
The Advantages of Travel—Introductory 3
The Development of the Northwest—St. Paul and Minneapolis 7, 8
Minnesota Lakes and their Attractions for the Angler 8–10
Brainerd, Duluth, Superior and Ashland 10
Red River Valley 12
The Changes of a Half Century 13
Great Wheat Farms of Dakota, and the Capital of the Territory 14
“Bad Lands” of the Little Missouri 15, 16
Yellowstone River 16–19
Yellowstone National Park 20–22
Helena and the Romance of Mining 23–26
Main Range of the Rocky Mountains 26, 27
Butte City, the greatest Mining Camp in the World 27–30
The Flathead Country 30, 31
Clark's Fork and Lake Pend d'Oreille 31–34
Spokane Falls 35
Palouse and Walla Walla Wheat Countries 36, 37
The Columbia River 37–40
Portland 40, 41
The Willamette Valley and Southern Oregon 42, 43
The Lower Columbia and City of Astoria, with Fisheries 43–46
Western Washington: its Scenery and Resources 46
The Sovereign Mountain: Tacoma 47
Puget Sound 48–54
Victoria, British Columbia 55, 56
Discovery Passage 58
Queen Charlotte Sound 60
Varieties of Fish found in Inland Passage 62
Wrangell, Alaska 63, 64
Indian Life, Facilities for Studying 67–71
Sitka, Alaska 73–77
Hot Springs Bay, Alaska 77
Climate of Sitka 79
Land of the Chilkats 81–84
Juneau, Alaska, and the Mines of Douglas Island 84–86
Glacier Bay 86–92
Glaciers of Alaska 93–95
Mount St. Elias 95, 96


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