A Abbreviations, 287. Accidents, 3, 107–109, 291. Accuracy, 145, 168, 209, 212, 290. Addresses, style of, 278, 279, 286, 288, 290, 310. Advertising, 28. Ages, how written, 286. Animal story, 253. Announcements, of engagements, 210; social, 212; stories on, 121; wedding, 209. Article beginning, 43, 80. Assignments, 5, 29. Associated Press, 10. Association, City Press, 10, 193. Athletic news, 219–232, 278, 283. B Baseball stories, 219. Beat, or run, 5, 29. Beat, or scoop, 6, 30. Beginning of lead, 80, 89; with article, 43, 80; with name, 57, 85, 161, 175, 180, 195, 249; with time, 47. Beginnings of court reports, 195–200; of human interest stories, 244–250; of interview stories, 179–187; of speech reports, 151–164. Big story, 5, 31; following–up of, 140; handling of, 116; resulting interviews from, 176, 187. Bills, stories on legislative, 121. Body of the story, 45, 76; discussion of, 91; of court reports, 200; of follow stories, 129; of human interest stories, 250; of interview stories, 185; of news stories, 122; of obituaries, 216; of speech reports, 164. Book, of tips, 3, 295; style, 33, 276–293. Box, 32, 188. Break, to, 31. Brevity, 13, 206, 217, 231. Brief summary athletic story, 222. Bulletins, stories on, 121. Business office, 28. C Capitalization, 276–281. Circulation, 15, 28. City editor, 2, 29. City Press Association, 10, 193. Classes of readers, 16. Clause beginning of lead, 82. Clean copy, 30. Clearness, 91, 104, 123. Clippings, 295. Coherence, 166, 266. Column, 32. Compositor, 30. Compounds and divisions of words, 285. Concreteness, 104, 293. Conferences, reports of, 119. Continued case beginning, 196. CoÖperation in newsgathering, 10, 193. Copy, 30; preparation of, 289. Copyreader, 29. Copyreading, 311. Corrected, stories to be, 311. Correspondent, work of, 2; instructions to, 11, 223. Court reporting, 4; discussion of, 192–203, 281. Cover, to, 29. Crime, stories on, 110–116. Criticism, dramatic, 259–275. Crowd, used as feature, 68. Cub reporter, 28. Cynicism, 235, 252. D Datelines, 283, 310. Dates, how written, 278, 286, 290. Day city editor, 29. Dead, lists of, 63. Death element, 3, 22, 61, 73, 107. Decisions, reports of, 119. Definiteness, 104. Desk man, 29. Despatch, 12, 222. Dialogue, use of, 103; in court reports, 200; in human interest stories, 245, 251; rules for, 283. Dictation of stories, 298. Diction, 290–293. Directories, stories on, 121. Distance, effect of, 11, 20. Division of words, 285. Don'ts, in dramatic reporting, 265; in general, 290; in leads, 85–90. Down style, 33. Dramatic reporting, 259–275. E Editing, 30, 144. Editor, 29; day or night city, 2, 29; sporting, 29, 219; state, 2; Sunday, 29; telegraph, 2, 29. Editorial room, 28. Editorial writers, 29. Elections, 3, 277, 281, 288. Emphasis, 102. Engagement announcements, 210. Entertainments, reports of, 210. Exaggeration, 22, 89. Expected news, 3. F Faults in news stories, 75–104. Faulty stories to be corrected, 311. Feature, the, 27, 31, 37, 41, 50, 106–122, 125, 150, 175, 195, 228, 244, 266; crowd as, 68; death as, 61, 73; exaggeration for, 89; fire fighting as, 67; how, 57; in accident stories, 107; in football stories, 219–232; in human interest stories, 233–255; in murder stories, 114; in police stories, 118; in robbery stories, 110; in speech reports, 150; in suicide stories, 115; injuries as, 65; more than one, 70; playing up of, 27, 31; property threatened as, 66; rescues as, 65; unexpected attendant circums
/a>. News story form, 34–40. News tips, 3, 30, 295. News values, 11, 14–27, 38, 41, 204, 233. Newspaper terms, 28–33. Night city editor, 29. Nose for news, viii. Notebook, 170. Note taking, in athletic reporting, 230; in court reporting, 194; in dramatic reporting, 267; in interviewing, 170; in speech reporting, 144. Noun beginning of lead, 80. O Obituaries, 214. Order of narrative (see Narrative order). Outlining of a story, 99. P Paragraph length, 75, 290. Paragraphing, 48, 75, 166, 186, 290. Participial phrase beginning for lead, 83, 158. Parts of a news story, 46, 76, 91. Pathetic story, 238. Pathos, 24, 198, 238. Personal appeal, 25, 249. Personal news, 20, 204. Photographs, 13. Playing up, 31; of the feature, 27, 31. Point of view of newspaper, 8. Police court news, 4, 118. Policy, 26. Political news, 25. Practice, 294. Preparation of copy, 289. Prepositional phrase beginning, 82. Press Associations, 10, 193. Printed matter, stories on, 121. Prominent names, 23, 57, 108–116, 150, 161, 178. Proof, 30. Proofreader's signs, 32, 290. Property losses as features, 23, 55. Property threatened as feature, 66. Public records, 4. "Punch," 13. Punctuation, 281. Purpose of newspapers, 14. Q Q. & A. testimony, 201, 283, 288. Queries, 12. Questions, reader's customary, as features, 51; in fire stories, 38, 42, 50, 77; in follow stories, 132; in human interest stories, 233; in interview stories, 179; in obituaries, 215; in other news stories, 106; in speech reports, 150. Quotation beginnings, direct, 151, 153, 183, 198, 245; indirect, 154. Quotations, 103, 146, 164, 186, 189, 200, 284. Quoting, rules for, 284. R Range of news sources, 20. Readers, classes of, 16. Reader's customary questions. See Questions. Receptions, 210, 291. Rehashing, 125–130. Related stories, 140, 176, 187. Releasing a story, 31, 144. Reporter, 2, 28, 170, 186, 219, 235, 258, 259, 292. Reporting court news, 192–202, 281. Reports, dramatic, 259–275; of meetings, conferences, decisions, etc., 119; of speeches, sermons, lectures, etc., 143–168. Rescues as features, 65. Rewrite man, 125. Rewrite story, 32, 125–130. Robberies, 110, 291. Runs, or beats, 5, 29. Running a story, 30. Running story, 31, 189, 200, 223, 227. S Sarcasm, 274. Scoop, or beat, 6, 30. Season story, 257. Second day story, 32, 125, 130–140. Sensationalism, 18, 90, 234. Sentence length, 76. Sermons, reports of, 3, 143–168. Set up, to, 30. Simple fire story, 40–49. Slang, 28, 292. Slash, to, 37, 92. Slug, 30. Sob squad, 236. Social announcements, 212. Social news, 204–214. Sources of news, 4, 29. Speaker beginning, 161, 180. Special feature story, 255. Speech reports, 3, 143–168, 284, 291. Sporting editor, 29, 219. Sporting news, 219–232. Staff, 28. State editor, 2. Stenographic reports, 144, 194. Stickful, 32. Stories to be corrected, 311. Storms, 3, 116. Story, 30; baseball, 219–232; big, see Big story; body of, see Body of the story; faults in news, 75–104; feature fire, 50–74; fire, 38, 40, 105, 122; follow, follow–up, or second day, 32, 125, 130–140; form of news, 34–40; news, 34–40, 50, 75, 105–124; on announcements, bulletins, and other printed matter, 121; on legislative bills, 121; parts of news, 45, 76, 91; police court, 118; related, 140; rewrite, 32, 125–130; running, 31, 189, 200, 223, 227; simple fire, 41–49; special feature, 255; summary athletic, 222; unusual social, 213. Street numbers, 278, 279, 286, 288, 290, 292, 310. Style, 13, 33, 103, 233, 251. Style Book, 33, 276–293. Suggestions for study, 4, 294. Suicide stories, 115, 291. Summary beginning, for court reports, 197; for interview stories, 182, 188; for speech reports, 157. Sums of money, 281, 286, 290. Sunday editor, 29. Superlatives, 222, 292. T Tables of athletic results, 232, 283. Taking notes. See Note taking. Telegraph editor, 2, 29. Telegraph queries, 12. Telephone, use of, 13. Terms, newspaper, 28–33. Testimony, 200. That–clause beginning, in interview stories, 182; in speech reports, 154. Theatrical news, 259–275, 284. Time, indication of, 281, 286. Time beginning, 47. Timeliness, in general, 19; in human interest stories, 238,
256, 286; in interviews, 176, 187. Tips, 3, 30, 295. Title beginning of speech report, 160. Titles, use of, 276, 277, 279, 282, 284, 287, 290, 292. Track news, 219, 223. Truthfulness, 8; in general, 290; in human interest stories, 239; in interviewing, 179; in speech reporting, 145, 168. Typewriter, use of, 289. U Unexpected attendant circumstances, 60. Unexpected news, 2. Uniformity, 33, 34, 289. United Press, 10. Unusual social stories, 213. Unusualness, 24, 213. Up style, 33. Uplift run, 236, 254. Usual football story, 223. V Values, news, 11, 14, 27, 38, 41, 204, 233. Vaudeville reports, 264. Vernacular, newspaper, 28. Vividness, 104, 114, 116. W Weather story, 256. Wedding announcements, 209. Wedding story, 206. What, as feature, 55. When, as feature, 54. Where, as feature, 52. Who, as feature, 57. Why, as feature, 51. Wordiness, 87. Y Yarn, 30.
Transcriber's Note: Inconsistencies in spelling, hyphenation, punctuation and in spacing in abbreviations have been retained as in the original, along with deliberate misspellings and errors in "News Stories to be Corrected" in Appendix II. |