Accident, Stoic explanation of, 83-85.
Adversity, test of Christian character, 276.
Altruism, 10-15, 222.
Ambition, 143-144, 182.
Amputation of morbid reflections, 33.
Apperception, 66-70.
Limitations of, 212-213.
Summary of, 213-214.
Celibacy, 180-181.
Chastity, 202-204.
Courage, 204-206.
Friendship, 209-212.
Need of instruments, 191-194.
Pleasure, 160-175.
Prudence, 200.
Social nature of man, 176-179.
Temperance, 201.
Test of character, 184.
The end, 179-191.
The mean, 194-198.
The virtues, 199-208.
Wealth, 192.
Wisdom, 199.
Completed in Christianity, 284-287.
Arnold, Matthew, 100, 107.
Avarice, 146-147.
Bacteria, on the whole beneficent, 84-85.
Beatitudes, 265.
Blessedness of Love, 264-277.
Boss, political, evolution of, 150-151.
Carlyle, 160-161, 190.
Celestial Surgeon, 19.
Celibacy, 180-181.
Chastity, 202-204, 229-232.
Cheerfulness, 19.
Church government, 240.
Forgiveness, 259-260.
Joy, 275.
Modesty, 265.
Peace, 270-272.
Sacrifice, 254-256, 273-274.
Use and misuse of creeds, 241-243.
Worship, 240.
Interpretation of—
Art, 249-251.
Business, 249-251.
Divorce, 233-235.
Marriage, 228.
Murder, 225-228.
Pleasure, 255.
Politics, 249-251.
Profanity, 235.
Science, 249-251.
Wealth, 248-252.
The completion of—
Aristotle, 284-287.
Epicureanism, 277-279.
Plato, 282-284.
Stoicism, 279-282.
Missionary character of, 262-263.
In need of intellectual honesty, 241-243.
Supremacy of, 277-291.
Christmas Sermon, Stevenson's, 19.
Circumstances alter acts, 129.
Cleanthes' hymn, 97-99.
Clubs, women's, 188-189.
Commandments, Aristotelian, 213.
Cosmopolitanism, Stoic, 94-95.
Courage, 204-206.
Cowardice, 128.
Creeds, 241-243.
Cynicism, 82.
Cynic's prayer, 96-97.
Death, Christian triumph over, 281.
Epicurean disposition of, 7, 8, 45.
Stoic view of, 73, 77.
Whitman on, 18.
Degeneration, Plato's stages of, 143-153.
Democracy, ancient and modern, 122.
Plato on, 147-149.
Depression, 32-33.
Diet, 5, 21-22, 124-126.
Difficulty, Stoic attitude toward, 75-76.
Divorce, logical outcome of Epicureanism, 44.
Christian attitude toward, 233-235.
Education, Plato's scheme of, 131-138.
Egoism, duty of adequate, 10-15.
Electricity, beneficent, 84.
Eliot, George, 46-51.
Emerson, 165-167.
End, not justification of means, 178-179.
Epictetus, 71-77, 81, 84, 87, 88, 89, 96, 97.
Day, 34-35.
Definition of personality, 37, 51.
Gods, 9, 95.
Heaven, 45.
Man, 40-41.
Woman, 42-44.
Epicureanism, defects of, 36-45, 110, 159, 169-172.
Merits of, 23-25, 52-53.
Parasitic character of, 40, 44-45, 52.
Epicurus, 1-9.
Equality, Plato on, 148.
Evil, Stoic solution of, 87-90.
Eye of good man upon us, 6.
Fighting, a Christian duty, 270-272.
Fitzgerald, 15-16.
Forgiveness, 79, 259-260.
Fortitude, 126-129.
Friendship, 6, 166-167, 209-212.
Gentleness before all morality, 19.
Gilbert, W.S., To the Terrestrial Globe, 108.
Gluttony, 125.
Golden Rule, 223.
Good, the, according to Plato, 130.
Gravitation, beneficent, 83-84.
Gyges' ring, 115-116.
Handles, two to everything, 71.
Happiness and Virtue, 264.
Harmony, effect of, in education, 134.
Health, 10-13, 69.
Henley, To R. T. H. B., 100.
Heretic, definition of, 53-54.
Honesty, intellectual, 241-243.
Horace, Ode on Philosophy of Life, 10.
Humility, 265.
Hurry, 29-30.
Imaginary presence
of good man, 6.
Independence of outward goods, 4, 74.
Indifference to external things, 71, 77-78, 81.
Intellectual honesty, 241-243.
Jesus' three ways of teaching, 215-218.
Joy, 275.
Judas meets himself, 79.
Judging others, 260.
Judgment, Epicurean, Stoic, Platonic, and Aristotelian, 183.
Christian, 220-221.
Kant, categorical imperative, 86.
Good-will only real good, 85-86.
Uncompromising modern Stoic, 85.
Law, Jewish, transcended by Christianity, 219-238.
Stoic reverence for, 82-86.
Liberty, excess of, leads to slavery, 149.
Lincoln's letter to Greeley, 198.
Literature in education, 132-135.
Love, Christian, 215-291.
Lucretius, 8-9.
Marcus Aurelius, 77, 96.
Marriage, 228.
Mean, Aristotle's doctrine of the, 194-198.
Meekness, 268.
Melancholy, 33-34.
Mental healing, 30, 66, 70.
Mercy, 269.
Mill, Christian elements in his doctrine, 63.
Definition of happiness, 54.
Distinction in quality of happiness, 55-57.
Incompleteness of doctrine, 277-278.
Inconsistency of, 57-58, 63-65.
On social nature of man, 60-62.
Missionary character of Christianity, 262-263.
Modesty, 265.
Morrow, how meet most pleasantly, 7.
Murder, Christian definition of, 225-228.
Mysticism, 164.
Narrow way, 101-106, 279-282.
Two principles of, 101.
Temperance, 200-204.
Theatre, 27.
Tito Melema, 46-51.
Tranquillity, 75.
Travel, foreign, the paradise of Epicurean women, 42.
Trial, Stoic endurance of, 75,89-90.
Tyranny, Plato on, 149-153.
Tyrant, most miserable of men, 153.
Unrighteousness the greatest evil, 140-141, 154-157.
Vexation, Stoic formula for, 78.
Virtue, 87-88, 110-116, 199-208.
Wealth, 4-5, 67-69, 145-148, 182, 248-252.
Whitman, Walt, 17, 18.
Wisdom, 129-131, 199.
Work, excessive, 10-15, 23-25.
Worry, folly of, 24, 29-30, 33, 252-253.
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