, sigh sustentar, to bear, support sustento, sustenance sustituir, to substitute, take the place of sustraer, to take away; susurro, murmur, swish tabaco, tobacco tabla, board tablada, octroi or custom-house in the outskirts of a town tablilla, small strip of wood about which fabrics are wrapped TÁcito, Tacitus, Roman historian who lived from 55 to 120 A.D. tÁctica, tactics tacto, sense of touch tahur, gambler taimado, -a, sly, crafty tajada, cut, slash Tajo, river in Spain, the Tagus; Toledo is built on its banks tal, such a; talento, talent talla, height, stature tamaÑo, size tambiÉn, also tambor, m., drum tamboril, m., tambourine, drum tampoco, neither, either, and not tan, so; TÁntalo, m., Tantalus, punished according to Greek mythology to suffer everlasting thirst and hunger though almost within reach of food and water tantear, to feel, try tanto, -a, such, so much; tapar, to cover, dam tapera, Arg., abandoned house; tapia, mud wall, fence tapizar, to upholster tardar, to delay tarde, f., afternoon tarde, adv., late; tardo, -a, slow tarea, task, labor tÁrtaro, -a, Tartar tasa, charge, fee tasar, to tax, appraise taumaturgo, magician, prodigy te, thee te, m., tea teatral, theatrical teatrillo, dingy little theater teatro, theater, field of action tÉcnica, technique techo, roof, house tejado, roof tejer, to weave, regulate tela, cloth telar, m., loom telegrama, m., telegram telÓn, m., curtain, film temblar, to tremble temblÓn, -ona, trembling tembloroso, -a, quivering temer, to fear temeroso, -a, fearful, afraid temible, fearful temor, m., fear temperamento, disposition, climate tempestad, tempest, turmoil tempestuoso, -a, tempestuous templado, -a, tempered, cool templar, to tune, temper temple, m., disposition, temper temporada, interval, period of time temporal, m., storm, bad weather temporalmente, temporarily temprano, soon, early tenacidad, tenacity tenaz, tenacious, unrelenting tendencia, tendency tender, to stretch out, cast, level, attempt tendero, salesman, clerk tendiente, m., Arg., attendant, clerk tendiente, tending tenebroso, -a, dark tener, to have, possess, hold, tentaciÓn, temptation tentar, to tempt, try tentativa, attempt, conspiracy tenue, tenuous, thin teÑir, to tinge, dye tercerola, carbine terciana, intermittent fever terciar, to sling across terminar, to bring to a close, end tÉrmino, time, term, limit ternera, calf, heifer; ternura, tenderness terreno, ground, soil terreno, -a, earthy, worldly, earthly terrestre, earthly, terrestrial terrible, terrible territorial, territorial territorio, territory terrÓn, m., lump of earth terror, m., terror terruÑo, native soil tertuliano, frequenter, habituÉ, member of a club or social circle tesorerÍa, treasury tesoro, treasure testificado, -a, attested to, witnessed testigo, witness testimonio, testimony tÉtrico, -a, gloomy texto, text, basis tez, f., complexion, skin tibio, -a, lukewarm tiempo, time tienda, shop, tent tienta, probe; tiernamente, tenderly tierno, -a, tender tierra, land, earth; tigre, m., tiger tijera, scissors timbre, m., timbre, pitch timidez, timidity tÍmido, -a, timid tiniebla, generally used in the plural, gloom, darkness tino, skill, tact tinta, tincture, ink tinte, m., tint, color tintura, tincture, tinge tipo, type, figure, trait tirado, -a, drawn along, led tirador, marksman tiranÍa, tyranny tirano, tyrant tirante, taut, tense, stringent tirar, to pull, throw, shoot tiritar, to shiver tiro, musket shot, range; tirÓn, m., stroke, pull titÁnico, -a, titanic titulado, -a, entitled tÍtulo, title, right tocado, headgear, coiffure tocar, to touch, play; todavÍa, still, yet todo, -a, every, entire; toma, capture tomar, to take, assume; tono, tone; topÓgrafo, topographer toque, m., sounding, ringing; torada, herd of bulls torbellino, whirlwind torcaza, cushat dove tormenta, storm tormento, torment tornar, to turn, return; torneo, tournament torno, wheel; toro, bull torpe, stupid, infamous torre, f., tower torrente, m., torrent; torreÓn, m., bastion, tower tortuoso, -a, tortuous, entangled torvo, -a, scowling, forbidding tosco, -a, rough, rude tostar, to brown, roast total, total, entire total, m., total, sum traba, hindrance, ligament trabajar, to work, suffer trabajo, work, hardship trabar, to begin, tie; to engage in trabazÓn, f., coherence, bond tradiciÓn, tradition tradicional, traditional traducir, to translate, interpret, articulate traer, to bring, wear traficar, to barter, traffic, travel trÁfico, business, intercourse tragadero, esophagus; devourer tragedia, tragedy trÁgicamente, tragically trÁgico, -a, tragic traiciÓn, treachery traidor, traitor traidoramente, treacherously traje, m., suit, garment tramar, to weave; to plot trance, m., critical moment, danger, cost tranco, stride, trot; tranquilamente, tranquilly tranquilizar, to set at ease, calm tranquilo, -a, tranquil, quiet transacciÓn, transaction transatlÁntico, steamer transatlÁntico, -a, transatlantic transcurrir, to elapse transeunte, a. and s., passing; passer-by transformaciÓn, transformation transformar, to transform transido, -a, pierced transigir, to yield, compromise transitar, to roam transitorio, -a, transitory, temporary transmitir, to transmit, forward transparencia, transparency, clearness transparente, transparent transportador, transporter, carrier transportar, to transport, carry tranvÍa, m., trolley-car tras, behind, after trascendental, transcendental trasladar, to move traslucir, to shine through traspasar, to go beyond trasplantar, to transplant trasponer, to put behind trastienda, rear shop tratar, to treat; trato, intercourse, dealing, relation travÉs, m., bias, inclination; travesÍa, crossing, journey across travieso, -a, mischievous trazar, to trace, design trecho, distance treinta, thirty tremendo, -a, tremendous tremolar, to wave, flutter, beat tren, m., train trenzar, to braid, twine trepar, to climb, crawl on tres, three tribu, f., tribe tribuna, speaker’s platform tribunal, m., tribunal, court tributar, to pay tribute, offer trigo, wheat trillar, to thresh, cut trinchera, trencher, banquet, feast tripe, m., plush, shag triplemente, triply, threefold triplicar, to triple triste, sad triste, m., Argentine song of that name tristeza, sadness triunfal, triumphal triunfante, triumphant triunfar, to triumph triunfo, triumph trofeo, trophy trompa, proboscis, trumpet, trunk tronco, trunk trono, throne tropa, troop, herd; Arg., train of pack animals or ox carts tropel, m., hubbub, confusion tropezador, -ora, stumbling tropezar, to stumble tropiezo, obstacle, difficulty, trouble tropilla, Arg., troop, herd trote, m., trot trotÓn, m., trotter trova, ballad trovador, troubadour, minstrel trueno, thunder trueque, m., exchange; truncado, -a, truncated TucumÁn, province of Argentina; also name of capital of said province tucumano, -a, of TucumÁn tumba, tomb, grave tumultuoso, -a, tumultuous tuna, cactus pear, cactus plant tunal, m., cactus, place where cactus grows tÚnica, tunic tupidÍsimo, -a, very dense, thick turba, crowd turbaciÓn, agitation, disturbance turbante, m., turban turbar, to trouble, disturb turbulento, -a, turbulent turno, turn tutela, guardianship, tutelage tutelar, tutelary, protecting ubicar, to place, locate ubicuo, -a, omnipresent, ubiquitous ujier, usher ulterior, later, ulterior, further Últimamente, lastly, in the end Último, -a, last, final umbral, m., threshold umbroso, -a, shady unÁnime, unanimous undÉcimo, -a, eleventh Únicamente, only Único, -a, only, sole, unique unidad, unity uniforme, uniform, constant uniforme, m., uniform; uniÓn, union unir, to join, unite unitario, -a, unitary, unitarian universal, universal universidad, university uno, -a, one, pl., some; uÑa, nail, claw urbano, -a, urban urbe, f., city urgente, urgent usar, to use uso, use, usage Útil, useful vaca, cow vacilaciÓn, vacillation vacilar, to waver, hesitate vacÍo, -a, empty, unburdened vacÍo, hollow, void vado, ford vagabundo, -a, roaming, vagabond vagamente, vaguely vagar, to wander, roam vago, -a, vague vago, idler vajilla, table service valer, to avail, be worth valeroso, -a, valiant, brave valiente, a. and s., valiant; brave man valioso, -a, valuable, powerful valor, m., valor, bravery, value valle, m., valley vanagloria, vainglory vandalaje, m., vandalism vanguardia, vanguard vanidad, vanity vano, -a, vain vapor, m., steam, steamer vaporoso, -a, misty vaquÍa, also written baquÍa, dexterity, expertness vara, yard, yardstick variado, -a, varied variante, m., variant vario, -a, various, varied; pl., several varita, small stick varÓn, male, man varonil, manly vasallo, vassal vasco, -a, Basque, pertaining to the Basque provinces of Spain vaso, vessel, vase, glass vÁstago, offshoot, branch, descendant vasto, -a, vast, immense vate, m., seer, poet V. E., abbr. for Vuestra Excelencia, Your Excellency vecindad, vicinity vecindario, vicinity, district; collect., neighbors vecino, -a, a. and s., neighboring; neighbor, inhabitant, denizen; m. pl., people, inhabitants vedado, -a, forbidden vedija, entangled lock of wool vehemencia, vehemence vehemente, vehement, strong veinte, twenty veintidÓs, twenty-two veintinueve, twenty-nine veintitrÉs, twenty-three vejez, old age vela, vigil, watch; candle vela, sail velar, to keep watch, watch veleidad, fickleness, levity, shilly-shally velero, swift sailing vessel velo, veil velocidad, velocity velorio, vigil for the dead veloz, rapid velozmente, rapidly vencedor, victor vencer, to win, conquer vencimiento, victory, conquest; maturity vendaval, m., wind from the sea vendedor, salesman vender, to sell veneciano, -a, Venetian venerable, venerable veneraciÓn, veneration venganza, vengeance vengar, to avenge venir, to come venta, inn ventaja, advantage ventana, window ventilar, to ventilate ventura, good fortune ver, to see, notice; veracidad, veracity, truth verano, summer verbalmente, verbally verbo, verb verdad, truth verdaderamente, truly, indeed verdadero, -a, true, genuine, veritable, real verde, green verdugo, executioner, tormentor verdura, verdure, greens vereda, walk, path; Arg., sidewalk verificaciÓn, verification versificaciÓn, versification versificador, versifier verso, verse vertiginosamente, rapidly, giddily vertiginoso, -a, giddy, swift vÉrtigo, giddiness vespertino, -a, pertaining to evening vestÍbulo, vestibule, lobby vestido, dress vestigio, trace, vestige vestir, to wear, put on veterano, -a, veteran, seasoned vetusto, -a, old vez, f., occasion, time; vÍa, way viajar, to travel viaje, m., voyage, trip; viajero, traveler vibrante, vibrating vicio, vice, habit vicioso, -a, vicious, corrupt vicisitud, vicissitude, lot vÍctima, victim victoria, victory victorioso, -a, victorious vida, life vidalita, gaucho song vidriera, show case, window viejo, -a, old viento, wind vientre, m., stomach, belly vigilancia, vigilance; vigilante, watchful, alert vigilia, vigil, nocturnal meditation vigor, m., vigor, strength vigorosamente, vigorously vigoroso, -a, vigorous, powerful vihuela, guitar vil, vile, low villa, community vino, wine viÑa, vineyard violaciÓn, violation violencia, violence violento, -a, violent violÍn, m., violin virgen, virgin virginidad, virginity, purity viril, virile, manly virreinato, viceroyalty virrey, viceroy virtud, virtue, quality virtuosÍsimo, -a, very virtuous virulencia, virulence visible, visible visiblemente, visibly visiÓn, vision visita, visit visitar, to visit viso, feature, aspect, outlook vista, look, sight, view; vitalidad, vitality vitualla, food, victuals viuda, widow vivac, m., bivouac vivamente, sharply, vividly vivaque, m., bivouac vÍveres, m. pl., provisions viveza, vivacity, keenness vivienda, dwelling vivir, to live vivÍsimo, -a, very keen, sharp vivo, -a, alive, vivid, eager volador, -ora, flying volante, flying, light; volar, to fly volcÁnico, -a, volcanic volcar, to upset voltear, to throw down, over-power voltigero, voltigeur, light-armed infantry soldier voluntad, will, mind voluntariamente, voluntarily voluntario, -a, voluntary voluntario, volunteer voluntarioso, -a, willful volver, to return, turn; vomitar, to vomit, belch votar, to vote voto, vote, ballot, vow voz, f., voice V. S., abbr. for VueseÑorÍa, Your Lordship vuelo, flight; loftiness in discourse vuelta, turn; vulgar, vulgar, commonplace vulgarÍsimo, -a, very vulgar, commonplace vulgo, crowd, populace y, and ya, already, even, now; with a negative, no longer; yacer, to lie yermo, -a, waste, desert yerto, -a, stiff, inert, lifeless yugo, yoke yunta, pair, yoke zafar, to untie zaga, rear of anything; zagal, shepherd zamarra, sheepskin coat zanja, ditch zanjÓn, m., deep ditch Zaragoza, city in Spain zarpar, to weigh anchor, set sail zona, zone, belt zoolÓgico, -a, zoÖlogical zorzal, m., thrush zozobra, worry, anguish zumbido, buzzing Zupay, m., mythical character in the Quichua Indian traditions; represents the evil spirit of the forest San Lorenzo, name of the first battle fought by San MartÍn against the Spaniards. Suipacha, Salta, TucumÁn. General Balcarce defeated the Spaniards at Suipacha, as did General Belgrano at the battles of Salta and TucumÁn. (OrÁn, port in Algeria. MÁscara, town in Algeria, to the southeast of OrÁn. azotera. In Argentina reins are often made long enough so that the ends may be used as a whip; these constitute the azotera. no se hable, let us not speak.) “As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean.”