The Explanation of the Embleme.
1 Upon His Majesties calling this last Parliament.
2 Upon the Earl of Straffords death .
3 Vpon His Majesties going to the House of Commons.
4 Upon the Insolency of the Tumults.
5 Upon His Majesties passing the Bill for the Trienniall
6 Upon His Majesties retirement from Westminster.
7 Upon the Queenes departure and absence out of England.
8 Upon His Majesties repulse at Hull, and the fates of the Hothams.
9 Upon the lifting, and raising Armies against the King .
10 Upon their seizing the Kings Magazines, Forts, Navy, and Militia.
11 Upon the 19 Propositions first sent to the King; and more afterwards.
12 Upon the Rebellion, and troubles in Ireland.
13 Upon the calling in of the Scots , and their Comming.
14 Upon the Covenant.
15 Vpon the many Jealousies raised, and Scandals cast upon the
16 Upon the Ordinance against the Common-Prayer Book.
17 Of the differences between the KING and the two Houses, in Point of Church-Government.
18 Upon Uxbridge Treaty, and other Offers made by the King .
19 Upon the various events of the warre, victories, and defeats.
20 Upon the Reformation of the Times.
21 Upon his Majesties Letters taken and divulged.
22 Upon His Majesties Leaving Oxford, and going to the Scots.
23 Upon the Scots delivering the KING to the English, and His Captivity at Holmeby.
24 Upon their denying His Majestie the Attendance of His Chaplains.
25. Penitential Meditations and Vows in the Kings solitude at Holmby .
26 Upon the Armies surprisall of the King at Holmby, and the
27 To the Prince of Wales.
28 Meditations upon Death, after the Votes of Non-Addresses,
Vota dabunt, quAE Bella negarunt.
A PRAYER in time of Captivitie.
Another PRAYER.
A Prayer and Confession made in and for the times of Affliction.
A PRAYER in time of imminent Danger.
A Copie of a Letter which was sent from the Prince to the KING; Dated from the Hague Jan . 23. 1648.
For the King.
Munday 29th January, 1648.
A true Relation of the KINGS Speech to the Lady Elisabeth , and
Another Relation from the Lady Elisabeths own Hand.
Another Relation from the Lady Elisabeth.
An Epitaph upon King Charls.